
Lord of Mysteries:Fire of Destruction

A world thats rushing towards a dark ending. An slave traveler that yearns for his freedom. A fire that will consume anyone who stays behind. Will he be able to break the chains that bound him and reach the peak or will he just die like a sheep waiting to be slaughter. Wach him rise from the bottom and tries to discover why he came here. To save the world or rush it to that dark ending. This is a story of a traveler _________________________________________ Notes-Welcome to all new readers. This story was first published in the Novels section and only recently I have moved it to the fanfic part, in case you are wondering why there are two stories with the same name, that is why. I want to say that I am not a professional and that English is not my mother tongue so I hope you can forgive me for any spelling mistakes.

TheWitnes · Derivasi dari karya
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381 Chs

Chapter 45:Gaslighting Good People

With a slight smile, he answered him.

"What are you worrying about, Mr. Robert, my eyes are fine"

"But Mr. Adryan your eyes are red....."

"My eyes have always been red, Mr. Robert."

Robert's face grew more and more confused as if he couldn't make sense of what the redhead was saying....

"But before they were reddish brown..."

"Surely you are confused Mr. Robert my eyes have always been red"

Adryan didn't give him much time to think and cut him off in the middle of his sentence causing Robert to cringe slightly.

"But that's not...."

"Mr. Robert, as I said, you don't have to worry, my eyes are fine and they have always been red, I'm sure that due to the lighting in the room, you could have been confused, but they have always been red"

Robert scratched his head, extremely confused and making some sense out of Adryan's words.

"You may be right, Mr. Adryan, the lighting often causes me to confuse the colors, please excuse me"

At this Adryan gave him a sweet smile as he patted his shoulder.

"Don't worry Robert, I can just call you Robert, right? It happens to me a lot"

"Only if you allow me to call you Adryan and sorry again"

Was what Robert said with a slightly flushed face as he tried to use his hand to cover his mouth like a lady.

This reaction made Adryan also blush a little and he gave a small laugh.

"Of course, I wouldn't mind that so I'll see you later Robert"

Adryan's response slightly cheered Robert and he chuckled.

"Of course, Adryan see you later"

Adryan nodded and went up to the next floor with calm steps while Robert stared at his back, when Adryan left Robert's sight he grabbed the book again and read again.....

Going up to the floor the redhead managed to see the three musketeers playing pool together while Viktor was yelling about 'canned wolffish'.....

Gaining an idea of ​​what they were talking about, Adryan shook his head as he approached the small group.

As Viktor continued to speak aloud, Isaac and Charles saw Adryan coming up behind Viktor and waved at him but they froze when they saw glowing red eyes...

The reaction of his friends surprised Viktor and he turned with the pool stick in hand ready to attack whatever was behind him.

"WHO DARES....."

Viktor's voice died just as fast as he dropped the stick when he saw the redhead's eyes.

Seeing the reaction of the three, Adryan sighed heavily and shook his head strongly, this reaction was getting very boring.....

After doing the same thing he did with Robert, Adrian thought it would be more difficult than with the secretary but Charles surprisingly made it a lot easier due to giving him a lot of insight when he mentioned that lighting can affect how one perceives colors so That was easier than I thought...

Now they were chatting while playing billiards and Adryan was playing better than last time but he still lost...

Ignoring that small part they went on to play cards and Viktor offered to play with money but Adryan and Isaac flatly refused as they looked at Charles who was smiling on the other side...

"So Mr. Adryan, how have you been this time, it's been a while since you showed up at the club"

"I've just been pretty busy but whenever I could I would come here to see Robert and Mr.Grievius"

responding to Isaac while looking at his cards and lamenting that they were horrible....

"Seems like you guys got close around that time huh"

"He's quite a nice person to be around although the most I've seen him do is read that book since I hired him a few months ago."

As Viktor looked suspiciously at Adryan, Isaac spoke again while maintaining a poker face.

"You should learn more from Mr. Robert and maybe women wouldn't be so disgusted to get close to you"

Charles punched Viktor's pride hard and Viktor slammed his palms down on the table as he rose from his seat.


"I win"

When he said that, Charles put his cards on the table and went to help himself to something to drink while Viktor stared dumbly at Charles's cards...

The corners of Isaac's and Adryan's mouths began to quiver as they were barely able to contain their laughter.

Isaac took advantage and added salt to the wound...

"And so you wanted to play betting money, did you forget that Mr. Charles is invincible in this game?"

"Shut up Isaac"

Looking at Viktor's sour expression, Isaac and Adryan couldn't contain themselves anymore and laughed out loud at him making his face turn red with anger.


Charles turned slightly with a glass of wine in hand and simply shook his shoulders and calmly continued to drink.

This made Adryan and Isaac laugh harder as it seemed that Viktor's ears wanted to smoke like a teapot.

They were like that until noon when Adryan said goodbye to the 'musketeers' and went downstairs.

Saying goodbye to Robert who was reading as always, Adryan went home for lunch....

While eating his lunch, Adryan took advantage and took out the documents of the policemen that the boss of Blood Mark had bribed.

The assignment from Bravehearts Bar was to obtain this list and deliver it to the bar on June 22 at 7:30 p.m.

The reward was 80 pounds and originally Adryan thought it would be easy money...

But then what happened happened and now Adryan felt that he had been cheated and the pay was too low...

Shaking his head, Adryan put those documents down and then took out the document that dealt with the territories and information that the Blood Mark had about other gangs....


In a while I will post the last two chapters of this special