
Lord of The Mysteries: Godfather of Epilogue

Died with an unknown cause, presumedly a heart disease like a typical protagonist in an isekai novel. Liu Fangshi wore a blank face as she realized she's now in Lord of the mysteries: It's ok if I were to be a normal person, I'll just be a lazy salted fish and live my life leisurely before my end comes but... why the hell am I Megose? The truth and final answer. What will be your last decision, you the lonely wanderer without a place called home to go back to? Is humanity important, or merely another speck in your eyes? Will you heed those calls? "Fangshi" ------ Hello, this is a message from Zayn 1.) First of all English isn't my native language, so please bear with it, I'm deeply sorry for that. 2.) You read it right, this is a book with Male lead/Male protag (started at Backlund arc) 3.) Haven't finish reading lotm yet but I want to write something for personal entertainment. 4.) It's my first time writing, 1st pov at that, enjoy.

Zayncerely · Derivasi dari karya
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13 Chs

Lucky guy, Room Cleaning Time

Once the woman turned to me I finally able to grasp her appearance clearly. She's a lady in her thirties or so I couldn't give a clear answer. She had curved eyebrows and large dull eyes, oh those eyes looked quite similar to Megose's. She had a hat decorated with black feathers of some animal in her hands, placed on both her thighs neatly. Oh, there were someone else here too.

'My mother and father'

It felt ticklish to say that even in my mind, they're this body's parents not mine. I wonder where this body's owner went to? I hoped it's not because of my arrival that caused her soul to die.

"Megose, it's not good to called your aunt that bluntly"

The father said abruptly with a disapproval face.

"It's fine it's fine. Wouldn't that bring us even closer?"

The lady who was Megose's aunt, Christina, chuckled lightly, her plump lip curved up in a graceful smile. Even the mother also laughed along with her.

'So it's rude to simply call your relatives by name'

I just nod to father and acknowledged my mistake before sitting down awkwardly between Megose's parents. It felt so uncomfortable being this close to someone you're not familiar with if I were to describe it, it would be the same feeling as being trapped in a cage.

After some exchanges between them with me being the only audience here along side with head butler Hans who had been standing in the corner silent throwing me a glance from time to time, they finally got to the point. Aunt Christina started her first row of an attack.

"I think we should find a suitable partner for Megose as soon as possible considering her age right now"

'? Why does her attack directed toward me in the very first turn? I don't remember attracting aggro here'

Father nodded heavily, pretty much agreed with her. Father why did you give in so quickly, I'm disappointed in you.

"I know but there isn't anyone who caught our Megose's fancy yet"

I turned to look at mother, the last ally alive on this battlefield, trying to make my eyes appeared pitiful as much as possible. Mother saw the look in my eyes and smiled, yes, I know you can do it mother.

"Since you bring this topic up here does that means you finally found an ideal candidate?"

Unfortunately for me, mother somehow or in someway miraculously misunderstood my signal completely. My radiant hope vanished in the blink of an eye, I could hear the entire universe in my mind exploded with a loud bang. No, it's my fault. I forgot that in this war the outcome was already set in steel since I'm not the same Megose here. It was indeed a 1v3 boss fight but the fight suddenly turned into three against me the next moment our battle started.

Being bombarded by such a massive amount of attacks, I directly gave up obediently.

To be honest I'm confused about this partner thing they're talking about but I had to admit that I'm actually pretty much curious about it too. Let's just watch and cause trouble later, see who gonna have the last laugh at the end


Oh look at how Megose's parents bloomed with excitement. I raised my brow, contemplating whether it's me or them who finally caught a glimpse of wondrous life and a chance to say goodbye to her single dog life.

"My my, then may I know who might that lucky guy be?"

Aunt Christina covered her face with a smile. I suddenly had a bad feeling.

"His name is Lanevus, he's an intelligent and hard-working young man. He's from..."

As Christina began describing this 'lucky guy', a sudden realization hit me in the face and a huge amount of knowledges from nowhere surged into my brain. As if being rid of restaining chains that was unknowingly enveloped me before, a hazy fog lifted itself and revealed its body.

The sudden erupt of it startled me a bit before calming down after feeling that there were no pain or any sort of abnormality appearing on my body. I couldn't help but frowned. This... it was really THAT novel? Woah, looks like I managed to jinx myself so badly.

I casually browsed through my memories. Things likes potions formulas, characters' appearance, knowledges about outer gods and such were deeply embedded and could be recalled anything, but weirdly enough many portions of them are just a blank void, like a piece of paper being ridden with holes. Someone or something was restricting me?

I don't think they were doing it for my own good as I already knew stuffs I shouldn't knew of at this time while I was still a normal human-being.

'Who are they and what are their purpose'

Good grief I'm not being turned into a lump of flesh right after I transmigrated here, but the fact that I'm fine intrigued me even more.

This must be the so-called golden finger!

I emotionlessly threw a party in my mind and ignored my doubt, but truthfully I would be more grateful than this if I wasn't being sent here in the first place thank you very much.

I sensed the gazes on me.

I exited the thinker statue state and found the three of them looking at me with warm gazes that made me so uncomfortable I wished I could dig a hole to the Earth's core.

No way. You want me to marry THAT bastard? Fucking shit.

My gaze darted around the three of them before landing on my butler Hans. I saw him looked back at me and smile briefly before turning his attention to the trio instead. Hey- dear butler Hans, Mr. Hans, honorable Hans, great and awesome Hans please look at me, don't you see the SOS signal in my eyes?

