

Her voice wields magic, music is her life, she cant do without music, everything she does is accompanied by music, when she eats she is humming, when she's under the shower she sings even in her sleep music finds a way to locate her, music is her obsession yes that Paige a girl without a last name not because she doesn't have one but because she doesnt want one and doesn't know who she really is. She is 22 and a beauty to behold her slender body, tiny waist, big hips and ass, her blond hair with a touch of sleek black (that's how she was born), her sea blue eyes, her pointed nose, her small pink lips, her cute dimples and a smile that can melt even the Lucifer's heart three flaws though in this beauty goddess she's sassy, arrogant and a playgirl you read right she's a playgirl. The leader of a famous band THE KEYS her best friend Preshley Whites a total opposite of Paige she's simple, naive at times, humble any nice thing you have in mind would suit her personality. Their rivals are THE ROYALS, THE VOICES, AND THE TRIPLE VOICES. A new band just arrive threatening the spotlight of THE KEYS WHO ARE THEY? They are THE GOLDEN BOYS. Two hot and breathtaking devils girls bowed at the sight of them, they worship them like gods which they truly are cause the aren't humans. lets take a peek at their personality for a bit. McDonald Charlie 23 with only two word to describe him a loner and am introvert hated by his father who sees him as nothing but a mishap that had to happen. His father is the leader of a feared group known as the JACKERS and they are after the KEYS to unlock the door of----- sorry u will have to find out yourself dear readers. His best friend Charles Luke is nothing like Charlie he's a playboy and comes to earth to have his fill of girls who wont stop throwing themselves at him. Charlie embarks on a quest to find the KEYS his father so desires and prove he is not useless as he thinks. He finds himself in LACM where his path crosses with Paige. Why is McDonald after the KEYS? Who holds the KEYS? And who the hell is PAIGE? When in an attempt to have a fling with Charlie gets her trapped in the word called LOVE how will she escape? Will Charlie give up his love and happiness just to prove to his resentful dad that he is not useless afterall? Or will he fight and protect Paige from his father and face the consequences of the JACKERS? You will have to search out all these answers yourself while you fo that grab a comfortable chair and your popcorn with whatever you want to add as i take you on this bumpy ride filled with secrets, lies, deception, betrayal, love rectangles, love, hates, supernatural, family ties, friendship, jealousy, comedy, tragedy and lots more... A piece of advice though u you might need a chair with a seatbelt so you dont bolt out of your seat when the ride gets too bumpy just warning

Divine_Favour_7721 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs


🌹🌹🌹🌹 Next Morning*Hall*🌹🌹🌹🌹

👥 I wonder what Mr Greg has to say so early in the morning

👥 I hope it's nothing serious though

👥 I have a class with Angelo so Mr Greg better hurry up a girl said and the student started laughing but the noise in the hall hushed when the four bands came in not looking cheerful most especially Paige.

The music teacher also came in after them, the door opened and Mr Gregor came in last

" Good morning Mr Greg" the student greeted he answered with a nod, " wondering why I called you here this early" Mr Gregor started as the student all focused their attention on him ready for the news he's about to drop "We have a new music band in LACM and I'll be introducing them to you, they are transferred students from Daverns Musical School and you must accord them respect the same way you do to our bands" Mr Gregor said earning low murmurs from the students but he ignored them before ushering the boys in a gasp left Layla and Preshley mouth, Paige Judy stared at Charlie with no expression on her face " This is Charlie and Charles am putting them in charge of the piano class, Paige you are to put them through the school regulations" Mr Gregor said turning look at Paige

"Am sorry Mr Greg but I ain't doing such and don't you think me keeping quiet about this nonsense you spilled out means am cool with it you know what fuck you and your damn school" Paige fired at Mr Gregor before walking out of the hall in anger as usual Preshley came to the rescue apologizing on her behalf "I'll take them through Mr Greg Paige just paranoid and am sorry"Preshley said and Mr Gregor nodded as she scurried after Paige Charlie shrugged his shoulder thinking about how rude Paige was while Charles smirk "am sorry about what happened " Mr Gregor said turning to look at Charlie who had a charming smile on "a warning and a piece of advice Paige is a real trouble in disguise try not to mess with her" Gregor whispered and they nodded understanding what he meant " Alright student go back to class" he ordered the students in the hall as slowly dispersed


"Paige you have to calm down" Preshley cooed avoiding Paige's path as she raged like a blowing volcano "calm down, that motherfucker just let some random people get a band on their first arrival while I had to work my butt off to prove to him that we could form a band before he approved of us and you expect me to calm down" Paige fired and that got Preshley keeping shut "don't come after me Preshley cause right now am not in my best mood" Paige said slamming the door shut Preshley sighed "her anger issues is something I still can't deal with" she muttered


Paige was churning with anger as she walked towards the boys " who do you think you are some kind of god huh" Paige asked her eyes brimming fire and brimstone " nobody I mean nobody messes with me and goes scot free" Paige stated and staring directly at Charlie who had a smirk on his face " I wasn't messing with you kid I'm only trying to achieve my dreams don't worry we won't steal the spotlight from you if that's what you are afraid of" Charlie said and that only angered Paige the more she folded her fist as she glared at him talking to him was really a waste of her time she thought before storming off

