
Lord Of A World: I Have A Group Chat As My Cheat!!

Alaric embarks on a journey to the realm of Lords, where everyone possesses the potential to ascend to godhood. However, this lofty goal proves challenging for Alaric, a mere traveler in this unfamiliar world. Unlike the native, who possess innate talents after awakening, Alaric lacks such abilities. Despite this, he manages to awaken as a Lord, albeit without any inherent talents. But determined to pursue his dream of becoming great at the risk of his life, Alaric's fortunes take a turn when his long-awaited cheat finally manifests! ...... For More Chapters You Can Visit My P@tre0n: p@tre0n.com/LazySeeker

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101 Chs

Chapter 12: Level Is The Key!


Wow! ! !

As the gate to the territory opened, the energy of the Heart of the Origin Realm leaked out.

It immediately attracted the void creatures wandering around to come towards the territory.

The first ones to appear are still the same as the enemies in the daily assessment, they are all those huge palms, demonic hands.

"Ah?! Alaric-kun, the enemy of this world, actually looks so disgusting?"

After Shuna really saw it, she couldn't help but frown and show an expression of disgust.

In her world, no matter how strange the monsters are, they are still reasonable.

And these big hands are so unreasonably long!

Although she disliked it, she still obeyed Alaric's arrangement, asking her to gain resources by killing monsters here, and at the same time, it was also a test of her strength as a hero.

"Don't even think about harming every flower or grass in Alaric-kun's territory!"

Ten great oni swordsmen guarded near the gate, but the main attacker was left to Shuna.


Shuna raised her hands, condensed a large amount of magic power into flames, and then threw it towards the enemy.


Magic element explosion!

There were a total of four demonic hands covered in flames, three of which were instantly killed.

The remaining demonic hand was farther away and had three fingers blown off.

Then she added a burst of flames and easily killed it.

[Shuna kills the demonic hand lv1, gold coin +1, you share 5 experience points! ]

[Shuna kills the demonic hand lv1, gold coin +1, you share 5 experience points! ]


On the other side, Alaric stood far away in front of the lord's wooden house, looking at the good news frequently coming from the battle log with great satisfaction.

And all the monsters were killed by Shuna alone.

There are not so many assists to share, but more experience is shared with him as the lord.

Then there were more and more enemies.

But Shuna obviously didn't have any difficulty.

On the contrary, those oni swordsmen were occasionally attacked and injured because they did not have enchanted poison bottles.

Shuna can even do two things, killing monsters and healing soldiers at the same time.

However, as the gate remains open longer, more and more monsters are attracted, and the level gradually increases.

Alaric also carefully observed Shuna's fighting performance.

Finally, he had a clear idea.

That is, the combat power of these characters from other worlds will indeed be adaptively transformed.

In the world of lords, level is the most important.

The combat effectiveness of these heroes is related to their level.

With Shuna's current strength, there is no problem in killing ordinary monsters in her world.

And after being named and having her strength increase, she can easily kill some stronger monsters.

But she has never killed a truly powerful monster alone, such as the Orc Emperor.

Therefore, the performance of coming to this world will be reflected in easily crushing ordinary enemies of the same level.

She can also kill elite monsters of the same level with some effort.

As for fighting the boss, it will probably be more difficult and will require the cooperation of more soldiers.

In other words, even if Saitama comes, he can kill all monsters of the same level with one punch, including bosses of the same level. Even mythical bosses, as long as they are of the same level, cannot withstand one punch.

But if it is an enemy higher than him, the performance of combat power will decrease according to a certain percentage.

For example, if the enemy is one level higher, it may need two punches, and if it's two levels higher, it may need three punches.

Shuna's combat skills are not considered top-tier, so when facing enemies that are about three levels higher than hers, she starts to struggle.

However, a large number of kills also allowed Shuna to quickly accumulate enough experience to complete the promotion.


White light flashed, and Shuna's level was raised to level 2.

Her combat performance immediately increased by one level, and now she needed at least level 5 void creatures to threaten her.

Three hours is long, but it passed quickly in the constant fighting.

When the summoning time of the altar was about to end, Alaric also closed the territory gate in time, blocking more void units from continuing to invade.

Although it didn't last long, the harvest this time was very rich.

There are roughly 300 void crystals scattered all over the ground.

The harvest of gold coins also increased by more than 300.

Although the experience requirement for upgrading as a lord is higher than that of soldiers and heroes, any unit under his command will share the experience when killed, so he himself was successfully promoted to level three, and all attributes were improved.

All ten great ghost Oni swordsmen were promoted to level two, and even two lucky ones were promoted to level three.

Shuna herself was the main attacker, had the most kills, gained the most experience, and was directly promoted to level four.

After she upgrades in this world, all attributes will also be improved.

What pleased Alaric the most was that Shuna was able to gain group points by killing void creatures!

He almost forgot that interactive rewards are not exclusive to him.

Although there are no additional item rewards for interacting with others, they can also earn points.

Although Shuna was summoned by him.

But for Shuna, killing monsters in his own world can be regarded as a kind of interaction in her own world.

After three hours, plus the previous accumulation, Shuna already had more than 800 points.

It only takes one hundred points to redeem random enhancement points.

Shuna can now be strengthened eight times!

"Wait a minute, if Shuna continues to become stronger and returns to her world, she will have the strength to directly kill the Orc Emperor, even comparable to the weakest Demon King!"

"If I summon her again and transform her into the combat power of my world, wouldn't it be equivalent to having a boss enemy that can instantly kill the same level?"

This is completely two worlds influencing each other, but this result is obviously a good thing!

After all, Shuna has been bound to become his own hero unit.

And they are 100% loyal altar heroes, not those mercenary heroes.

At the same time, there is also a chat function. When he trains Shuna to be more powerful, it can be regarded as a deeper level of interaction, and he can also receive feedback and rewards!

"Alaric-kun, thank you for calling me here!"

Although he was Alaric's hero, Shuna also gained a lot. When she returned to the altar, her face was filled with joy.

When the three hours are up, the white light blooms again.

Alaric naturally stretched out his hand to straighten Shuna's wrinkled miko uniform and said:

"After you go back, if you encounter an enemy you can't deal with, remember to call me in the group."

Although he knows that according to the plot, the other party should not be in danger.

But after all, he had interfered with her world, so he was not sure what the subsequent development would be, so he still gave a reminder.

"Mmm! I will!"

Shuna, whose body was gradually fading away, stared at Alaric intently, with a look of reluctance on her face.

Just before she disappeared, she stood forward and stood on tiptoes.

She suddenly launched a sneak attack and left her own lip print on Alaric's face.

"Alaric-kun, I look forward to being summoned by you next time!"

As she disappeared, Shuna said seriously.