
Lost and Found: Wealthy Son Comeback

In three months, Jack's life changed drastically. He found out that his parents weren't his. Then the true family found him. Because of pure luck. Will they accept him? How his sisters and parents will react to his comeback? What future is in front of him? Will he be with his crush? How his school life will change? All is in front of him. Will he grab all or pass? Who knows? -------------------- Cover not mine Upload 1 or 2 chapters a day (1POV)

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As I keep looking into the reflection. Doors open.

Seeing them, JJ moved his hand and said, "stop."

"Come on," Megan's voice came. Hearing it, he put the gun down and said, "miss. Why are you coming here?"

"Jack, where are you?"

"Here," I said while moving up. Seeing Megan looking at me, she smiled and came closer. Seeing it, I could see Adam at the back.

Looking at him, he smiled, and JJ said, "miss. You followed us?"

"Yes. Adam bought this car for five hundred."

"Oh, so that is why I don't know it. If I know," JJ started saying, but Megan said, "oh, do not worry. So why did you come here?"

"To protect the young master. As someone is following us, I need to be conscious of all," JJ said.

Hearing it, Megan nodded, and when she pinched my cheek, she said, "so congrats, little brother. You want something from your older sister?"

"Oh, nothing," I said. Hearing me, Megan nodded, and JJ said, "might I know from where you have the key to this place?"

"Company one. So I borrowed," Megan said. Hearing it, JJ shook his head and said, "OK. This makes sense. So, Jack, you will go with miss now. I can finally rest."

"OK," I said. Hearing me, Megan smiled, and as I looked at Adam. He nodded, and we walked out. After coming to the car, I looked at it, and said, "newer than I drive."

"Oh, they were older," Megan asked.

"Yes. Let's not talk about this. Oh, I can see something," I said while taking a piece of paper. Seeing that it was added five years ago, I put it on the side.

After doing it, Adam started driving.

Seeing it, I keep looking down. I don't have a mask with me.

I can't hide my face. When we came back, Megan said, "oh right, you had something for Fred?"

"I passed it to him today."

"Oh great. Be careful," she said.

Hearing it, I nodded, and after coming out, I walked to the shop. After buying the rolls, I smiled and finally came back home.

After coming there, I looked around, and when I left them on the side, I grabbed a shirt and started cleaning it.

When I had done this, I checked the suit.

After having it all checked and seeing that nothing is on it, I hang it in place.

When I did, this smile showed up on my face, and as I had nothing else to do, I lay and started watching TV.

While doing it, a text message came to me.

'Where are you?'

Seeing it, I smiled and started writing, 'back home.'

'Why? You should stay until the end!' Paula wrote.

Seeing it, I answered, 'I was nicely thrown away. Maybe we can meet tomorrow?'

'I can't' Paula wrote. Seeing it, I sent her an emoji and put the phone on the side. When I did this, I smiled and looked at the news.

Seeing that nothing interesting is now, I shook my head.

After lingering on the PC, I started it.

While looking at it, I smiled and started doing my homework.

As I keep doing it, I had done it at one point. Seeing it, I smiled, and not long after, started doing it.

Time passed.

While seeing it, I smiled and did it.

Seeing it, I smiled, and when I crawled to the bathroom, I had a shower.

After ending it all, I smiled and made supper.

While seeing it, I smiled and started eating it.

While I keep doing it, I keep reading.

Seeing that I had done this at one point. I smiled and crawled to the bedroom. While being there not long after, I fell asleep.

A few days later.

After waking up, I looked around me.

Seeing that soon, I need to get up.

Soon the holiday break will come. Only a week left.

Knowing it, I smiled, and as I looked around, I moved closer to the edge of the bed.

From the competition weekend, I spent at university. The professor kept convincing me to choose to go into maths, not finance.

As I looked outside, the snow started slowly falling.

First snow this winter. Knowing it, I smiled and looked outside.

Good that it is Friday. After getting up, I did my morning routine.

During it, I make lunch, and after changing, I come out. Seeing JJ waiting for me, he said, "so you have finally come down."

