
Lost , But found love

Relationship requires openess,that brings vulnerability.If you open up ,you risk getting hurt.If you dont ,you may never know the relationship you deserve . Lolu chibuike has always been an introvert. and someone who likes privacy .he finds it difficult to make friends with people,but the whole stroy changes when he enrolled Into Calgary university. I could see her staring at me ,i move closer to her and grabed her closer to my chest.i blushed and whispered into her ear I think i wanna start over i'm giving love a second chance .

Official_Dara · Fantasi
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14 Chs

Chapter Eleven

Lolu and his friends were finally in school after the long holiday. They were really happy to be back in school again. "As Lolu and Jayson waved goodbye to the girls, they felt a mixture of excitement. They were also excited to be back at school. The girls smiled and waved back, their long hair blowing in the breeze. The hostel, with its red brick walls and white trim, looked like a warm and welcoming place to call home. As Lolu and Jayson turned to head back to their own dorm, they knew that it was going to be a great year." As Lolu and Jayson entered their room, they were exhausted from the long journey back to school. They both flopped onto the bed, their bodies sinking into the soft mattress. As they stared up at the ceiling, the familiar feeling of being back at school washed over them. The smells and sounds of the dorm were like old friends, welcoming them home. "It really good to be back again", said lolu. "Yeah it is".Lolu and Jayson lay in silence for a while, but soon the sound of laughter and chatter drifted in from the hallway. The dorm was coming to life, and the boys could feel the energy and excitement in the air. They got up and went to the door, peeking out into the hall. There they saw students carrying boxes, unpacking their things, and chatting with friends.As Lolu and Jayson watched the hustle and bustle of the dorm, they felt a nudge at their feet. They looked down to see a small, fluffy cat pawing at their shoes. The cat meowed up at them, its eyes wide and pleading. Lolu and Jayson smiled and bent down to pet the cat, and it purred contentedly. "Where did you come from?" Lolu asked the cat. The cat just blinked up at him, as if to say, "I'm here now, and that's all that matters". Lolu and Jayson decided to name the cat Oliver, and they quickly grew fond of their new furry friend. As they got ready for bed that night, Oliver curled up at the foot of the bed, purring softly. When morning came, they woke up to find Oliver sitting on the windowsill, gazing out at the sunrise. "He's quite the character, isn't he?" said Lolu, scratching Oliver behind the ears. "I think he's perfect," said Jayson, smiling. And so the boys and their new friend began their life at the dorm. 


As Hermione entered the dorm room, she spotted her roommate, Doyin, unpacking her things. Hermione's heart leapt with joy at the sight of her friend. "Doyin!" she exclaimed, running over to hug her. Doyin looked up, a smile spreading across her face. "Hermione! I'm so glad to see you!" they said as they embraced. The room was filled with the warmth of their friendship, and it felt like home. As Doyin and Hermione shared their holiday stories, they felt like no time had passed since they'd last seen each other. It was as if they'd never left calgary at all. They talked about the books they'd read, the places they'd visited, and the adventures they'd had. It was as if they were picking up right where they'd left off. "I'm so glad to be back with you, Hermione," Doyin said, her eyes shining. "I feel like I can truly be myself when I'm with you." Doyin and Hermione chatted excitedly about their holiday adventures, as if they were picking up right where they'd left off. "And then, I went to see my family in Nigeria," Doyin said, her eyes shining. "It was so wonderful to see everyone again and to spend time with my sister's friend monife , We had such a good time together!" Hermione smiled, happy to hear about Doyin's trip. "That sounds incredible," she said. Hermione's face lit up as she told Doyin about her holiday with her friends. "We went to all the best shops in London, and we had such a great time exploring the city," she said. "We even went to the theater and saw a play! It was such a magical experience." Doyin smiled, loving hearing about Hermione's adventures. "It sounds like you had a wonderful time," she said. "I'm so glad you got to spend time with your friends". Hermione and Doyin were chatting about the classes they were excited to take, and the professors they were looking forward to learning from. "I've heard great things about Professor McGonagall," Hermione said. "She's supposed to be a really tough but fair teacher." Doyin nodded. "And I've heard that Professor Flitwick is a good man ," she said. "I can't wait to see what he's like in class!".After chatting for a while, Hermione and Doyin decided they were getting hungry. "Let's head down to the cafeteria," Hermione suggested. "I'm starving!" Doyin agreed. So the two friends gathered up their belongings and headed down to the food Hall, chatting and laughing as they walked. The smell of food wafted through the air as they approached the hall, making their mouths water. As Hermione and Doyin entered the cafeteria, they were amazed by the feast that lay before them. Golden plates were piled high with all kinds of delicious food: roast chicken, mashed potatoes, steaming vegetables, and more. "Wow!" Doyin exclaimed. "It's like a magical buffet!" Hermione grinned. "I know, right?" she said. "It's hard to believe this is all for welcoming the students". 

