
Madame Brahilims.

June 10, 2037 (Earth calendar). Planet of the sage N°5, in the poor zone of a large city.

"Madame Brahilims..." Akiba called out to the beautiful, light and brown skinned young lady, who was quietly hanging out some children's clothes.

" Sir Akiba, good morning" The lady smiled.

"Madame Brahilims... I would like to ask for your help regarding my friends' research on space magic..."(Akiba)

Braimhs Brahilims looked at Akiba a bit surprised.

"I don't think I can do that Mr. Akiba." She said as was firmly shaking her head.

"I don't know about that kind of magic..."(Brahilims).

"But miss...Your magic is very special...I know you might not know in this aspect...But maybe...You could use your magic to help me to establish some kind of contact..."(Akiba)

"Of course, if you help me with this, I promise that I will try to help you in whatever way you want, if it's not anything crazy that would make me commit suicide."(Akiba)