
Chapter Six point Five Key Word Glossary

Three Successes, no crits or botches - During any game session that you notice a strange trend in the results of the dice. The first player to announce this can earn an Event reward. The player gets a minus one difficulty for any knowledge test for the rest of the game night. The Player can choose to purchase this Forbidden Knowledge merit anytime for the cost of 20 Souls.

Event - Successful gaining the reward of an event can grant a Player a chance to purchase a Merit. There are many types of events created by the Storyteller or by certain actions in game.

Merit - All merits are available to starter characters. Merits can be purchase from events in the game with souls.

Knowledge - There are twelve categories to choose from on your character sheet. These can be raise with experience points with only the Storytellers approval. You have to work hard if you want increase the level of any knowledge.

Forbidden Knowledge - 20 Merit. Reduce by one the difficulty of any knowledge test.

Souls - A Player resource similar to experience points. As they are spent only with the Storytellers approval. After all you need to earn the right to be able spend your collected souls to improve any stat on the character sheet. Any race or creature you kill will grant you a copy of it's soul.

Permanent - Magical tests with five success for effect can be made permanent, the number of permanent enchantments is dependent of crafted items rarity.

Rarity - Crafted items start at Common, Rare, Master crafted, Grandmaster crafted, and Legendary.

Beastfolk - Humanoid race that have beast like heads/body parts for appearance. The most powerful are the Lionmen who created their own race.

Race - Any Player may choose freely from the ninety four races for their starting character.

Lionmen - A large and powerful faction of the Beastfolk decided to become a new race and conquered the surrounding regions and named the warchief their ruler. A kingdom of Lionmen was born eight thousand years ago and still standing strong. Lionmen are known to be blood thirsty bastards on the battlefield, so regional rulers avoid fighting them.

Warrior - Any Starter Character can choose this as their starting class. Warriors are the most common class among the races.

Storyteller - Hopefully the person who can weave great stories for the players to enjoy.

Dice - A pool of D10 that the total sum equal to the level of the test plus appropriate attribute.

D10 - Only type of dice used in this game that has 10 sides to land on.

Successes - Number of dice equal or greater than test difficulty.

Crits - A naturally rolled 10 is considered a critical roll and can cause critical damage with out the proper defense.

Critical damage - These types of wounds can only be healed by magic or at the start of a new session for each level of critical damage taken. For example if a player suffered three critical level of damage, without magic to heal they have to wait three sessions to finally heal.

Botches - A naturally rolled 1 is considered a botch and will negate a naturally rolled 10 in the result pool. Multiple botches can result is some serious effects due to a large number of Flaws available.

Flaws - All Flaws are available for starter characters. The cost of the flaw gives same amount of starting souls for the player to spend. However, flaws cost three times their cost in souls to remove. Please add some flaws to your character and the Storyteller will attempt to incorporate them into your story.

Attack - A test plus appropriate attribute to hit something and hopefully cause an effect.

Shadow Strike - Common enchanted sword from the local guild shop. Reduce difficulty to hit by one and plus one damage. Shadow Strike skill, cost one mana point to instantly teleport to your target's shadow and engage them in melee combat. The surprised target suffer plus one difficulty to avoid this attack. Might, cost one mana to activate which last until the end of the round, this gives the wielder plus one to their Racial Advantage Might.

Mana - A Player resource that is needed to activate Magical Items and cast Arcane Spells.

Magical Items - Several Magical Fields allow for the creation of magical items.

Magical Fields - There are fifteen magical fields a Priest or Wizard can choose to learn.

Arcane Spells - Are Wizard class spells.

Priest - Any Starter Character can choose this as their starting class. They can only learn Magical Fields that their Patron Deity possess. Priest use Faith as a resource to cast Sacred Spells.

Patron Deity - Other the nine main Deities, there are also Demi-gods, Demon Lords, Elemental Lords, Spiritual Lords, etc. The Storyteller can create a NPC as a Patron Deity to better fit into his story. Players can also attempt to negotiate with the Storyteller if they have an idea for a Patron Deity. However, no self created Patron Deity may exceed the nine main Deities powers without serious in game events.

Faith - A player resource that is need to cast Sacred Spells. A Faith point can also be use for an automatic hit in combat, but must be acknowledge by the Storyteller before the test is made.

Sacred Spells - Priests cast spells from their Patron Deity's magical fields, these spells give off a divine feeling from their Patron Deity.

Wizard - Any Starter Character can choose this as their starting class. They must choose the starting Racial Magical Field plus one of their choice. Wizard use Mana as a resource to cast arcane spells.

Racial Magical Field - Each Race has one Magical Field that they are naturally gifted at using.

