
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

poziomowiec · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
473 Chs

Wasn't such a shock

Driving there took us some time. Seeing how it is all going, I smiled and kept my look outside.

When JJ finally parked, he passed the keys to someone. Probably I saw him once. Not from the JJ unit.

After I took all my bags, JJ looked at me. After he had done talking to the guy he turned to me. Seeing it, he said, "So let's go."

"Ok," I said. Hearing me, JJ nodded, and we started walking slowly inside. It took us some time, but when we finally came to first check, JJ showed something.

Seeing it, the guard nodded, and as he passed without checking. We kept walking. After coming outside, I could see a plane there.

Looking at it, he said, "So let's go."

I only nodded, and after we came inside, I could see Paula sitting.

Seeing me, she smiled while patting the chair on her side. Seeing it, I smiled, and as JJ took my two bags, I only had my backpack with me.

When I sat, she looked at me and said, "so we will be coming back home."

I nodded, and as Ann showed up, she said, "We can go."

After sitting, I looked at Paula, and she smiled not long after our flight had begun.

While in the air, I could see the flight attendant come. Seeing her, Paula said, "Coke for me. Jack you want."


"Ok," she said, and as Ann and JJ took something, too, I smiled and took the laptop out.

While having it, Paula looked at me and said, "Show me what you have done here."

"Ok," I said, and after starting it. I showed it all to her.

Seeing it, she looked at me, and while scrolling up, she said, "Too much."

"Oh well," I said shortly. Hearing me, Paula nodded, and I looked at it and started doing it.

When the drink came, I drank a little but mostly focused on what I had there while Paula lay on my shoulder and closed her eyes.

Seeing it, I smiled and kept an eye on the screen. When I had done it, I smiled and finished my drink. Paula moved and said, "So we are close."

"Yes," I said shortly. Hearing me, Paula nodded, and as she smiled, she moved on to the seat. When she had done this, she said, "Let me out."


When I got up, she smiled and walked away. Seeing it, I smiled, and when I sat, I saved all and packed the laptop back into the backpack.

After doing it, Paula came back, and while looking at her. I smiled.

Seeing my look, she nodded, and we sat not long after we started landing.

Feeling it, I looked at her. As she kept observing me, I looked into her eyes, and after the plane stopped, she said, "home, sweet home."


Hearing me, she nodded, and after we went out while grabbing, I smiled and kept looking at her.

Seeing my look, Paula smiled, and after we all checked, I could see a car waiting for us. Seeing it, JJ said, "So you will go. I need to call for a car."

"Oh, let's give Jack a lift," Paula said. Hearing it, I nodded, and as JJ looked at me, he said, "ok. So we can. I will go back on my own."

"I know where you live, JJ. Therefore, we will stop there too. I hope all will be ok."

"Yes," JJ said to Ann. Hearing his words, Ann nodded, and after we sat inside, JJ took the phone. Not long after said, "first come to young master place. Now."

After saying it, I shook my head. Therefore, someone will be watching me there. Knowing it, I smiled, and we started driving.

I kept an eye on Paula. While I kept doing it, we came to my place. While not seeing anyone from the JJ division, I smiled, and after getting out, Paula said, "So you are living here?"

"Yes. I have no plans to come out today. We can meet tomorrow."

"We will meet. Do not forget about the plans. I will buy it all," she said while smiling.

"Of course. I remember this. Send me what I will need to cook," I said, and as Paula nodded, I smiled and took all.

While having it, I smiled, and after waving to them as they started driving away, I came back home.

Seeing that nothing had changed, I packed into the fridge what I took from there. When I had done this, what was left for me was to put clothes to wash and nothing more.

I did this almost immediately. Seeing that all is working now.

Seeing it, I smiled, and after looking at everything, I shook my head. I will for sure pass lunch as I ate too much for breakfast.

Probably, I missed time for it. Knowing it, I shook my head, and after lingering on the bed, I lay on it.

Looking at all around me, I closed my eyes and not long after, fell asleep.

My sleep was pleasant until the phone started ringing.

Hearing it, I answered, "yes."

"Oh, Jack" mom's voice came.

"Yes," once again, I said.

"Did you sleep?"

"Oh, quick nap. Something is happening," I asked.

"Oh, I wanted to know how you and Evan's girl are doing," mom said.

"Still hard, but we keep trying to live with it. I think Paula knew about this, so this wasn't such a shock for her as it was for me," I said while looking at the phone.

"Oh, ok. We will talk after we come back," mom said, and before I could say a word more. Mom hung out. Hearing it, I put my phone aside, and while not knowing what I could do, I smiled and started the TV.

I could do something now, but I do not want to.

While thinking about this, I smiled, and after changing into cartoons, I started watching them.

While I kept doing it, I fully lost track when time passed.

While feeling hungry, I got up and walked to make food. While knowing it, I smiled, and after preparing everything, and started cooking.

While I kept doing it, I had done it all.

Seeing food for today, I smiled, and after putting everything on the plate, I started eating it while thinking about when Paula will send me a message that she wants me tomorrow to cook.

Thinking about this, I shook my head, and after ending it all, I smiled and washed everything. As the washing machine had done. I smiled and took the clothes out.

While having it, I smiled and moved to hang it all.

After doing it, I smiled, and while looking at it all, I went back to bed and continued watching.

While I kept doing it, for the first time in ages, laziness hit me.

Thinking about this, I shook my head.

Now I do not want to move, so I keep lying and watching TV.

Sorry for the late upload and shorter chapter that normally :/

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