"Megose are you exciting?"


It's indeed a very exciting event you will never experienced before. Becoming the mother of an evil god, sounds pretty cool. Say, how many people could achieve that?

Thank you dear Megose's mother and father but I don't wanna be a surrogate for some evil god and a stepping stone for someone who is exaggerated enough to used such a mighty quil to kill some random unlucky passed by cat aka Klein.

What should I do, if it I let the snowball continued to roll down the hill it will be even more difficult to stop it...

"I'm grateful for your goodwill Aunt Christine but, I'm not ready yet"

"Don't worry Megose! I dare guarantee myself that young man is simply the most excellent gentleman you can find in the entire Tingen!"

Yeah, the most excellent gentleman who scammed people for many pounds and was on his way to preg me with a lovely naughty child that would keep kicking my stomach with love and affections, singing a song for me like a good-hearted child he is, although he might threw a tantrum sometimes and caused a little trouble to Nighthawks he's still a good child.


I wonder if I could stab someone's throat with these high heels I wore. Now that I talked about it, high heels are really troublesome, since I walked down from the stairs I was praying to myself that I wouldn't tripped and rolled downstairs like that dear poet, making a fool out of myself in front of everyone here.

Turning my attention back, I tried to sound as polite as possible as I rejecting her kind offer.

"Thank you but"

"Dear Megose, why not try it out first? This is your opportunity darling, since your aunt said so he must at the very least be a capable one."

"That's right. You don't have to worry, if he dare to do anything unwise your father is going to help put him in his place for you. "

It felt weird. I don't know what to say but having someone being so caring about me is weird. Ah, the person they cared about is not me but Megose.

Thinking of Megose's fate and the story ahead waiting to unfold, I closed my eyes.

Since I've already occupied your place and made your departure less miserable than what it should be I might very well generously beating that bastard's ass up for you.

But for now let's delay that pleasant event first before I managed to prepare myself better. I really have nothing on me, not even a golden finger... I hope that I have one but it's undiscovered yet, the feeling of powerless is no joke.

My brain spun about as I thought of a brilliant idea.

Stood up under the confused eyes of people around me and I rushed up to the curtain without any hesitate.

"I'm going to kill myself! Don't come near me!"

"M-Megose? Oh no my Megose wait a minute listen to this aunt-"

"With this, curtain! I'm going to suffocate myself with this curtain to death!"

"..." Christina's face turned blank. My parents visibly shook in fright. Everyone held their breath under such a tenseful situation.

I staring back unyieldingly with wrathful eyes.


Finally, I brought my knees to the ground weakly leaning against the sofa. I cried and howled loudly 'till all the neighbors around us came and took a look.


So anyway that was just an imaginary scene that flashed pass my mind. Not even talking about yelling and shouting like a heart broken young lady who's being wronged by her parents, I couldn't even force myself to smile properly. What? Alright I'm sorry I'm not your natural actor like someone here. Oh how I found it simply a marvelous thinking of Klein's acting skill and pitied that he doesn't consider becoming an actor. Hm, yes, I've decided. I must join the tarot club very early on and watched the show firsthand. Not to mention that the entertainment there is so strong it could single-handedly supplied me with endless humanity alone.

But now I have to dealt with them first.

I glanced at them helplessly and sighed, declaring my defeat.

"I understand but I need more time to think about this"

Putting on what I think was a serious face I continued.

"It's the matter of choosing someone to spend my life with afterall"

"I don't want my love to be easily trampled on"

I felt the chill speaking of love so bluntly in front of this 'stranger's' family.


After I successfully convinced Megose's aunt and parents to first inquire about that Lavenus before dragging me to meet the bastard whom I may or not, be able to held myself back and kneaded that face of his like a dough. I know this could only delay the time but I think that's more than enough. At the very least I'm sure I could avoided being made into a surrogate. But what if my family still insisted upon it? Then I'll just ran away.

My body might be their daughter, their niece, their Megose but my soul deep down is that of a Liu Fangshi

I'm not rushing to be a beyonder considering that I'm probably about a month or so before Klein's arrival. And the formulas I had most of them were incomplete as they were not mentioned in the novel I read, plus I haven't choose which pathway I wanted to take yet. To be honest the monster pathway sounds pretty fitting with me, I don't have to do much just let the fate guides me (thumbs up.jpg)

With such reasons I have decided the first thing to do in my hand.

Clean up my lair first!

It took me a whole hours to tidy every things up, since I woke up in this body I felt much weaker than before that in the end of the day I could only laying my back against the wall with sweats all over. Since my task ended here, I began leisurely enjoying my time in peace, contented with a now spacious and clean to the eyes room. I recalled butler Hans's strange eyes when he looked at me previously and clicked my tongue.

What's so odd about it, Hans been looking at me like I'm some kind of monster or something. How rude. If I were any other lady I might have been scolding him by now.

I sighed once again. I don't care what others might think of me as long as I'm having my time and not disturbing anyone then I'm good to go, this was my discipline.

I nodded to myself and let loose a small smile as I wandered my gaze around, hummed and muttered softly.

"Would be nice if the room is painted white"

I felt butler Hans who had been watching me in the corner flinched slightly. Is it just me or our dear Hans had been acting too strange today?

I met Hans's gaze and gave him my iconic unsmiling smile politely.

Is he feeling unwell. I should told my parents to give him a day off later.

mini theater:

Fangshi (Megose)​: Mr. Hans must have caught a cold today

butler Hans: ^^ *sweating profousely​*

Zayncerelycreators' thoughts