As Hermione and Doyin finished their dinner, they left the cafeteria feeling full and content. They made their way back to their hostel, talking about the classes they were excited for. "I think this semester will be really interesting," Hermione said. "I've heard Professor frank is a bit intense, but I'm ready for the challenge!" Doyin laughed. "You're such a nerd," she teased. "I guess I am," Hermione admitted, smiling. "But I love learning new things!".


Inside Slyvia's hostel room, the two friends were sitting on the bed, chatting and laughing. "So, tell me all about your holiday in London!" Kelly said, with excitement in her eyes. "Oh, it was amazing!" Slyvia replied, gushing. "I saw all the major landmarks, and the shopping was incredible!" She went on to describe the sights and sounds of London, from the bustling crowds in Piccadilly Circus to the majestic view from the top of the London Eye. As Slyvia and Kelly continued talking, they heard a knock at the door. "Come in!" Slyvia called, and the door swung open to reveal their roommate, Charlotte. "Hey, guys!" Charlotte said, beaming. "What's up?" Slyvia and Kelly greeted Charlotte, and then Slyvia said, "We were just talking about our holidays. Charlotte, tell us about yours!" Charlotte's face lit up as she began to describe her trip to Paris. "It was such an amazing trip!" Charlotte said, a faraway look in her eyes. "I spent so much time exploring the city, visiting museums, and eating delicious food!" "Tell us more about the food!" Slyvia exclaimed, her mouth watering at the thought of all the delicious French cuisine. Charlotte smiled and launched into a detailed description of the various dishes she had sampled, from croissants to macarons to escargot. "I was in foodie heaven!" she declared. After hearing all about Charlotte's culinary adventures, Slyvia and Kelly were feeling hungry themselves. "Let's go to the dining hall and get some lunch!" Slyvia suggested. "That sounds like a great idea!" Charlotte agreed. The three friends gathered up their things and headed out the door, eager to refuel after a morning of storytelling. As they made their way to the dining hall, they chatted about their upcoming classes and what they were looking forward to. As they entered the dining hall, Slyvia, Kelly, and Charlotte were met with the delicious smells of lunchtime fare. The dining hall was bustling with activity, and they had to weave their way through the crowd to find a table. After grabbing some plates and silverware, they headed to the buffet to choose their meals. Slyvia piled her plate high with salad, pasta, and a piece of garlic bread. Kelly chose a burger and fries, while Charlotte went for a sandwich and soup. "This is going to be so good!" Slyvia said, sitting down at the table. As the three friends dug into their lunches, they chatted about their plans for the rest of the day. "I think I'm going to hit the library after this," Charlotte said, taking a bite of her sandwich. "I've got a big paper due next week, and I need to get started on it." "Good idea!" Kelly agreed. "I should probably study for my upcoming math test too." Slyvia, on the other hand, had a different idea. "I think I'm going to go for a walk on campus after this," she said. "Won't you call lolu", said Kelly. "I would", she replied. As Slyvia headed out into the sunshine, she felt a sense of calm and relaxation wash over her. The campus was beautiful, with its lush green lawns and towering trees. She strolled along the pathways, taking in the sights and sounds around her. A gentle breeze blew through the air, rustling the leaves of the trees and carrying the scent of freshly cut grass. Slyvia closed her eyes and took a deep breath, savoring the moment. 


It was the first day back at school, and Monife Chibuike was chatting and laughing with her friends in the hallway. The hustle and bustle of students returning to school filled the air, creating a lively atmosphere. Monife and her friends were catching up on their summer vacations, sharing stories and laughs. They were all glad to be back at school and seeing their friends again. The hallways were filled with the sound of lockers slamming shut, and the scent of fresh school supplies wafted through the air. Monife couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement for the new school year ahead. As Monife was chatting with her friends, she spotted Desola coming down the hallway. "Desola!" she exclaimed, breaking away from her friends and running over to hug her. Desola was Monife's best friend, and they had been inseparable . "It's so good to see you!" Desola said, hugging Monife back. They stood there for a moment. Then they both looked around and saw their other friends waiting for them.Monife and Desola joined their friends again, and they all started walking down the hallway, chatting and laughing as they went. "So, what's new?" Desola asked the group. One of their friends, Ada, spoke up. "I got a new phone over the summer!" she said excitedly. "It's the latest model, and it has all the latest features!" Monife and the others oohed and aahed over Ada's new phone, and Ada showed them all the cool things it could do. They were all impressed and a little bit jealous. As they continued chatting, the group turned a corner and ran straight into another group of students. There was a brief moment of awkwardness, but then everyone started laughing. Monife recognized one of the girls in the other group as Ifeoma, a girl she'd had a bit of a rivalry with in the past. But today, Monife decided to try to be friendly. "Hey, Ifeoma!" she said with a smile. Ifeoma looked a little surprised, but she smiled back. "Hey, Monife!" she said. Maybe this year, they could put their differences aside and just be friends. 