"That girl is so sassy I love her vibes and her confidence something else" Charles stated "I know about that dummy but we have to go now cause we have a class to teach and it won't be abad idea if I kick you out of the band" Charlie said walking off thinking about the strange aura around Paige it doesn't feel human but she is and it's confusing to him how one can possess this aura one minute and the next minute he's normal it's just so weird Charlie thought as he got to the others who where patiently waiting for them outside the outside the piano class, Emerald,Axel,and Layla stood as he approached them "sorry am late had a little clash with miss sassy" Charlie explained and that got Emerald furious "don't you dare call her that okay who knows the strings you pulled to get here" Emerald bellowed looking at Charlie with a disdainful look "You should go tell your slutty crush to tame those stupid arrogance of hers cause not everybody likes her" Layla snapped at Emerald angry that he had to support that daughter of jezebel "am done here you guys suit yourself" Emerald and Axel said at a time before leaving "don't bother about them Charlie they will come around they are just upset about--- "are we starting the class or not"Charlie cut her off she nodded taking in her lips as she felt her heart race madly just standing this close to him he pushed the door opened and entered with Layla behind him.


Charles had to take care of the singing class with Preshley since Paige wasn't here and the ROYALS were surely gonna take advantage of that and bully her luckily Angelo and Dior were present. The class started "let's see what you did during the break" Preshley said as the student came out one after the other trying the solfa notes Paige had given them "You nerd over there Lesley called pointing at a girl with huge glasses and a big hoodie on even if you aren't beautiful can't you have a nice voice why does it sound like a toad" Lesley jibbered causing the students to laugh at the nerd "Lesley can't you be human for once on your life, even if you are privileged to have a nice voice that doesn't mean you should run it on other people's face its not nice" Preshley reprimanded earning a chuckle from Lesley "says the almighty Paige's puppets" Lesley said and that angered Preshley and she loaned her a resounding slap across her face "Lesley I can take whatever insult you bring to me but you see mentioning my best friend name in your stupid curse I won't take it that's just a warning" Presh stated sternly Lesley made to slap her back but two hands stopped her "touch her and I won't mind turning you into a chicken" Charles spat while Alex glared at Lesley before turning to Presh are you okay Alex asked and Preshley nodded Lesley yanked her hands from Charles gripped before storming out of the class "are you alright Presh"Charles found himself asking just as Preshley moved away from Alex "am fine and Rosetta we are sorry about what Lesley said you'll have the nicest voice with a little more practice okay"Preshley praised and Rosetta nodded muttering a thank you as the class continued


Elsa opened her eyes and a wow escaped her mouth where am I she thought as she looked around an inscription caught her attention "WELCOME TO LOS ANGELES" was boldly written wow am on earth Elsa exclaimed but who was that strange personality I didn't get to see the face how do I know of we cross path again Elsa whined "first thing first I have to find Shakira before the JACKERS do bit where will she be" Elsa pondered as the thought finally hit her head music was the only place she could find Shakira Elsa smiled before teleporting

Dexter car came to a halt, was she mad walking in the middle of the road" he thought before getting out of the car walking toward her, "if you so badly want to die, go somewhere else okay" Dexter snapped at her Elsa raised her head and a low gasp escaped from her lips "I found my soulmate" Elsa screamed hugging Dexter "are you nut why would you hug me" Dexter asked slowly getting pissed at her attitude "you see am looking for my kid sister Shakira we got separated but am back for her and there's only one place she'ld be and that is a music school can you please help me please" Elsa asked with her eyes pleading Dexter looked at her as thought ran through his mind "maybe she ran away from a rehab center or does she need one how was he to know if it's the early stage of madness but she's too cute to be mentally deranged right " Dexter thought as he stared at her " Hey stranger there are about a hundredth music school in Angeles, how do you intend to find your sister" Dexter asked and that got Elsa thinking for a while "that's true soulmate but I would search the Galaxy if that's what it would take to find my sister before they do" Elsa blurted "huh what do you mean" Dexter asked slightly confused at what he just heard how was she gonna searched the Galaxy when she doesn't even have a space ship or a rocket Dexter thought "nothing soulmate let's just go" Elsa said pulling him along to his car she got in and he did the same too "where I come from we don't use this cause it's kinda slow" Elsa said and Dexter eyes widened what was the girl saying his Porsche was one of the fastest car and she just say its too slow was he sure this girl wasn't mentally deranged Dexter thought "stop thinking soulmate you won't get the answer that way" Elsa chipped into his thought she could read his mind she wasn't a witch for nothing "take me to your school please" Elsa said with a pout acting all cute Dexter smiled his first after a year of heartbreak just who is this girl he just met he asked in his head "I'm your soulmate baby that's the girl you just met" Elsa said aloud that got Dexter turning to her " you read minds too"he found himself asking " no I don't read minds but I can tell from your expression what you are thinking" Elsa lied not wanting to freak him out Dexter nodded focussing back on the road Elsa closed her eyes as she tried to picture what Shakira would look like now Elsa eyes snapped opened as she felt the evil aura "stop the car right now" Elsa ordered Dexter was confused and surprised by her sudden outburst but anyway he stepped on the brakes halting the car to a stop and just as she thought here where the ghouls a few metres away from where the car was parked Dexter eyes widened like saucers as he stared at the ugly creatures holy moly he exclaimed...