
Lord of the Mysteries : I am the Outer God

*THIS IS A TRANSLATION* https://www.mtlnovel.com/mystery-the-outer-god-is-myself/ This is a translation of Chinese Novel. ******** Navigating the realm of the Lord of Mysteries and assuming the role of the backing spirit for Klein the Fool, Lin Ruo, a seasoned traveler, found himself inwardly resisting the notion. Fortunately, he still retained the supernatural abilities [Truth and Fallacy] he had gained from his previous world. [Truth and Fallacy] were rule-based supernatural powers. [Truth] allowed him to steer fate, while [Fallacy] could manipulate reality. With the aid of [Truth and Fallacy], Lin Ruo began by tearing apart the script of 008. He then fearlessly plunged into the maelstrom of the era, determined to combat the looming apocalypse. He toiled tirelessly, leveraging his supernatural prowess and foresight. He diligently managed events, gradually bolstering the strength of his faction to a point where he could rest assured. It was then that Lin Ruo's previously sealed memories resurfaced. At that moment, Lin Ruo came to realize that he was, in truth, a nascent foreign god—someone meant to impose restrictions. Lin Ruo:… Was it too late for him to flee? **** The cover picture is not mine. **** If you want to read early chapters ahead of time, then  you can visit, https://ko-fi.com/aayume/tiers and join my LOTM tier.

Nobody2NoBody · Derivasi dari karya
Peringkat tidak cukup
37 Chs

Chapter 11 : [Fallacy] Thought Distortion

Lin Ruo had fallen into a deep sleep this time around.

When Lin Ruo opened his eyes again, the colors of dusk had already painted the horizon.

Groggily, it took him a good three seconds to fully rouse himself. He stretched languidly, feeling the strength return to his limbs. He strolled into the kitchen and rustled up a simple meal using the available ingredients. As he ate, his thoughts revolved around the plans he had for the night.

Naturally, he wouldn't rush into hunting Capim tonight. Instead, he intended to spend this evening gathering information about Capim, thus laying the foundation for a well-devised hunting strategy. The intelligence mentioned in the original text could be a helpful reference, but considering the deviation from the original timeline, he needed to verify its accuracy first.

If circumstances allowed, Lin Ruo could also practice his combat skills by hunting a few lowlifes while gathering information. This dual-purpose approach would not only help him hone his Beyonder abilities but also fulfill his role as a hunter. With the added advantage of digesting the potion, it was an efficient endeavor.

With these thoughts in mind, Lin Ruo finished his dinner, tidied up the dishes, and finally stood before the full-length mirror that the previous owner used for disguises.

"I am not the Faceless of Sequence 6 of Seer Pathway; that's a fallcy."

Lin Ruo whispered softly. Almost the instant he spoke those words, he assimilated the abilities inherent to the Faceless. Surprisingly, these abilities seamlessly complemented his existing capabilities as a Sequence 9 hunter.

Understanding why this worked wasn't too challenging for Lin Ruo. After all, the Beyonder ability he gained through assimilation wasn't truly acquired via potion ingestion; rather, it was more of a simulation. Consequently, there was no conflict between these simulated abilities and his original Beyonder skill.

Empowered by Sequence 6, Lin Ruo could now replicate a facade for up to 30 minutes thanks to assimilation.

However, Lin Ruo's intention in simulating the Faceless ability was solely to alter his appearance. Thus, the process didn't require as much as thirty minutes. In fact, within mere seconds, Lin Ruo withdrew the simulation of the Faceless ability. When he gazed into the mirror once more, his reflection, both figure and countenance, had transformed into an entirely different person.

He resembled the sort of individual who easily faded from memory, escaping notice with a mere glance.

A soft smile tugged at Lin Ruo's lips as he studied his reflection.


Night had fallen, enveloping the East District in darkness.

"Mom! Somebody, help!"

The girl's desperate cries abruptly ceased before they could reach anyone's ears. Apparently, the two seasoned human traffickers had covered her mouth and immobilized her, one clutching her mouth and the other gripping her legs, lifting her as a pair towards the alley's exit.

It was evident that their target was the carriage parked just outside the alley. Once the girl was safely deposited in the carriage, their sinister endeavor would essentially succeed.

However, as the duo neared the alley's end, an almost imperceptible voice pierced the air:

"The path at the alley's end is an illusion."

The voice was too faint, and the two traffickers failed to register it. It was only when they were about to burst out of the alley that the lead trafficker, due to the obstruction from his companion who had abruptly collided with an invisible barrier, experienced dizziness and a resultant head injury.

The lagging trafficker, on the other hand, tumbled due to his companion's sudden halt, causing him to crash onto the ground along with the girl he had been restraining.

This inflicted additional pain on the girl, yet her physical anguish took a backseat to her survival instinct. She instinctively crawled away on all fours, managing to stand unsteadily after covering a few meters.

By this point, the trailing trafficker had also recovered some semblance of stability. As he moved to apprehend the fleeing girl, a clear voice resounded in his ears:

"You have no desire to catch her."

Almost instantaneously, the trafficker's movements came to a halt. The words spoken held an uncanny truth that resonated with him.

Naturally, he had no wish to apprehend the girl. Why would he even want to?

—[Fallacy] Thought Distortion!

"What are you doing? Letting her escape?" The lead trafficker furiously berated the other, finally easing his pace slightly. In his agitated state, he momentarily forgot about the strange incident they had encountered.

During this very moment, the same voice echoed once more, this time audible to both:

"You are both loyal to me!"

With these words, Lin Ruo, disguised in his new appearance, appeared beside them.

Instantly, an identical fervor ignited in the eyes of the two traffickers, as if Lin Ruo were their sole master.

Observing this, Lin Ruo remained unruffled, uttering calmly, "Reveal to me all you know—information on Capim, as well as the layout of his estate."

[Fallacy] Though not advantageous against Beyonder due to its mind-altering effect which can be identified, Lin Ruo found [Fallacy] Thought Distortion effective against ordinary individuals and those with weaker wills. While it possessed certain limitations—it depleted his reserves continuously and was influenced by the target's strength and determination—it still suited Lin Ruo well for this circumstance.

Moreover, [Fallacy] Thought Distortion had a range restriction: the recipient had to be within earshot. This feature rendered the ability less useful against those already aware of it or those inherently suspicious and resistant.

Nevertheless, it more than sufficed for the two traffickers before him.

"Master, we cannot divulge the information you seek."

In response to Lin Ruo's command, the traffickers exchanged a glance. One of them spoke, revealing genuine reluctance rather than unwillingness.

Lin Ruo arched an eyebrow, unsurprised by their response. After all, he had foreseen that Capim was backed by a Beyonder of the Black Emperor Sequence. This particular Sequence excelled in notarization and contract, easily binding ordinary individuals. While others might struggle, Lin Ruo could emulate the Black Emperor's ability.

The Black Emperor and the Justiciar shared similarities—the former utilized rules while the latter distorted them.

"Your secret safeguard likely targets outsiders, not someone like me, am I right?"

Lin Ruo, now able to mimic the Black Emperor's abilities, affirmed this belief. He understood how to extract the truth without alerting the one who had ordered the trafficking.

And all of this transpired within a mere two seconds.

The night remained serene and dimly lit.


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