
The girls tale

What happened to you? Who is this girl? Mom asked as we ran into the house.

Mom I saw this girl attacked by a group of thugs and I intervened but they tried to kill me to, we barely escaped with our lives.

The girl was still trembling with fear. My mother gave her some tea. Then the girl asked in her weak voice can I have some food, I havent eaten in 2 days.

Yes come into the dining room mom said.

While she ate I looked at her. She seems to be about my age. She had red hair and even though she was wearing a dirty outfit any one can see that they were costly cloths. She might be a noble. After eating the food she became relaxed.

Then I asked, Who are you?

Im Ariana maurya, the 2nd heir to the mauryan family and th princess of the great magadhan empire.

Yaha! right stop kidding. You are the princess? What a joke. Yes you look like a noble but calling yourself the princess is a bit of stretch.

I am the princess! And I have the royal seal to prove it.

What the hell how did the princess of Magadha get end up in anga so far from the Pataliputra (capital of Magadha)? And why were you chased by those thugs?

It is along story. It all started with my grandfather Samudraguptha maurya & when he declared war over the island nation of dwarka.

Dwarka was a small island nation in the Aegaeon sea rule by a citizens council. But even though being small nation, Dwarka was extremely rich, as it was a trading hub. It was a gate way port for all trades in Aegaeon Sea. The revenue generated was so huge that the city of Dwarka was literally littered with gold, the houses, shops and every building was decorated with gold, so it was called the golden city.

My grandfather intended to control Dwarka and it revenue so he waged the war.

If Magadha controlled Dwarka than all the other country will be at mercy of Magadha for their goods and the other countries know this so they waged a counterattack on magadhan army.

Initially there were 5 kingdoms battling but after sometime only 2 remained in the battle field the others withdrew.

The battle now was between Magadha and the Empire of Silone. The military power of Silone was much superior to Magadha but been a part o the mainland with little shoreline they lacked in naval capabilities which Magadha excelled in.

So the battle was a stalemate.

The war went on for 20yrs; half of the population of Dwarka was wiped out some fled the country some were captured as slaves. Now only quarter of the population remained in Dwarka and the golden city of Dwarka fell into rebels.

As time pass the main objective of war changed from capturing Dwarka to the annihilation of the enemy. The death toll in the war was astronomical.

Then 3yrs back my father Chandragupta maurya became the king of Magadha.

My father seeked to end the bloodshed. My father knew that war only brings distraction and dispire as he had send 2years in the war as military solider. So hardship of the battle was not unfamiliar to him. So he indented to make peace. For this he made Nemours diplomatic efforts. He released the slaves who were apprehended in the war and made Nemours peace talks were conducted.

At last peace came. A peace treaty was made to give island of Dwarka to its previous citizens and to not to wage war against Dwarka. The treaty was signed by all 5 kingdoms.

This stopped the bloodshed. A ray of hope shined in Dwarka.

This also gave magadhan economy a boost, as war was over the money used for funding in war could be used for the countrys development. So on the surface it was well and good and everybody prised the king.

But tension was burrowing. Among those unhappy about the decision were nobles and the rich merchant as they had to give up their slaves. Also in the military there was friction as part of the soldiers wanted to avenge their fallen brethrens and amongst the most upset was general Sharesha. But no one dared to directly challenge the king.

Changes began as 6 months back a terrorist organisation called the avengers of the fallen angles came into picture. They started attacking government offices and recruiting members by spreading their ideology, this all lead to last week.

It was Monday as I arrived at court room. There was an intense discussion going on. The terrorist have started a rebellion in the northern mountain provinces the rebels were in thousands the problem was the army was stationed at the southern province and it would take days to reach mountain province. So the king had to send the royal shield to deal with rebels.

The royal shield is an elite military unit under the direct command of the king. The force was so massive it was half the size of magadhan army and navy combined. It also consisted of kingdoms most elite warriors, decorated generals and the smartest battle tacticians. By sending the royal shield it puts the position of the king in a great disadvantage, but it had to e done so it was.

On Wednesday I was woken up by Swetha my maid. Princess you need to escape the palace is under attack.

At that day the palace was attacked by the forces under the command of general Sharesha. It was a mutiny.

There where explosion going off in the palace. We started to run. But on the way we were met with Shareshas soldiers.

Princess, go to the dungeon there is hidden passage in the 24th prison cell it will take you out of pataliputra. I will hold the soldiers for you to escape.

No Swetha I cant leave you here.

Princess dont argue let me do my job and die with honour, please go.

As I ran I could hear the sound of Swetha using her ultimate attack the rising phoenix. I ran through the dark tunnel and at last reached the outskirts of the capital. From where I stood I could clearly see the palace, my home burn to the ground. Then I ran again without even looking back.

I wondered through many villages, I sold my ornaments for money and I joined a caravan, on the way I learned that both my father and mother were killed and Sherasha was crowned as the new king of Magadha. Assassins were send to kill me and my brother who also escaped and a bounty was put on our head.

To escape, I decided to go to anga as it is remote. But on my way here some bounty hunters noticed me and started chasing me and the rest you know.

That is a hell of a long story Ariana you could have shorten it.

So what is with the ice thing can nobility use ice and if you could have frozen them then you should have done it earlier itself.

I couldnt do it earlier.


Because I wasnt the one who froze them

Then who

You she replied frustrated.