Just as the two groups of friends were getting along, Monife spotted someone else walking down the hallway towards them. It was Thoneey, her boyfriend! Monife's heart skipped a beat as she saw him. She quickly excused herself from her friends and ran over to him. "Hey, Thoneey!" she said, wrapping her arms around him. Thoneey smiled and hugged her back. "Hey there, beautiful!" he said. Monife felt so happy to be back with her boyfriend after the long summer apart. Monife and Thoneey stood there for a moment, just enjoying each other's company. Then, Thoneey spoke up. "So, what's new with you?" he asked. Monife thought for a moment. "Well, not much," she said. "Except for the fact that I missed you so much!" Thoneey's face lit up at her words. "I missed you too, so much!" he said, his voice full of emotion. Monife felt so lucky to have Thoneey as her boyfriend. They really had something special. Monife and Thoneey started walking down the hallway, hand in hand. They were talking and laughing as they went, just enjoying each other's company. Then, they rounded a corner and came face to face with a group of students. At the front of the group was none other than Bidemi, a guy who had a reputation for being a bit of a player. He was known for flirting with lots of girls and then breaking their hearts. When Bidemi saw Monife and Thoneey, his eyes lit up. Uh oh!. Bidemi started to move towards Monife and Thoneey, a smirk on his face. Monife felt a twinge of worry, but she tried to keep her cool. "Hey, Bidemi," she said, as calmly as she could. Bidemi gave her a charming smile. "Hey, Monife," he said, his eyes flicking over to Thoneey. "So the rumours is true , you guys are now dating" he said, his tone hinting at something more. Thoneey's grip on Monife's hand tightened slightly. Oh boy, this was not going to be good. Bidemi looked directly at Thoneey and extended his hand. "I'm monife's old friend" he said, in a suave tone. Thoneey just looked at his hand for a moment, then slowly reached out and shook it. "Cool," he said, his voice even. The tension in the air was thick. Monife wanted to break the awkward silence, so she spoke up. "Bidemi, the rumours you heard was true ,this is my boyfriend, .Bidemi's eyes widened slightly, but he quickly recovered. "It's nice to meet you," Bidemi said, his tone a bit colder than before. Thoneey just nodded in response. The tension was palpable. Monife felt a bit nervous, but she tried to stay calm. Suddenly, Thoneey spoke up. "So, what brings you here, Bidemi?" he asked. Bidemi's smile turned a bit smug. "I just happened to be in the area," he said, his eyes flicking towards Monife again. Uh oh, Monife thought. This was not going to end well. "Well, it was nice to meet you, Bidemi," Thoneey said, his voice cool and collected. "But, if you don't mind, Monife and I were in the middle of something." Bidemi's eyes narrowed slightly. "Oh, I don't mind at all," he said, his tone just a bit too polite. "I just wanted to say hello. You have a good day now." With that, he turned and walked away, a smirk on his face. Monife and Thoneey both breathed a sigh of relief. That was close!. Monife looked up at Thoneey and smiled. "Thank you for that," she said. Thoneey smiled back. "No problem, love," he said. "I don't like the way that guy looks at you." Monife felt a rush of affection for Thoneey. He always knew how to make her feel safe and loved. She leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "You're the best," she said, her heart full. Thoneey blushed a bit, but his eyes were full of love. "So, what were we talking about before we were so rudely interrupted?" Thoneey asked, his voice teasing. Monife laughed. "I think we were talking about our favorite classes this year," she said. Thoneey nodded. "Ah, yes! I'm really looking forward to the school tgings. I hear the new teacher supposed to be really good," he said. Monife nodded. "I'm excited for that one too! I also think Transfiguration is going to be really interesting," she said. Monife and Thoneey were chatting in the hallway of their secondary school, their books tucked under their arms. "I can't believe we're already back in school!" Monife said, a bit of a sigh in her voice. Thoneey nodded. "Yeah, it's crazy how fast the summer went by," he agreed. They both had mixed feelings about being back in school, but they were glad to see their friends again. As they continued chatting, they heard a shout from down the hall. "Oi, Monife! Thoneey!" It was their friend, Sofia waving them over. Monife and Thoneey grinned and started walking towards her. "Hey, sofia!" Monife called out. "How was your summer?" Sofia grinned as they approached. "It was great! I got to go to the beach with my family," she said. "It was so much fun!" Thoneey laughed. "I bet you got a wicked tan!" he teased. Sofia rolled her eyes. "Alright, alright, I get it!" she said, pretending to be annoyed. "I know you're just jealous of my golden glow!" They all laughed, and then sofia turned serious. "But really, I'm so glad to be back here with you guys," she said, her voice sincere. Monife smiled. "We're glad to be back with you too," she said. Thoneey nodded in agreement. "It's always more fun when we're all together," he said. They all grinned, feeling happy to be reunited. As the three friends were chatting, they noticed someone approaching from the other end of the hall. It was their friend, Desola! They all waved to her as she got closer. "Hey, you guys!" Desola said, her face lighting up. She turned to Sofia. "How was your summer?" she asked. Sofia grinned. "It was awesome! I'm so glad to be back here with you guys!" Desola nodded. "Same here! , She said. 