Racial Advantage - Any non-restricted racial advantage can taken by Starter Character. Every race and creature have their own mix of racial advantages to start with.

Might - A racial advantage that convert normal damage to critical damage and can only resisted with the racial advantage Resilient. The maximum critical damage causes per attack can not exceed the level of Might.

Resilient - A racial advantage that helps resist critical damage. The maximum amount of critical damage you can resist per attack can not exceed the level of Resilient.

Counter Attack - Can only be used after a successful Dodge or Parry. You suffer a plus one difficulty to hit as you attempt to push your body that extra mile.

Dodge - One of the twelve talents on the Character Sheet. Test consisting of Dodge plus Melee Combat, each success cancel out one hit success.

Parry - Test consisting of Weapon plus Melee Combat, each success cancel out one hit success.

Difficulty - Ten minus the level of the test you are using. Example one handed weapon is level three, then the difficulty would be ten minus three so the difficulty of seven to hit something with your one handed weapon.

Difficulty to Hit - Any questionable attack the Storyteller has the right to grant bonuses or penalties to the hit chances. Basically the final modify number you need to hit your target.

One Handed Weapon - The most common of the twelve talents available on the Character Sheet. Any weapon that need only one hand to wield and the ability to land a successful hit.

Damage - Test consisting of Strength Combat plus number of successes that hit. Other factors may be involved to increase the dice pool

Johnbedamage - Human Warrior who recently join Goldbranch's adventurer team.

Ironfang - A large Beastfolk male with panther like features with Warrior as his class. The Tigerbeast is his Pet Follower and the Karla the Beastgirl owes him a life debt and travel with him.

Karla - A young female Beastfolk with mink like features with Rogue as her class. She owes her life to Ironfang and travels with him in hopes of negating the Life Debt. She carries Grimfang, a magical enchant knife that emits a pale yellow glow.

Life Debt - Many races take a Life Debt seriously, if someone saves their life they will follow that person in attempt to save their life in return.

Grimfang - Common enchanted knife from the local guild shop. Reduce difficulty to hit by one and plus one damage. Swift Strike skill, cost one mana, if you have more than 3 successes hit after your opponent dodge or parry results you force your opponents to suffer plus one difficulty to resist the damage.

Tigerbeast - A Demonic Beast with some tiger attributes.

Demonic Beast - Common creature that plague the wilds in most worlds.

Pet - Any Player, NPC or Creature can own combat pet. The number of pets a person can own is equal to their Leadership Virtue attribute. A pet can be any creature that the Storyteller permits you to have.

NPC - Non Player Character are used by the Storyteller to flesh out his story and give the players something to interact with socially or in battle.

Creature - There is a large variety of creatures crafted for the Storyteller to use. Of course the Storyteller can create their own creatures or modify existing ones to flesh out his story.

Follower - Any Player or NPC can hire any race as a follower. The number of followers a person can own is equal to their Leadership Virtue attribute. Followers can only be earn though successful events in the story.

Healing Potion - An enchanted Item created by using Alchemy magical field of study with medicinal herbs. It's purpose is to heal wounds, and the strength of the potion is dependent on the number of successes the resulted in it's creation.

Str 6 - Shorten version of Strength 6, this shorten version is used to denote various level of enchantments and is heavily use by the Storyteller and veteran players. Higher the number gives the possible of higher effect. Note Crits and Botches in the enchant can have a variety of unknown effects that the Storyteller can employ. A lazy Storyteller can simply use each enchantment crit to be consider an automatic success, while each blotch cancel out a crit and if no crit is left simply reduces the strength of the enchantment by one.

Enchantment - Magical field of study that specializes in put a magical effect on any item. An Item's craft level will restrict the number of enchantment it can have.

Critical Wound - One critical wound can only be heal at the beginning of the next session or by magical healing.

Bleeding - Wound that suffer bleeding effect suffer the same damage successes at the beginning of the next round. Some bleeding wounds can bleed more than one round.

Injured - Injured status cause the victim to lose one action on the next round.

Shadow - Beastman Rogue who joined Goldbranch team a year ago. He has chosen to have a panther head with obsidian (shiny black) tiger stripes. Shadow know the rules and can calculate basic test results. So instead of stating successes, crit and botches, he just stats the final outcome. Example I took another level of damage and now at wounded.

Rogue - Any Starter Character can choose this as their starting class. Rogues are known for stealth, traps and ambushing.

Basic Test - Test plus attribute is easy to figure out, hidden tests are those the Storyteller need to advance any event.

Hidden Test - Test that the Storyteller may decide for any reason, including rolling a single dice mysteriously and give out a grin to add suspense to your story.

