
Lord of the Drip

This is a story of what happened when a soul from our world is suddenly plucked from out of his home and is placed in a different body, in a different world, he only knows as fictional. *Don’t expect anything to make sense and there will be grammar mistakes. * *This is a book for all my imagination. I’m just writing for fun. * (An- I’m doing this to improve my writing and I’ll only continue this if I felt like it.) ————— Disclaimer: I don’t own any of these works, pictures, or characters, I only own my character and the plot for this. —————

FakeNames · Komik
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1 Chs

Chapter 1 [ LORD OF THE DRIP ]

You know, the last thing I expected after taking a shit was to appear in another world and a dangerous one at that.

What am I talking about? Well, let me explain from the beginning. One day while I was finishing my morning stretches, I felt a uncomfortable sensation in my stomach and the bad sensation was only getting worse by the second, so I ran to my bathroom.

While in the bathroom… well you already know what I did, I took a number two, but moving on, after flushing the toilet I felt nauseated and went to the sink and splash some cold water on my face to gain some clarity and once I looked up.

I was no longer in my bathroom, instead I was in some kind of marketplace and there was animal people everywhere, some full on furry while some just have animals featured.

At this point I was just confused by the whole situation, not until I noticed something in my hand. Looking down at what I was holding, I find a strange looking staff with a skull for the handler.

"This look familiar, I've definitely seen this somewhere". I said while scratching my head and inspecting the strange object.

Not finding anything strange about the staff except for the skull, I went on a walk, looking around and trying to see if I might know where this place is.

On my walk, I saw some kids pointing in my direction while saying things about my eyes and that they looked scary.

Now normally I wouldn't be bothered by that, but the fact that I've even seen a giant lizard? Dinosaur thing? Moving away from me and not in a 'you smell bad way, but out of fear, how did I know that it was afraid? I don't know. But I was certain that it was not a normal reaction.

I started feeling a little self conscious, so I went towards the nearest river and looked at my reflection and what I saw was certainly not what I expected and was certainly quite an experience.

"I'm Beelzebub". Well, now I know why people and even dinosaurs were afraid of me, I would too if I see someone with those kind of eyes and the auras I'm giving off.

After some time, I noticed a person who look out of place and when I say out of place, I meant not from this world.

I stated following him from afar and seeing his misadventures from going into the wrong place and stepping on dinosaurs poop was certainly refreshing.

Watching him go into an alley, I thought that it was time that I have some word with him.

Going inside the alley, I see him about to be mug by three thugs, one short, another average height, and the last one who is quite tall, slightly taller than me by a few inches.


Subaru wasn't having a great day today, at first he was excited at the prospect of him being summoned into another world and have some kind of overpowered ability and save the world, only for him to end up here with some bruises here and there after what he went through.

Deciding to take a break, he went into one of the alley and sat down on the stair, he thought that he can have some time to rest before he can continue his adventure, but it look like the goddess of fortune wasn't on his side as a few minutes later, three thugs appeared from the entrance.

"Give us everything valuable you have on you and maybe we'll let you go". The Middle thugs said while brandishing his dual blade.

Subaru, slightly intimidated by the blade held his hand up, not wanting to provoke them and get stabbed.

"Hehe, guys how about we put down those knives and you can have whatever you want". Subaru said, holding up his bags of food and offering them to the thugs.

The middle thugs seeing this, went to grab the bags when he was suddenly kicked in the balls by Subaru surprise attack, feeling the intense pains, he fell down to the ground, holding his jewel in pain.

The other two thugs who saw this unconsciously covered their precious area, Subaru seeing the opportunity kick the short thugs and sending him towards the brick walls and leaving him unconscious.

The bigger thugs seeing all this played out ran towards Subaru and tried to punch him in the face, but Subaru was able to nearly dodge the punch and grabbed the outstretched arm before twisting it, making the bigger thugs scream out in pain.

With the big thugs on his knees, Subaru punches him in the face, sending him to the ground, leaving him unconscious.

"Ouch, that was my first time punching someone". Subaru said while massaging the hand that he punched the thugs with.

Picking up his bags of snacks he turned his back to the ground thugs, but he forgot about something important, he forgot about the third thugs who was already behind him, ready to dive his knives into Subaru.

But before he could do that, he was suddenly hit in the back of his head, knocking the thugs out cold. Subaru who thought that he was about to die, let out a sigh of relief, glad that he wasn't going to be stabbed to death.

Looking up towards his savior, he was surprised by the appearance of this man. He wears a black shirt with a purple sash-like cloth on each side of his shoulder that reaches all the way to his thighs. That along with his shirt is being tied tightly with a black rope to his waist. While also wearing baggy black leggings and a pair of laced mid-calf boots.

But what surprised him the most was his black eyes, there was no color to them, no brown or anything, just an absolute empty void. With his unkempt hair and pale skin, it really adds to his already dark and mysterious aura.

Overall his appearance is quite menacing to look at without getting unnerved by his eyes.

"Umm, thanks for the help there, I thought I was going to die for a second there". Subaru said, trying to hide his own uneasiness he's getting from the man.

"…No problem, but I may ask, what are you doing in the capital? You don't look like you're from around here". The man ask.

Surprise by the sudden question, Subaru quickly became worries and went into his mind, trying to find a good enough excuse as to why he's seemed not from this world.

"Well, you see I was-"