As the day came to a close, Monife and Desola said their goodbyes to Thoneey and Sofia , "See you guys tomorrow!" Sofia called as they walked away. Monife and Desola started making their way out of the school. "I'm so glad we live in the same estate," Desola said, as they started walking towards the gate. Monife nodded. "It's so convenient, isn't it?" she said. "Plus, it's nice to have a friend to walk home with." Desola smiled. "Definitely!", Said monife. As Monife and Desola reached the entrance to their estate, they said their goodbyes. "See you tomorrow!" Monife called, waving to her friend. Desola waved back, then turned and walked towards her apartment, while Monife headed in the other direction towards her house. It was always nice to have someone to walk home with, but Monife also enjoyed the quiet of the walk home alone. She could let her thoughts wander and just enjoy the peace. As Monife walked through the door, she was greeted by her mom, who was busy in the kitchen. "Welcome home, Monife!" her mother called out. "How was your day back at school?. "It was good!" Monife replied, as she took off her shoes and put them in the closet. "I'm glad to be back." Monife's father looked up from the gas where he was cooking dinner. "I'm glad to have you back, too!" he said, with a smile. "Now, how about a snack?" Monife's stomach rumbled at the mention of food. "Yes, please!" she said, grinning. Her father chuckled and handed her a plate of fresh fruit and some cheese. "Enjoy!" he said.

Monife's room was a haven of color and creativity. Posters of her favorite bands and movies adorned the walls, and her desk was covered with pictures and mementos. She flopped down on her bed, enjoying the feeling of being home. After a few minutes, she got up and headed to the bathroom to shower and change. As she stepped under the warm water, she felt a sense of peace wash over her. After her shower, she put on her comfiest pajamas and headed back to her room. Monife grabbed her diary off the desk, and sat down on the bed with it. Flipping to the most recent entry, she began to write. "Today was a good day," she wrote. "I'm so glad to be back at school, and to see all my friends again." She went on to write about her classes, and her excitement for the new year. She also wrote about her encounter with Desola, and how it felt to be back home. As she wrote, she felt a sense of gratitude for the life she had. Once Monife was done writing, she put her diary back on the desk. She snuggled into her bed, feeling a wave of drowsiness wash over her. As she drifted off to sleep, she thought about all the possibilities the new school year held. Tomorrow would bring new adventures and experiences, and Monife was ready for them all. With a contented sigh, she slipped into a deep and restful sleep. 


Desola stepped through the front door of her family's lavish home, and immediately noticed how quiet it was. She wasn't surprised - her parents were often out late for work, leaving the house empty. She made her way to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water, then headed up to her room. As she climbed the stairs, she thought about how nice it was to be home. But a part of her also wished that her parents were around more often. Still, she knew they were doing their best to provide for her, and her sister , she was grateful for that. When Desola reached her room, she kicked off her shoes and flopped down on her bed. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, feeling the stress of the day melt away. After a few minutes, she opened her eyes and reached for her journal. She had started keeping a journal as a way to process her thoughts and feelings. She began writing about her day, the classes she had, and the things she had learned. As she wrote, she noticed a sense of calm and clarity come over her. As Desola put her journal away, she noticed her phone buzzing on the nightstand. She picked it up and saw that she had a text from her friend, Monife. "Hey, did you want to meet up tomorrow after school?" the text read. Desola smiled. "Absolutely!" she texted back. She was glad to have such a supportive friend, and was looking forward to hanging out with her the next day. With a contented sigh, she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.