
Lord of Worlds

Trillions of people were transported to a shattered universe of Gragaria. Everyone became lords and gained a way to own territory. The world is shattered and people will now fight for hegemony against all races that have become lords of their own worlds.

ObsidianWolf · Fantasi
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33 Chs

Friend Or Foe?

The Forest Wolves all howled before laying onto their backs showing their loyalty to Allen the only way they knew how.

"Alight, alright, you cuties can get up now."

After checking the Forest Wolves out for a long time Allen quickly left them alone and ordered them to stay outside for now. Shortly after Allen crushed the last summoning circle crystal and after a few moments a group of 10 Dire Wolves appeared in front of him.

After sending all but Olmos out of the house, Allen focused on the next most important thing he has control over.

[Lord: Allen]

[Level: 3 (8/40)]

[Blessed by the Laughing God]

[Talent: Talent Devour (E rank)]

[Class - NONE]

[Vitality - 4]

[Strength - 4]

[Agility - 11]

[Intelligence - 4]

[Stat points - 5]

[Skills: Bestow]

[Note: Stat points are your gift from god. Just a little pain for big rewards!]

Once again Allen found himself staring at the pop-up wondering what he should increase. There was the +1 increase to all stats just like last time, but this time the Agility had gotten a +2. After staring at the screen for a full hour, Olmos was nudging Allen wondering if he had injured himself in some way its' dog mind didn't understand.

After petting Olmos to calm the wolf down Allen finally made a decision. After such a long time thinking, he decided to put another stat up to 9 like Agility once was, and later see if there is any significant difference the next time he levels up. For this test, he decided on Intelligence which would help more now that he actually had mages, and his bestow skill seemed tied to it.

Soon after dumping all five points into Intelligence Allen felt a sharp shooting headache clouding his mind. No longer able to think Allen could only scream in pain as Olmos could only lick him everywhere hoping something would work.

Over half an hour later Allen found himself laying in a puddle of drool as well as other liquids. Despite his exhaustion, Allen could only do his best to comfort the whimpering Olmos.

"Why does it seem like you are the one who went through the traumatic experience and not me?"

After a sigh, Allen decided to test his Bestow skill to see how much it had changed with higher numbers.

[Choose which stat you wish to bestow.]

[Vitality - 4]

[Strength - 4]

[Agility - 11]

[Intelligence - 9]

[Bestow: +11 Agility to nearby troops (Time Limit: 9 min.)]

[Cooldown: 12 Hours]

"Wait... That's it? Isn't that the same as before?" Completely confused at the lack of change, Allen decided to put it to the test.

[Bestow: +4 Strength to nearby troops (Time Limit: 24 min.)]

[Cooldown: 12 Hours]

"And here I thought it would be a completely overpowered skill... nothing that god gave me is really that great... sigh..."

While Allen was wallowing in his own misfortune of being blessed by a useless god that gave him nothing good, both Orion and Henry came back to the room and once again knocked on the open door.

"Lord! We have come to report all that has happened within the day!"

"Alright, tell me did anything happen during your hunting trip or water gathering?"

Orion was the first to speak, "Lord while getting water there were 5 different Water Crocodiles that attacked. We killed the first four without trouble, but when we thought it was safe, the last attacked without warning and took off a man's arm. I apologize for my negligence."

Orion bowed deeply before getting on one knee, he spoke with a firm tone of voice, "I will accept all punishments for my negligence."

[Battle Gains -> +25 Exp.]

Frowning Allen thought for a moment before speaking, "I as a ruler should have informed you all better of the dangers there. So, Orion, you have no reason to be so sorry. I understand nothing can be perfect in a new area and place that you know nothing about. All I need to know is if the man will survive?"

Orion only lowered his body closer to the ground, "It is unlikely he will survive, but not impossible."

Allen nodded, "With our lack of medicine it is good enough, make sure he gets some rest. Henry, what of you? What has happened?"

"Lord! My group was in charge of hunting and we hunted one more Ferret den that was near the river. If we want to clear out other dens, then I ask permission to use the newly summoned troops, Forest Wolves, to hunt. After scouting other dens we have found those beasts have a great chance to hurt or kill our members if we aren't careful.

Lastly, Lord, in that last Ferret den we have found a small chest inside was this red stone. I am unsure of how much use it will be to you, but I decided to bring it to you to decide." Bowing Henry brought out a foggy glowing red crystal.

[Battle Gains -> +6 Exp.]

[Vitality Stone -> Material]

[Note: Can be used to upgrade.]

Allen basically jumped at the crystal holding it excitedly. "HAHA! The god of luck may have not blessed me, but he sure seems to favor me! Good good, Henry, Orion, if anyone finds a glowing crystal like this, even if it isn't the same color, then please bring it to me since if it is this specific type of material it will be very beneficial to us.

Also, neither of you mentioned anything of the wolves that had gone with you. Was there anything that went wrong with them? Has anything gone right with them? I need to know how everything went with them as well as the humans. They were summoned by me and I would like them to not have to suffer too much."

Both Orion and Henry glanced at each other before Henry answered, "Lord, the Tree Wolves have been a great addition to hunting able to move extremely fast usually getting people out of danger before anything can happen. The Dire Wolves are great at being distractors and all wolves work together extremely well despite the difference in species. They also seem to understand orders better than a trained soldier, in my opinion. So besides some minor wounds like scratches, all wolves are doing well."

Allen was surprised at such high praise of the wolves, he had half expected them to not understand Henry's orders and work more on instinct than actual understanding. Of course, he also knew they were powerful enough not to be very injured if anything went wrong. He had even expected three different units to come back with a serious injury.

Smiling happily Allen got out the rest of his worries, "Alright, I have used most of our food saved from yesterday as well as the first hunting food Henry brought back. So with that in mind, I want you to only consider what you both brought back now which should be 5 crocodiles and a Ferret's den worth of food. Also, I will be summoning at least ten more wolves later, so keep that in mind. Tell me how long can the food last?"

Orion pondered for a while before talking a little with Henry, "Lord we can survive a month without worry even if a quarter of it spoils and we don't ration."

"Good, I guess I haven't told you, the Warehouse stops all spoilage so you no longer have to consider such a thing as long as you get it inside. Lastly what about the giant at the edge of our territory?"

Both Orion and Henry looked at Allen like he was some sort of god hearing the Warehouse could prevent spoilage. Still, after being awed they quickly focused back on what their Lord wanted to know about.

"Lord! As long as we actively avoid the giant, it most likely will not even notice us."

"What do you all know about giants?"

Orion looked a little afraid at his Lord's curiosity, but still answered without hesitation faithfully, "Lord! I know it is very powerful but slow. It has great defense as well as high intelligence. If we wish to attack it, we will need more powerful weapons. The wolves have fast speed, but not great attack, as for us humans, we don't have great weapons and will most likely be useless against the giant."

Allen was stunned at Orion's explanation, "sigh- Orion what I wanted to know is if we could communicate with the giant. If it was known for being peaceful or something else. If they are evil or good. That giant might be another Lord like me, similar to Edith, but if it is evil we will be forced to attack before it summons more of its' kind. If it is good we could work out a protection plan where we could live alongside each other as long as we stay and protect each other with our completely separate strengths."

Orion seemed relieved before looking even more worried as he heard what his lord truly wanted, "Lord! I cannot say if it will be evil or good. There are various stories about them destroying villages as well as stories of them being protectors of other people."

Allen could do nothing but hold his head in his hands, "So I have no idea about anything besides that it will ignore us if we avoid it. Looks like we need to approach it no matter what... sigh~ Orion, let's go meet the 'guests'."