
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

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So clean

While doing it, all knocking on doors comes.


Hearing it, I looked at Paula. Seeing my look, she shook her head and said, "Who it can be?"


"No idea."


Hearing my words, she looked at me. Seeing her look, I smiled, and Paula walked to check on them. When she opened the doors, I could hear "little brother."


"Oh, Joanna," Paula said.


"Oh, hi," Joanna said, and as she looked at Paula, she added, "I will need to take Jack's few minutes."


"Oh, okay," Paula said. Hearing her words, I could see Joanna walking closer to me. 

Seeing her look, I smiled, and when she passed me papers, I kept reading them. While doing it, all I had done at one point.


After ending it all, I smiled, and while looking at her I said, "You can go with it"


"Thanks. You are saving my life."


Hearing her words, I shook my head. When she smiled, she said, "Sorry once again."

  "No problem," Paula said, and Joanna walked out. Seeing it, I smiled, and as I looked at her, Paula asked, "What she wanted?"


"Oh, business thing."


"Why are you helping her with this?" Paula asked.


"Second biggest shareholder."


"Oh," Paula said, and when she kissed me, I smiled, and we moved back to watching. While doing it, all at one point, we had supper.


Paula wanted to make an order, but I made one. While having it, I smiled and looked around. While seeing Paula smiling, we kept eating and watching. 

When we had done this, I smiled, and while looking at her, I smiled, and we continued watching.


With night coming, Paula said, "I will go to sleep. You have tomorrow free, too."


"Yes," I said while smiling. Seeing Paula's look, I kissed her, and we walked to have a shower. 

After ending it, all we changed, and not long after fell asleep.


As the next day came while Paula was changing, I woke up. As I observed her, she saw me being awake.


After a few poses, she smiled, and after kissing me she said, "I will have lunch with Emily and Lucy"


"Ok," I said. When she smiled, she walked out. Not long after, I could hear doors closing. Hearing it, I smiled and lay more in bed.


I tried to fall asleep once again, but I could not.


Knowing that, I finally got up. After changing and using the bathroom, I walked to make breakfast.


As I looked at what we had here, I could only shake my head.  While thinking about this, I moved slowly outside. Time to do some shopping in the closest shop.


While I was doing it, I did it, and after finishing it, I came back home.


While being back in the kitchen, time to make breakfast. While I was doing it, finally I could see breakfast in front of me.


Seeing it, I could not stop smiling. After taking a photo of it, I sent it to Paula and started eating.


Not long after, I received an angry face from her. Seeing it, I send a few kissing emojis and come back to eating. 

As she is probably now starting her exam.


When I was done eating, I watched cartoons for some time. When I finished cleaning the whole place. I have no idea when it was the last time I did this.


Knowing it, I smiled and started doing it, after all. As time passed at one point, I had a quick break. As I needed to have a perfect plan for it all. Knowing it, I smiled, and while doing it, all I had done was, at one point.


As I have no plans for working, today I felt refreshed. Everything is cleaned here. Seeing it, I smiled, and after having a shower, I changed and lay on the couch.


I started being tired, so it was time to rest and think about what I would have for lunch.


While I was doing it, the weather was pleasant, so with open windows, I could let fresh air in. While I kept lying, I had no idea what I could make for lunch.


After getting up, I will decide what I will choose. After opening the fridge, I took a few things and started making lunch.


Maybe it will be good later. I was doing it, all I had done at one point. Seeing it, I smiled, and after eating, I kept watching. 

I did this. Only what was left for me was watching and waiting for Paula to come back.


I have no plans to move from the couch now. Probably most people would have been here, but as I am not drinking alcohol, I have apple juice. Which I kept sipping.


While doing it, all the time passed. Seeing doors opening, I moved a little. Seeing Paula coming in, she looked around and said, "So clean."


"Yes, I had done it, all."


"Whole place," she asked. Seeing her look, I smiled and nodded. When she shook her head, I smiled, and after she changed, she came closer, and we kept watching the series. For dinner, Paula will order something.


She does not want to tell me, so I need to wait and see what we will have.