
lord of mysteries: Heavenly dao system

It's story of Klein if he got a system

Ahmed1y · Lainnya
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs


After arriving home, Klein carefully prepared everything. He finally took out the four loaves of rye bread, each one dense and dark, emitting a comforting, earthy aroma. He placed the first loaf in the corner where the coal stove once stood, the second at the bottom inner side of the dress mirror, the third at the top of the cupboard where two walls met, and the fourth on the right side of the study table amidst miscellaneous items.

Taking a deep breath, Klein stood in the center of the room, allowing a few moments to calm his racing heart. Then, with deliberate solemnity, he took a step forward, moving counter-clockwise in a square pattern.

As he took the first step, he chanted in a low, reverent whisper, "Blessings stem from the Immortal Lord of Heaven and Earth."

With the second step, he intoned with sincerity, "Blessings stem from the Sky Lord of Heaven and Earth."

On the third step, Klein, now Zhou Mingrui, whispered with a breath of reverence, "Blessings stem from the Exalted Thearch of Heaven and Earth."

For the fourth step, he exhaled a foul breath, meditating deeply as he spoke, "Blessings stem from the Celestial Worthy of Heaven and Earth."

Returning to his original position, Klein closed his eyes and stood silently, awaiting an outcome. He felt an unsettling tension in the air, but his body refused to respond. Even the simple act of opening his eyes seemed impossible.

His entire being felt increasingly constricted, as if he might shatter into pieces at any moment. Straining with all his might, he finally succeeded in opening his eyes.

A gray fog filled his vision—murky, indistinct, and boundless.

"Where am I?" Klein asked, his voice echoing in the emptiness.

[Ding... The host is currently in Sefirah Castle.]

[Ding... Congratulations, host, on receiving the Supreme Starter Pack.]

"Open it," Klein commanded, curiosity piqued.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a World Tree sapling.]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining 3 Fool's Experience Cards.]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining 100 Heavenly Dao Points.]

[Fool's Experience Card: An experience card that grants the user the powers of a god of the Seer pathway. It lasts for 30 minutes.]

[World Tree: A sapling of the World Tree that can complete the Three Thousand Avenues of a new world. It can give birth to world origin to strengthen the world.]

[World Tree: Sapling stage (5/100 growth points)]

[Divine Powers: Devour, Purify]

[Devour: This ability allows the World Tree to absorb everything and evolve.]

[Purify: The World Tree improves the environment where it is rooted, producing spiritual energy beneficial for cultivation and healing.]

[Does the host want to plant the sapling here?]

Klein hesitated, feeling the weight of the decision pressing on him. The idea of planting a World Tree, a He glanced around the foggy expanse, the crimson 'stars' casting an eerie glow, and took a deep breath to steady himself.

"This place... it's strange, but if the system took me her, then it might be the best option," Klein thought, his mind racing through the implications. "A World Tree could bring stability, maybe even answers."

With a resolute nod, Klein whispered to himself, "Yes, plant it here." His voice sliced through the dense fog with unwavering determination.

Instantly, a radiant golden light burst forth from his chest, enveloping him in a comforting warmth. The light condensed into a small, vibrant sapling that hovered gently before him, exuding an ethereal glow. Its roots pulsed with an almost sentient energy.

[Planting World Tree sapling... 10%... 20%...]

Klein's eyes widened in awe as the sapling began its descent toward the mystical ground. Upon contact with the fog-laden surface, the mist parted like a curtain, unveiling rich, white soil beneath.

[30%... 40%...]

The sapling's roots delved into the foggy soil with purpose, securing themselves with a tenacious grip. Klein felt an undeniable connection form—a bond that thrummed with untold potential.

[50%... 60%...]

Crimson 'stars' within the fog began to shift, drawn irresistibly towards the sapling. They orbited it, their glow intensifying as they infused the young tree with their energy.

[70%... 80%...]

The sapling surged with growth, its bark thickening and branches stretching outward. Leaves unfurled, shimmering with a brilliant emerald hue. Klein sensed the sapling's latent powers awakening—the abilities to devour and purify sparking to life.

[90%... 100%... Planting complete.]

The system's voice resonated in his mind once more.

[Ding... The World Tree sapling has been successfully planted. The host's environment will now begin to improve, and spiritual energy will increase. The host's cultivation and healing processes will benefit from this enhancement.]

A wave of energy coursed through Klein's soul, invigorating him. The oppressive fog seemed to grow denser, a stark contrast to the burgeoning vitality symbolized by the newly planted World Tree.