

She close her eyes as a wave of dizziness wash over her, it was her first time outside the house, she never made it past the gate before passing out as she wasn't use to the weather outside. She look across the street of her big mansion where she lived with her ever caring nanny after she lost her parents to a car accident. She was left alone at a young age with a fortune that will never run out even with years to come. As she count her step like a new born trying to get close to the road inorder to see the outside world except her white washed room. She placed her leg on the road with a satisfied smile, seeing as she didn't lose her balance she placed the other and walk forward. "Miss Unique!!!!!" she heard her nanny scream echo behind her, looking up she was met with a sudden rush of a racing car which made her weak heart racy. Unique went down falling on her knees knowing for sure she will be hit, maybe it will be her final moment, maybe God wanted her to get a glimpse of the outside world before he took her back. A tears ran down her cheek and she waited to meet her maker and question him why he was being unfair to her since day one. "Don't cry, I don't know how to comfort a crying woman" came a calm masculine voice. Unique who was still on the floor slowly raise her head to be met with a pair of light brown eyes that was staring right at her through his long lashes. She thought for a moment that she was dead, and maybe she was being taken away by an angel who was glowing and way too good looking to keep an eye contact with. "Are you taking me to the after life" came her soft voice which came out low and almost a whisper. "Would you go with me if I am?" came his reply. Unique thought for a brief moment before replying. "If I will be happy and free then I will go anywhere with you" she said to him. She was answered with a chuckle which shook her and made her smile also as she believe her new beginning was going to be strange, and maybe just maybe eventful. Tags: #Romance, #paranormal, #thriller Written By: Cassie_berry134

Cassie_Berry134 · Fantasi
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46 Chs

Memories of Unique

Colors start to return to Garrett face where he lay dead, his skin going back to normal his veins retracting.

He gasp awake feeling off, the first sight that welcomed him was that of Unique who had a dagger unbuilt in her heart and her lifeless form close to him, her hands were stretch out reaching out to him.

"Unique??" He called his brow knitted he moved closer to her unsure what was wrong.

"Hey kitten," Garrett called but he received no response, there was nothing coming from her.

"Hey" Garrett called again, he knew what this meant but he refused to accept it, there was no way right, Unique couldn't have left him right?. What was all this for if she was going to leave him. Why had she step into his life and made it sway. Garrett bowed his head and said nothing more.

Antonio slash his sword on Nalla's chest drawing blood, Nalla moved back balancing on the sword while she look at the man she once love.

"Give up Nalla this is your last chance," Antonio told her.

"Never it all started with us and Shall end with us" Nalla told him and went forward again, their fight intensify.

The court dashed into Antonio base, Cassius was with Julian Nolan and Ambrosia who came with Nolan. The guards rushed in searching the place for the missing people.

After a thoroughly search they were able to rescue some casualties about ten of them who were taken into custody. Most of the females were traumatize.

"Neither Unique or Garrett are no where in sight," Ambrosia said looking around the filthy place that mudded with melted candles.

A sound was heard in a corner and someone turned trying to escape. Cassius was quick on his step and he caught Martel whose hallow eyes were staring straight at Cassius.

"Where's Antonio?" Cassius asked.

"No where" came Martel reply, he suddenly start to convulse thrashing around the place, Cassius let go of him and stare at the man confused.

Martel began to dissipate turning to sand.

"What's going on" Julian asked looking at the man who had turn into a pillar of sand.

"Not important we have to find The rest" Nolan said.

Nolan turn and left the scenario with Ambrosia and followed by Julian.


The battle between Antonio and Nalla went on sounds of metal hitting metal filled the night air, Antonio turned and stab Nalla from behind, blood came rushing up her lungs and she spilled it out, Antonio took out his sword and it brought Nalla to her knees.

He turned and look back at Garrett who still had his head bowed unmoving. Antonio went ahead and approach Garrett but before he could get to the male, Garrett had lifted himself off his feet and his red eyes deep and stained with pain.

Antonio began chanting essence switching spell, it drop off his lips and wisp up the air forming like a dark cloud the moon ray shone and collide with the night air, it went straight for Garrett and engulf him.

Antonio smile came out eerily it then turn to laugh that was soon replaced by confusion.

