
Lord of the mysteries : circle of fate

It's just story of Klein if he knows what waiting him at the pinnacle of power. and you can skip first 20 chapters if you want.

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100 Chs

Real Seer

Duchess Della has repeatedly covered her mouth while laughing with her left hand today . Ah, I see . She is showing off her pure ocean-blue sapphire . . .

Her husband, Duke Negan, is discussing the current situation with a few Conservative nobles . Since the banquet began, he has searched for Duchess Della once . . .

They almost never make eye contact . Maybe they aren't as in love as they pretend to be . . .

Baron Larry has made Madam Parnes laugh seven times . That's very normal, nothing strange about it, but why does she look at her husband with guilty eyes? Oh, they have gone their separate ways . . . That's not right, the directions they are headed leads to the garden . . .

In the extravagant banquet, Audrey saw many details she never noticed in the past .

There was an instant where she nearly believed that she was watching an opera .

Everyone is a good opera actor . . . She sighed silently as her eyes remained limpid .

At that moment, she suddenly sensed something and turned her head . She cast her gaze onto a dark corner in the large balcony outside .

In the shadows was a huge golden retriever sitting there silently . She was looking inside at Audrey while half her body was hidden in the darkness .

Susie . . . The corners of Audrey's mouth twitched as her expression instantly changed . She could no longer maintain her state as a Spectator .

An ancient three-masted sailboat was navigating through a tumultuous storm in the sea .

It was not fast and its displacement was lacking . With the weather and the sea looking like a cataclysmic scene, the sailboat was like a withered leaf separated from its tree . However, regardless of how the typhoons rampaged or how terrifying the waves were, it continued sailing peacefully without any signs of tilting .

Alger Wilson stood on the empty deck as he looked at the massive waves that resembled mountains . His thoughts were a mystery .

It's going to be Monday again . . . he muttered silently to himself .

It was the day belonging to Mother Earth, the beginning of a series of waxing and waning .

However, it meant something different to Alger . It belonged to a mysterious existence forever enveloped in grayish-white fog .

With the revelation of Mr. Fool Alger decided he will rise his level.

At this moment, one of the only few sailors he had leaned over and asked reverently, "Your Grace, where are we setting course for this time?"

Alger surveyed his surroundings and said in calm voice, "Pursue the Listener from the Aurora Order . "

The storm subsided as mist emanated . On a strange sailboat with cannons on board, an eight or nine-year-old boy with soft yellow hair was looking at pirates around him in fear . They were disorderly—some enjoyed barrels of beer, some swung around with ropes, others mocked each other, and some even fought with their fists .

He turned to look at a black-robed man standing in the shadows . He suppressed his voice and asked, "Father, where are we going?"

Five days ago was his first time seeing his father, a father who proclaimed to be an adventurer .

If not for the oil painting his late mother left him that confirmed his father's identity and the fact that the orphanage had opened its doors to him, he was absolutely unwilling to leave his hometown and follow his only kin who was also nearly a stranger .

He placed his hand to his ear and made a listening pose . He replied in a tone that sounded like sleep-talking, "Jack, mortals are a wrong concept . The Creator created this world and He is everywhere . He exists in every living being . Therefore, all beings have godhood . Once the godhood attains a particular level, they can become an angel . The seven fake gods at present are only powerful angels .

"Look, I can now hear the teachings of the Creator . Ah, how extraordinary is this revelation! Life is only a tour of the spirit . When the spirit is sufficiently potent and resilient, we can find our godhood and fuse with even more godhoods . . . "

Jack could not understand the complicated description . He shook his head and asked another question he previously did not have the chance to .

"Father, I heard from Mother than after the Creator created this world, He split into all beings and does not exist in actuality . Then, why does His holy residence exist?"

As a seven to eight-year-old child, he was logical .

The man with the chiseled face was taken aback . He turned his head away as though he was listening to more murmurings .

Suddenly, he slumped down, knees on the deck . His exposed skin protruded black shards .

He clenched his head with both hands as his expression warped and he shouted in extreme pain, "They are lying!"

After lunch, having had Old Neil promise him that he would bring him to the underground market the next time he went, Klein slowly returned to the Blackthorn Security Company . He chose the two options of reading the documents in the staff office and practicing his abilities or take the opportunity to go out and act as a Seer in the Divination Club before Captain Dunn stopped him .

However, before he could make the decision, he saw Dunn Smith walk in . He was dressed in the usual black windbreaker and halved top hat .

