
Lost feeling

The fresh wind is coming through the open wind making room chiller as night goes. After a long, hard preparation of tomorrow’s new day making me sick. New school, new students which is 13th time. As time goes, I gradually developed feeling of not talking to anyone, just existing.

Khulan_B · Masa Muda
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1 Chs

Who are you

The fresh wind is coming through the open wind making room chiller as night goes. After a long, hard preparation of tomorrow's new day making me sick. New school, new students which is 13th time. As time goes, I gradually developed feeling of not talking to anyone, just existing.

* * *

As green as dark forest, but has a shine on it. The eyes of one who loves and adores life that is way too different from me. While warm eyes are glaring at me I feel soft hug of someone, filling me with warmth. In the dawn, the chiller room with warm blanket is the most comfortable thing in the world. After waking up and stretching I thought about that dream, can't come up with what was inside of it, but it filled me with joy.

* * *

The first day of school, sitting inside the bus, giving a glance over the people inside of it makes me laugh. It is only 7:30, but they all seem to be sleepiness. However the one girl with a amusing red leather bag is standing tall not being bothered by heaviness on her back seems the type of mature girl. But she seems to be over 8 years old. Right after that girl is the big tall man whom I can't stop my eyes running over his body, has green eyes.

* * *

The school bell rung and it is time to introduce myself. But teacher is running late, so eventually I stand right beside the class room. Seeing inside of it is funny because they seem to be the type of ones that I would never talk to. And teacher comes with a rush, calling me to come inside, the laugh on my face fades, I hate introducing myself to strangers, maybe that is the reason why I haven't that many friends. So I introduce myself with only my name just faking smile, thinking of the yesterday's warm blanket. Teacher tell me to sit right beside the window, I give a point to her making me sit beside window. As I am going to my seat, students starts laughing, looking behind me is the green eyed boy, sweating like the sinner in church gives the definition that he run to here. He was with me in the bus, but have no idea where he went. The sight from window is amusing. Big green forest and countryside school.


Hello my fellow werewolf lovers. It is great to write about the sight of my werewolf imagination and letting ones read is absolutely great experience. So enjoy it.

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