
History of Dark Rose

Even though called an elite fighting force but some, Dark rose operates in the shadows and forests uses guerrilla tactics to overwhelm their opponents. Their weapons and fighting styles reflect that, using bow and arrows and slingshots in long range combat and short swords and knives in close quarters combat. Two distinct fighting styles were created for the group, ego and alter. The ego techniques focus on quick attacks dealing small damage over time while the alter techniques focus grabs and tackles, keeping the opponent unbalanced and immobilized. The captain of Dark rose is usually chosen by a vote but sometimes the position can be taken in the thorn trial. The trial consists of three parts reflecting the strengths of the group, a hunt for game within an hour, a mock assassination of an unknown target and one on one tournament combat. Defeating your opponent in those fields shows the girls that you are the right choice to lead the group. In recent times, girls from the group were used in spy operations in and outside of the country, which gave them more pull with nobles and royalty.

I really had nothing for this chapter and I'm disappointed in it but hopefully you find Dark rose's history somewhat interesting. I'll have something better next time.

Ryanburnermancreators' thoughts
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