"No what going on no no. Stop the clouds came back and engulf Antonio, Antonio turned to see Nalla smiling back on her feet her face all filled with dark veins, she had exhausted her limit to make sure Antonio did himself. Blood came rushing out her mouth again and she went down further.

"Stop this right now, Nalla!!!!!" Antonio panic his voice unusually unstable.

" I promise we will share the power together you and I will rule the world " Antonio told her he was starting to become half crazed, his skin become chappy and his elongated fangs retracted, his eyes became dark. The vampire genes was fading and his witch side was taking over.

"Nalla!!!!" Antonio screamed but it was cut shut by a hand that peek through his heart.

Garrett had sink his hand into Antonio chest plucking out the man heart ruthless.

It was done so fast, Antonio fell on his knees looking down at his heartless opened chest.

"You Smith are one Crazy family, I guess I messed with the wrong one" Antonio said and dropped dead.

Nalla look up at Garrett from where she lay on the floor, seeing his emotionless face she tried smiling at him but she was unable to.

Nalla breathe her last closing her eyes as tears drip down her face.

The scene become flooded with the court guard, Nolan rushed in with Ambrosia who gasped moving back after seeing the damage done.

" Nalla?" She called rushing to the dead vampiress whose skin was still normal but not alive.

Garrett gathered Unique in his arms and took her with him back home.

Cassius watch him leave saying nothing, what could he have say, nothing could help the situation Garrett was mourning his beloved.


Unique was placed in a coffin in the living room of Garrett Mansion, he took her back home but she didn't live to return there. Her lifeless form was dressed in a white gown she looked ethereal even after death.

Sophie cried her eyes out unable to control her tears, Unique was like her very own little sister, she took care of the kid while growing up, they both shared everything together.

Fernandez eyes were sad even though he knew the lady for a little while the time he spent together with her was priceless, she was the most humble person he ever met.

The door opened and Ambrosia walked in, she was dressed in a black attire, she was just coming back from Nalla's wake as the lady was just buried.

Garrett didn't bother turning to look at the one who just came in because he knew who it was.

Ambrosia made her way forward and place her hand on Garrett shoulder. Garrett didn't look away from Unique.

"It time to let her go Garrett, you have held out enough it time to let go" Ambrosia said to Garrett her voice soft.

A tears escape Garrett eyes and he mourned. He cried so hard he couldn't stop his tears, memories of Unique flooding in.

*She's mine, my possession and I don't intend on sharing her with another.

*Have you forgotten I said you were mine now, my belonging?

*He fell harder and deeper than she could ever imagine, she became his top priority.

*Too close miss Salvador.

*Kitten? Hmmm.

* I love you Garrett.

Garrett cried more remembering the moments he spent with Unique.

Her memories were haunting his night.

The cat purr licking it paw, Ambrosia look over at it and she frown, the cat lip hook up in a smile which came out like an annoyed growl, she gave up and moved away from it position on the floor, she climb on to the coffin finding a better position to lay out.


Unique was finally lowered to the ground and was buried.

Garrett spent days and night beside her gr@ve just casually staring at her picture placed on the headstone.

The house became empty without Unique it returned to it usually darkness .

Mrs Smith was released and she returned home to her husband.

Nalla was visited yearly by the Smith.

Bouquet of flowers was dropped monthly on Unique gr@ve.

~Twenty years later~

The manager of Unique fashion industry tab his hand on the table looking uneasy, he had just called in one of their top models but she hadn't show up and the president was around.

"Sir we could replace her, the president shouldn't find out about this, it only an hour before the launching."

"Are you hearing your self Matthew how can we replace her now, where would we find a new model in such short period of time" Mr Armen the manager said.

"But Mr Armen...."

"Go away find some solution to this problem" Armen told him.

"The president his here" whispers went around as the employee began adjusting themselves.

"He's here oh God save me from his wrath" Armen prayed.

The president walked in to the scene he look at the stage settings through the recording showing back stage.

The models who are going in later were busy getting themselves dressed up.

"Sir Garrett you are here" Armen said standing behind the company president whose hand was wrapped around his chest. Garrett turn to look at the average man who looked up at him worriedly.

"And what is this am hearing Armen, there's a model short and that the one booked? You are going to use such unreliable source for our launching". Garrett said his words harsh.

"Um sir what am I going to do it...." