
Chapter Nine - Meeting the Legendary Unnamables

"As the fading pitter patter of running feet brings you back into focus after seeing Johnbedamage gaining the advantage over Mohawk Dude. You see Crooked Mouth has chosen to flee when he sees both of his hired help wounded. There is nothing you can do as your sitting on your ass busy trying to remove your own sword that stuck in your left greaves" states the Storyteller.

"Seeing their employer running full tilt towards the nearby tree line, Mohawk Dude and Weasel face lose interested in fighting and attempt to withdraw. Do you continue to engage them or let these small fry escape?" asks the Storyteller.

Johnbedamage flatly state "I'm gonna murder Mohawk Dude."

"Sure, might as well finish off Weasel Face too" supports Shadow.

"Ok! Let's continue the exchange then. As their pleas to stop fighting go unanswered, the two realize their doom and try their best to take one of you down with them" declares the Storyteller.

The Storyteller then looks as Shadow and leans back into his chair. Shadow takes the hint and rolls some dice and even cupping his off hand to hide the results from the Storyteller he issues forth "Seeing Crooked Mouth abandoning ship and remember that my blood thirsty team mate of mine loves to hunt down fleeing people. Left with no choice I attack Weasel Face relentlessly in order to stay with in melee range, being a somewhat lazy person, I go low and attempt remove one of his legs with a crit and two successes to hit."

The Storyteller gives a 'happy grin' and a nod at Shadow before dropping his response dice and opens up with "realizing your intentions he attempts to leap away, but unfortunately his reaction time a little off and tip of your sword slice through the calf and dodges with only two successes. Let's see how much damage you do."

Rolling some dice and he replies "I got a good hit in with four successes for damage."

The Storyteller nods before rolling the toughness test and formulates "the tip of the blade slices into the calf but then bangs on the backside of his vambrace soaking up much of the force of your blow as he only suffers one health level of damage. Realizing his first attempt to flee has failed to your sudden clinging attitude, and now suffering from a leg wound, Weasel Face mans up and engage in a battle to the death with you." Then he drops his attack dice and follows up with "three successes to hit to your left thigh."

Shadows drops his dodge dice followed by another test, he smiles and add in "as I listen to the sweet swoosh of his blade passes by with a perfect three successes to dodge I step in and attempt to end this with a hack towards his neck for a crit and two successes to hit."

The excited Storyteller rolls his dice and responds with "Weasel face realizes the threat of your sword and blocks with his left arm hoping the bracer can ward off some of the damage. Although the bracer did blocked your sword, the force of the blow cracks his forearm as he botches his soak test and takes one level of critical damage." The Storyteller gets up and gives Shadow a thumbs up before going to the bathroom. Shadow get up and goes to the kitchen.

Blazing Glory whispers "wow, Shadow is pretty cool today. Why don't he act like that all the time?"

I reply "he's the gamemaster for our warhammer adventurers. He is like me and probably here because he likes how the combat is run. He is thinking of using Crits and Botches for a more thrilling combat in warhammer. The Storyteller is already running it in his new vampire story and he's doing a good job fine tuning it in the last session we played. I'm actually hope he will say he'll take a break from his fantasy story and return to his diablerie story next week.

My memory flashes back to the end of that fateful session.

"Boz your earthmeld has ended as the sun sets. As you begin digging your way to the surface you need to make a diablerie test, a single dice with difficulty of seven for draining the blood of a young blood vampire last night. Make sure you don't roll a botch or you will randomly lose one level of a discipline." begins the Storyteller.

Shadow goes with "why such a heavy penalty?"

The Storyteller supplies "with any gift their also must be an equal penalty."

What's this thought plucking at my heart, his rule changes makes things interesting. So I excitedly pick up a dice and toss it on the table to see and call out "a success" and wonder what is going to happen next.

The Storyteller informs "Boz, your before morning snack highest discipline was celerity. Since you do not have celerity, his celerity enhanced bloodline fuses with your own bloodline and permanently grants you the use of celerity discipline at level one. Congratulations for joining the diablerie club, if your clan finds out you've tainted your bloodline you will be exiled if your lucky and killed if not.

The last vampire king was brutal beast nicknamed the King of Diablerie for having drain the blood from vampires of all the clans in his youth. Once he mastered all the disciplines, he and his followers conquered the vampire clans and ruled for nearly ten year before enough of the clans ancestors had awaken from their deep sleep to wage war once again to defeat him.

After purging all the young blood tainted by the war with the now ritualized blood tasting test, the clans then outlawed diablerie and switch over to the idea of pureblood culture to help keep the new young bloods in check. Anyways, let's wrap this up for the night, I have the morning shift." We watch the Storyteller pack his things away while we ponder this new change that would shift our views and incorporate it into our own vampire run games.

No longer a game of vampire pureblood culture, but fugitives on the run because of how much fun diablerie has become to our core group. A month has passed and the two other vampire games has us eagerly joining the darkside as we made friends with werewolves and antediluvians. Dropped our clans and had fun doing what we wanted trying to stay one step ahead of the hunters.

I'm beginning to suspected he did this on purpose, because we all knew he was kind of bored from the start. So when he suddenly announce he was going to run a vampire story, then springs us this new rule which got the other gamemasters excited and add it to their own games. Now the two stories a blast to play as we play on the other side of vampire law. Meeting the legendary unnamables has never been this much fun. Normally we would be trying to kill these unmentionables, but instead we are working side by side with them.

I hear the Storyteller and Shadow joking around in the kitchen, he was the one who brought the Storyteller into our gaming group. They come back with bowls of that infernally hot chili that they made earlier, both eating it without a problem. I could barely handle it, but Blazing Glory wusses out after one spoon.

After settling down he looks at Blazing Glory and says "ok, I've given you plenty of time for you to think about your last to act for this exchange."

Blazing Glory rolls for his magic test and states "I'm going to use gravitybolts on Mohawk Dude and Weasel Face to slow them down so they can't escape with three successes to cast."

The Storyteller blinks a few times then looks at me "we discuss of few options, but he was the one who chose what spell to cast" I supplied.

He nods his understanding and makes two dodge tests and responds "Mohawk Dude dodge the bolt with a crit and two successes but Weasel Face only dodge for one success.

We watch Blazing Glory put dice in his cup but was interrupted by the Storyteller "I only counted five dice, did you forget to added the two successes to hit that got through his defenses?"

"Oh right, sorry I forgot" and dumps two more dice into his cup for a vigorous shake and slam and announce "three successes."

The Storyteller make a pair of magic resist test and after a short pause defines "as a pair a dark arcane bolts flash forward from your presented palm of your right hand. You are disappointed as seeing the big Mohawk Dude easily dodge the gravitybolt, however Weasel Face was caught defending from one of Shadow's attacks and you see your gravitybolt hit home and cover him with that dark gravity aura that will slow him down for the next two exchanges.

'I'm glad I decide to move away from that blasted wizard' thought Mohawk Dude and continues with 'gave me a bit extra time to dodge, but I'm not feeling so good.' With that you see Mohawk Dude stumble around for a bit then collapse in a heap from excessive blood loss. Apparently dodging with a slashed belly is not a healthy move to perform." Looking at Johnbedamage "would you like to finish him off or let him suffer for a few more minutes he has remaining?"

"As a warrior I give him a quick death" supplied Johnbedamage.