
Bonds of Family

And that was his plan along with his admission he wasn't the person to make it happen. He was brutally honest even with himself.

Mr. Weasley smiled before he pointed at Eliza Danvers, a seventh year, who asked about positions in International Cooperation. To Harry it sounded like she might just be willing to take one for Team Gryffindor.

Not one student left early. Not one student opened a book or chatted with a neighbor. Mr. Weasley had the attention of each of them.

Harry thanked Mr. Weasley after. He said he hoped Mr. Weasley might teach another class the following year.

"Perhaps. If word doesn't leak out about this one and get me fired."

Harry would have to have a word with some people. It looked like the twins already were.

Harry also thanked Hermione.

She was almost floating. "That was wonderful. But it sounds so dreadful. I had thought...the books had said... But it couldn't really be like that, could it? The Ministry...is supposed to be..."

Crashing back to the ground of reality was never fun. Harry stayed with her as she talked herself into a variety of positions, trying to reconcile them all.


Harry ate his breakfast on Saturday morning. He explained that he was going outside to Hermione, Ron, and Neville, which was true. He hinted that he was trying to avoid Oliver Wood, the sixth year who captained the house Quidditch team. Somehow the news that Harry liked to fly, and often did, had finally reached his ears.

Wood was trying to pressure Harry into joining the Quidditch team for next year. Harry's friends all smiled, but put odds on Oliver winning. Harry was too nice, at least as far as they knew. There was a benefit to being underestimated, as Mr. Weasley had just shown and as very few people actually seemed to recognize.

Harry went outside and put his cloak on. He walked to the village and flooed from the pub to the hospital, St. Mungo's.

Harry avoided the Welcome Witch who was busy with a family where the young boys seemed to have swapped a leg with each other. The bigger boy had one very short leg. The small boy had one very long leg. Harry decided not to ask.

He walked to the fourth floor. He'd been told the name of the ward where his godfather was. He found himself moving slowly. He wanted to meet Sirius Black, but he was also scared.

What if Sirius was worse than 'Uncle' Vernon? A bit mad, a bit cruel, a bit skilled with a wand. At least Vernon hadn't a drop of magic.

He continued up the stairs. There was only one way forward.

Harry found Sirius asleep. He was the only person in the ward so it had to be him.

Harry settled into a chair and waited. He was trying to think of what he might say. Or what questions he might be asked by Mr. Black.

Harry wanted to know this person, but he thought his motives were a bit murky. He wanted to know Mr. Black so he could know his family. He'd barely gotten anyone at Hogwarts to talk about James Potter or Lily Evans. He'd learned more from back numbers of the Daily Prophet.

"James?" a voice asked.

It was Mr. Black. He sounded concerned and woozy.

Harry stood up. "I'm Harry. I'm your godson."

The man in the bed brightened and smiled, like an innocent babe upon first waking. "Harry. Yes, Harry."

Harry smiled, too. Suddenly he wasn't quite so nervous about what to say or what to answer. That would take care of itself.

"This isn't a dream, is it? You're here. I'm here. In London?"

"Yes, Mr. Black..."

"Ahh, not a dream. I'd never call myself Mr. Black. You should call me Sirius. Better, call me Padfoot."

"Padfoot?" Harry asked.

"Nickname your father favored. Should I tell you about him, is that what a godfather does?"

"I don't know," Harry said, "but I'd like to hear about him."

"Pull that chair over here. Before the assistant healer catches us. I think she's half dragon at least. Maybe three-quarters."

Harry laughed. And the world changed again.

"First, tell me about your Hogwarts. Do you play Quidditch? Do you have a favorite class?"


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