"Captain, any updates?" Klein thought of the whereabouts of the Antigonus family's notebook as he asked with concern .

Without showing any signs of fatigue in his gray eyes, Dunn said, "The facts have corroborated that the Antigonus family's notebook is in Ray Bieber's hands . However, he has vanished completely .

"I have already informed the various Nighthawk teams of this matter through a telegram . They were requested to pay attention to the various piers and steam locomotive stations . The first batch of printed portraits was mailed out yesterday afternoon and will be printed in various major newspapers . "

Captain what if he is within Tingen and they are just wasting our time for something like what happened with..

Klein didn't speak further he think captain can understand from these clues.

"You have a point, But regardless, we can consider ourselves as having found the notebook . And this is all thanks to you . Of course, it still needs another round of confirmations . I have already sent a telegram to the Backlund diocese, requesting them to escort Sealed Artifact 2-049 here . It was once a dangerous item of the Antigonus family . It can help us know if Ray Bieber is a descendant of the Antigonus family . "

A Grade 2 Sealed Artifact . .. . . They can be used with care and moderation . Klein had originally wanted to ask about the Sealed Artifact, its special abilities, and the danger it posed out of curiosity, but he instantly recalled that he lacked the necessary clearance . He had no choice but to give up .

"May Goddess bless us . " Klein tapped four spots on his chest, forming the sign of the full moon .

Dunn pushed open the door to his office and said with a slight nod, "The Goddess has always been protecting us . Klein, if you had not chosen Seer, you would be a formal member after this matter is verified . You could have chosen Sleepless, but pity . . . To be frank, I'm still puzzled over your choice . Although Corpse Collector is quite off-putting, you have seen Daly as well . You should know that Spirit Mediums vary in strength . As for Mystery Pryers, they're a good choice too . At the very least, you have Old Neil as a role model, so he will make sure the risk of losing control is minimized . "

With regards to this question, Klein had prepared an answer from the beginning . He just never had a chance to use it since Dunn did not ask . He was only able to answer in passing .

He organized his words and said, "My considerations stem from the fact that Seers and Mystery Pryers are considered Beyonders with a support role . They do not need to always face enemies for that's too dangerous . And both you and Old Neil said that in the domain of mystery and Beyonders, curiosity and experimentation usually brings about terrifying outcomes . Describing Mystery Pryers as prying mysteries made me worried, so . . . Heh, as you know, I was only an ordinary graduate not long ago . A lack of guts is the only reason I made such a choice . "

"I have to say that this is a very reasonable answer that goes beyond my expectations . " Dunn massaged his temples and chuckled .

He turned halfway as his gray eyes sized up Klein .

"Continue going out for now . Do not limit yourself to the paths leading from Welch's place to Iron Cross Street . Perhaps you might sense the notebook and help us confirm Ray Bieber's location . "

"Alright . " Klein realized that he no longer need to be in a dilemma .

He bade Dunn farewell and turned around, his heart beginning to count .

Three, two . . .

"Hold on," shouted Dunn .

Klein turned his head and smiled .

"Captain, is there anything else?"

Dunn coughed slightly and said, "Well, support Beyonders have to fight their enemies from time to time . Although Seers sound like they can avoid such battles, they are not to be ignored . You have to maintain your shooting skills and work on increasing your strength . "

"This is what I'm working hard towards . " Klein pointed outside . "I'll be leaving . "

"Alright . Uh, wait a moment . " Dunn shouted for him once more . As he pondered, he said, "Perhaps I have to consider hiring a combat trainer for you . Of course, this matter is under the premise that you become a formal member . "

Klein responded tersely before asking carefully, "Captain, is there anything else?"

"No . " Seeing Klein's unbelieving eyes, Dunn shook his head and smiled . He emphasized again, "Really, nothing . "

Only then did Klein walk past the partition divider . He bade farewell to Rozanne and Mrs . Orianna and headed to the Shooting Club for practice .

With all of this done, he went to the Divination Club and saw the beautiful Angelica standing there reading newspapers leisurely .

With the cane in hand, he walked over and greeted with a smile,

"Good afternoon, Madam Angelica . "

"Good afternoon, Mr . Moretti . " In no rush, Angelica put down her magazine . She stood up and said, "Not long after you left yesterday, Mr . Glacis came . He just recovered from a major illness . "

Klein heaved a sigh of relief as he smiled .