"Oh, come on. I spent too long making lunch," I said. Hearing me, JJ nodded, and when I took coffee, he smiled and said, "so school?"

"Yes. I need to go there. You know soon holidays are coming," I said.

"Yes. I don't have free time. So, do you have any plans for them?"

"Oh no. I don't know if I will go home,'' I said. Hearing me, JJ nodded. Seeing it, I smiled, and not long after, we came to our destination.

Seeing it, I smiled and said, "so, see you after school."

"OK," he said. Hearing it, I nodded, and when I came inside, I smiled and started waiting for Paula to show up.

Not long after, she came. Seeing her, she smiled and said, "oh, Jack."

"Yes," I said.

"You will come to the class party."

"Oh, maybe. I will see. When will it be?'' I asked.

Hearing me, she smiled and said, "twenty-third last day of going to school."

"Oh, I might come. I will see if I will receive an invitation."

"Oh right. I forgot to tell you about this. You are on it," Paula said.

Hearing it, I looked into her eyes. Seeing my look, she smiled and said, "as I am an organizer, I put you in. So you need to come."

"You could tell me. So I need to buy something."

"No. All will be OK. We are taking money from classroom cash," she said.

Hearing it, I nodded.

Seeing my look, Paula smiled and said, "we will talk later. Now the time has come."

"I can see," I said while seeing Emily walking toward us. Seeing me, she looked into my eyes.

Seeing her look, I smiled, and not long after, more and more people started coming in.

Seeing that everyone was there, I smiled, and the lesson had begun.

As I looked at everything, a smile showed up on my face. It is now light lessons.

Knowing that we don't have any tests, I smiled and kept observing everyone.

As this all keeps happening, lessons pass, and lunch break comes.

Knowing it, like always. I keep waiting for everyone to come out. Finally, the time had come.

Seeing it, I smiled, and after walking slowly to the next classroom, I could see Megan show up.

Seeing it, everyone keeps looking at her. As she walked to the headmaster's office, I came slowly to the next classroom.

While there, I sat and started eating.

While I keep doing it, more and more people show up close to the office.

Seeing it, I keep eating, and as I keep eating, Megan comes out. Seeing me, she looked at me for some time.

Seeing it, I smiled and went back to eating. I have hope that she will not come to me.

I could see her walking away.

Seeing it, I checked the phone as it started vibrating. Seeing it, I could see, 'why are you eating there?'

'I can't eat at the canteen. Don't ask why' I answered and went back to eating. While I kept doing what I had done.

After seeing the headmaster coming out, he looked at me.

Seeing his look, he said, "oh, Smith, you are here."

"Yes. Something is happening," I asked.

"Yes, go look for Evans," he said. Hearing it, I nodded, and after taking it, I started walking to the canteen where Paula should be. After coming to this canteen, I came inside.

I could see a few teachers looking at me. Seeing them, I could see Paula eating with Emily and Lucy.

Seeing them, I came closer and said, "Paula, the headmaster wants to talk with you."

"Why did you come here?" Lucy said.

"Oh, to inform her about this. All could be about maths competitions."

"OK. I am going," Paula said. Hearing it, I nodded, and when she smiled, she walked after me.

After coming to the headmaster's office, he looked at us, and we talked about the maths competition.

I just found out that we will receive a gift from the school. Knowing it, I looked at Paula. She is surprised about this too.

Knowing it, we kept listening to the headmaster for some time, and after he had done this, she said, "for the first time, I can hear this. I need to make a few phone calls."

"OK. I will come back to eating."

"Good idea," Paula said, and when she walked away, I sat and moved back to eating.

While doing it, I received a text message. When I saw Paula sent it, she wrote, 'his idea. All board members agree.'

'OK,' I answered. When I did this, I kept waiting for lessons to begin once again. When they started once again, the same atmosphere came.

It all passed nicely. knowing it, I came out, and as I looked around, I came to my normal place and sat in JJ's car. While being there, he said, "so training."

"Yes," I said. When I smiled, I started texting Paula. While we kept doing it, we came to our destination. Seeing it, I paused, and not long had begun.