
What the..?

The Kingdom of Dolivar... On the border of the lands of Viscount Setina...

A middle-aged beautiful woman wearing full body armor and riding on a high strong-looking horse, next to her are three strong-looking men hovering in mid-air... 

Behind her is a large army, the end of which cannot be seen.

An absolutely terrifying scene for any enemy...

But the strange thing is that the features of terror are visible on the faces of the Viscount Setina herself, and not who is on the other side... 

A few hours ago this enemy entered the lands of Dolivar and crushed the allied army of the three baronies... in their own stronghold! 

the whole process lasted for only one hour...

On the other hand, the losses of the enemy army were almost negligible!

One hour...  an army of 40,000 soldiers was destroyed without harming the enemy... now this is Terrifying!

How they did it? she didn't know...