"That sure is something worth celebrating . "

Upon hearing this, Angelica, who was secretly observing him, lowered her voice and asked out of curiosity,

"Mr . Glacis said that you are a very, very, very magical doctor . Are you?"

What? Klein looked at the lady in front of him, suspecting if he was hearing things .

What made him think I'm a doctor?

Even I do not know . . .

"I believe Mr . Glacis was mistaken . "

He was planning on being perfunctory, but after recalling that no one sought his divination services the entire afternoon yesterday, his mind whirled . It affected his goal of acting as a Seer, so he explained, "It's actually a form of divination . "

"Divination? But Mr . Glacis only mentioned that you observed his face . That's also considered divination?" asked Angelica in shock and doubt .

Klein smiled, composed .

"As a member of the Divination Club, you should know about palm-reading, right?"

Palm-reading was not patented by the Foodaholic Empire . Even on Earth, India and old Europe had developed similar principles, much less in a world with Beyonder powers .

"I know about it, but it seems you did not read his palm? Were you observing him in secret?" asked Angelica curiously .

"I was using face-reading . " Klein cooked up a lie . "Its principles aren't very different from palm-reading at a fundamental level . "

"Really?" Angelica's eyes were filled with disbelief .

In order to develop his career as a Seer, Klein chuckled . He pretended to be in thought as he tapped his glabella twice .

He focused his eyes and Angelica's aura presented itself . Her head was purple, her limbs were red, her throat was blue . . . There was no problems with her health except for some colors being duller . However, that was a manifestation of ordinary fatigue .

Klein then looked at her emotions . She saw orange mixed in with some red and blue . It also meant warmth coupled with some excitement and thought .

Thankfully . . . After realizing that there was nothing abnormal about her, Klein planned on deactivating his Spirit Vision . But it was at that moment when he suddenly saw rich darkness hidden in the depths of her emotional colors .

Furthermore, she is lacking a little of white—an eagerness to improve . . . Klein nodded while in thought .

"Mr . Moretti, were you reading my face?" Seeing the young gentleman in black in front of her turn silent abruptly while seriously sizing her up, Angelica keenly noticed something . She asked in a half-curious and half-worried manner .

Klein did not immediately reply . Instead, he tapped his glabella lightly as he wore a look of scrutiny .

Just as Angelica was feeling unease, he said warmly, "Madam Angelica, there are some sorrows and pains which you should not seal in your heart . "

Angelica's eyes widened as her mouth turned agape . However, she did not say a word .

She looked at Klein in his halved top hat with an apparent scholarly bearing . He heard him use a deep, comforting and warm voice to say, "You need to either go mountain climbing, a game of tennis, or perform a tragic play to exhaust your body due to exercising . Let your tears flow down uninhibited, then cry and scream . Express all those emotions .

"That will be very helpful to your health . "

The moment those words entered her ears, Angelica felt like she had transformed into a statue . She stood there motionless .

She tried hard to blink as she lowered her head in a fluster, saying deeply, "Thank you for your suggestion . . . "

"It seems like there are many members here today?" Klein did not continue . As though he had not done any divinations prior, he turned to his side and looked to the meeting room at the end of the corridor .

"Sunday afternoon . . . at least fifty members . . . " Angelica's voice sounded a little hoarse . She only mentioned the key terms .

She paused as her vocal pace gradually returned to normal .

"Do you want tea or coffee?"

"Sibe black tea . " Klein nodded slightly . He politely took off his hat and slowly walked to the meeting room .

Only when he vanished behind the door did Angelica exhale slowly .

The Divination Club's meeting room was very large . It was nearly twice the size of Klein's high school classroom .

He looked around, but he didn't see familiar faces like Glacis or Edward Steve . So, he casually picked up a divination textbook, found a corner, and started flipping through it leisurely .

Very soon, Angelica came in with a cup of tea and left it on the table before Klein .

As she was leaving quietly, she suddenly saw Mr . Moretti take out an exquisite-looking silver chain from his left sleeve . There was a chunk of pure topaz hanging on the silver chain .

What is he doing? Angelica slowed down subconsciously and focused her gaze at Klein .

Klein held the silver chain with his left hand and allowed the topaz to hang above the Sibe black tea, just short of touching the surface of the liquid .

With a serene expression, he half-closed his eyes and the atmosphere around him suddenly turned quiet .

The topaz started moving slightly, along with the special looking silver chain, in a clockwise direction .