Turn - Is divided up of an exchanges of Actions among the combatants that end when all combatant use up all their Actions. The more Actions a player has the more exchanges they can participate in. When a Combatant runs out of Actions, any opponent can spend a action to gain a free hit on the defenseless combatant.

Free Hit - An attack that automatically hits the target and may ignore one Botch roll.

Wounded - Wounded status cause the victim to lose two actions the next round.

Toughness - One of the five Combat attributes, this one help resist physical attacks.

Armor - Crafted to protect the wearer and can be made from a large variety of materials. Light Armor provide one level of protection and is made for leathers and cloths. Heavy Armor provides two level of protection and made of various metals.

Actions - one of the five Combat attributes, each level grants one action to use during an exchange.

Blazing Glory - Human Wizard who has followed Goldbranch for a number of years as an adventurer in other game master's worlds. But this is his third session with the Storyteller.

Firebolt - A basic magical attack using fire as the base element.

Added Effect - Each success for effect when casting a magical spell can be converted to an extra magical effect. Examples would be double the number of targets, area of effect, extra duration.

Burning Damage - Common fire base added affect use duration.

Fire Resistance - One of seven elemental resistances. Each level automatically removes a level of fire damage.

Round - A round of combat which end when no combatant has any Actions left to use. It is divided up by exchanges equal to the highest Action among the combatants. However the attacks after the first attempt suffer a plus one difficulty hit.

Initiative - Based on the party leader's Physical Dexterity plus Combat Attribute against the Storyteller's encounter leader. Ties are resolve by rolling one die, highest gains the better initiative. Once the initiative is set it can only be change with magical effects.

Leap - Racial skill that allow you to jump out of combat and ignore any free hack from melee opponents. Demonic beast can jump up to 30 feet away and humanoid can jump up to 20 feet.

Aggro - Combatants will concentrate their Actions on the one that cause the most damage to them.

Sixth Sense - One of the twelve Talents list in the Character Sheet. Sixth Sense is mainly used in ambushes and events that require special detection.

Ambush - Attempt to surprise an opponent using Conceal/Spot Rural or Urban Knowledge. Each success forces the victims gain an equal amount of Sixth Sense success to be able to use an Action for defense. If the victim fails to gain the number of successes, they suffer an automatic hit.

Character Sheet - Piece of paper that records the actual stats of the player and their inventory.

Goldbranch - Elven Ranger who leads of a group of adventurers. He likes to act out his move in front of the Storyteller so he can see and judge the difficulty of the move more accurately.

Hated Rival - A 20 point Flaw, when the player cause too many botches a single session it make cause the Hated Rival or some of their followers to ambush the player.

Eye for an Eye - Spend an remaining Action to instantly make counter attack that automatically hits.

Hurt - Hurt status cause the victim to lose one action the next round.

Stunned - Stunned status cause the victim to lose two actions the next round.

Bite and Throw - Tigerbeast special attack, cost one mana, if the victim is successfully bitten the Tigerbeast will then shake the victim is its jaws and throw them away. The victim must resist the same amount of damage from the bite at the beginning of the next exchange or round.

Barrier Ring - Common enchanted ring from the local guild shop. The Barrier Ring has limited charges. A charge can be use to instantly create a protective barrier of Arcane Energy. The strength of the barrier is dependent of Enchanter's successes for effect. Once the Barrier Ring reaches zero charge, make a single die test, odds the ring turns to dust and even the ring can be recharged.

Arcane Energy - The entire multi dimensional universe is fill with Arcane Energy, all Players, NPCs and Creatures naturally absorbs Arcane Energy and turn it into Mana.

Infernal Claw Strike - Tigerbeast special elemental fire attack, cost one mana, turns his claws on fire which cause standard magical fire attack.

Recharge - Enchanters can attempt to recharge magic items. However if there is any charges left, there is an automatic Botch added to the effect test. This is known as the recharge overload, and this is the main reason Enchanters wont touch magic items still with charges. After all the exploding item can kill them.

Enchanters - Common title to those who possess the Enchantment magical field of study.

Chapter 4-6 Key Word Glossary

Second Exchange - Initiative is reversed on even turns.

Set of Dice - D4, D6, D8, D10, D12, and D20 were considered a set for many classic role playing games.

Miscast - One or more botches during any Spell Casting Test that exceed the number of successes. The spell will miscast and cause damage to the caster equal to the maximum damage cause plus the number of botches as free hits.

Crooked Mouth - Is a human ranger with a scar ruining his left side of his mouth that healed badly.

Ranger - Duo Fighter/Thief class that can be taken by starter characters. Both Combat Strength and Physical Dexterity must be level three to take this class.

Mohawk Dude - Is a Hobgoblin warrior with a hair fetish.

Weasel Face - Is a Beastfolk warrior that actually has a weasel head.