
los angeles detective

A detective travels across the United States and becomes an agent of the Los Angeles Police Department. After getting through the initial confusion, he repeatedly solved strange cases, became famous all over the world, and was called the most legendary detective in history...

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Chapter 23 Alisa

 Kelly picked up the photo and looked at it, "Isn't this the photo just now? I don't recognize it." "Thank you." Luke

  shook his head slightly, "I'm afraid it's not her we're looking for."

  Paul shrugged, "Then I can't help you."

  Luke continued, "Among the dancers who have resigned in the past month, are there any who meet those requirements?"

  "White, blond, 170cm..." Paul muttered a few words, as if thinking of something, "There is such a person, her name is Alyssa Moore, she resigned last Saturday." "

  When was the last time you saw her?"

  "Friday night, she was wearing a blue bikini with a thin waist and long legs So beautiful."

  "Why did she leave?"

  "I don't know."

  "You didn't ask her?" "

  I got her resignation text on Saturday morning, that's all." "

  I want her phone number and Home address."

  "I don't know where she lives, but the phone number is 626 863 8532."

  Luke called Alisa's phone number, reminding her that the phone is temporarily unavailable.

  "Is there any other way of contact?"


  Luke asked back, "Alyssa resigned by text message, and neither said it in person nor called, don't you think it's strange?

  " It is a daily payment, and there is not much binding force. Many dancers don't want people around them to know that they are in this industry.

  Many people even leave without saying a word, and just play and disappear. I have seen too many, and I have long been familiar with it "

  "Is there anyone in your club who is close to Alisa?"

  "Alyssa is not very gregarious. She usually leaves after the performance and doesn't communicate with other dancers very much. I occasionally buy her a drink and chat. That's all." "Do you know her family situation?

  " "


  "Thank you." Luke stood up and shook hands with the other party.

  "Is Alisa the person you are looking for?"

  "I don't know yet, sorry." Luke got up and said goodbye and left the club with Marcus.

  Marcus asked, "You think Alyssa was also a victim of the 'taser robbery'?"

  "It's possible." Luke texted from his cell phone, "Hi Matthew, I need you Help me find someone.

  Alisa Moore,

  mobile phone number, 626 863 8532.

  I will ask for all her information tomorrow morning, thank you."

  Marcus asked, "Man, where are we going now?"

  "Go home and sleep."


  The next morning, at nine o'clock.

  Robbery Murder Division.

  Luke entered the office yawning, "Good morning, guys."

  The vice team joked, "Luke, I heard you worked overtime last night? That's rare."

  Luke looked at Marcus, who grinned with thick lips up.

  David jokingly said, "Go to that kind of club to work overtime, I really have you." "

  David, don't say I didn't call you, you didn't go by yourself." Lu pulled a chair and sat down, "Matthew, Have you found out about Alisa?"

  "Yeah, I just saw the information this morning, and I arrived at the police station after seven o'clock, and I've poured several cups of coffee." Matthew handed over a document, "This It's what you want."

  Luke took the information to check, "Yes, it's her."

  The deputy team took a cup of coffee, "What did you find in the club? Tell us about it."

  David smiled, "Or maybe you learned some dances, and you can perform them for us. I'm looking forward to it."

  Luke looked at everyone . With Wei's shiny bald head, he really wanted to give him a brain teaser.

  "These days, I have been wondering why the suspect took off the victim's clothes and left the words 'youlike' on the scene. At first, I also thought that the suspect might have a special hobby. Or he was provoking the police.


  , I made a bold guess, what if this 'youlike' is not provoking the police, but questioning the victim?

  Who likes to take off their clothes? Who would do this in public?"

  Just as Luke was speaking , Susan also came out of the captain's office, motioning for Luke to continue.

  "I checked the two crime scenes of the 'taser gun robbery', and found that there was actually a strip club between the two crime scenes, the Ball Club.

  I asked Marcus to go to the club together, and found a girl named Elle Sha's person, Caucasian female, about 30 years old, blond hair, 170cm tall, performed last Friday, sent a text message to resign on Saturday morning. The phone

  cannot be connected."

  Speaking of this, Luke handed over the information in his hand To Susan, "After that, I asked Matthew to check Alisa's information, and found that Alisa's mobile phone number sent two text messages on Saturday. The first one

  was a resignation text message 'Boss, I want to resign, and I will not go to Thank you for taking care of me during this period.'The

  next day is a farewell text message'Steven, I have had enough, I want to get out of here, leave you. Don't contact me again.'Since

  then, this phone number has disappeared Re-use.

  I suspect she may well be the third victim of the 'Taser robbery'."

  "Interesting." The second team walked over to Susan to check the file.

  Jenny said, "Although Alyssa fits the victim's appearance, the method of committing the crime is different. The first two victims were quickly discovered by the police after being robbed. But Alyssa's situation is more like disappearance or kidnapping." "

  Luke replied, "I've thought about this too, and I've reorganized the cases and connected the three cases. It feels to me that the first two cases are more like the suspects practicing their skills, while the suspects really The target is likely to be Alisa."

  Susan asked, "Matthew, can I contact Alisa?" "

  No, there is only this mobile phone number under Alisa's name."

  "Go to the conference room for a meeting." Su Shan entered the meeting room and put the materials on the projector.

  Name, Alyssa's

  date of birth, June 11, 1988

  Family relationship, husband, parents

  ' home address, 106 Lean Community, Los Angeles City

  David pointed at the projector, "Alyssa texted on Saturday, today is Wednesday , Four days have passed.

  If Alisa was kidnapped, her parents and husband should call the police."

  Matthew said, "There is no report about Alisa."

  The deputy team analyzed, "From Alisa It can be seen from the text messages that Alisa did not send text messages to her parents, either because her parents knew about her departure, or because she did not have much contact with her parents. As for

  the man named Steven, it is likely to be her husband, judging from the content of the text messages The relationship between the two will not be very good.

  Even Alisa's departure is probably because of him.

  I think it is necessary to check Alisa's situation, whether she is the victim of the 'taser gun robbery', she is now The situation will not be too good."

  "Luke, you did a good job." Susan encouraged, and then ordered, "Raymond, contact the technical team to locate Alisa's mobile phone.

  David, Luke, you guys Go to Alisa's house to investigate.

  Matthew, find out the contact information and addresses of Alisa's husband and parents.

  Others are on call. "

  "Yes, captain."

  (End of this chapter)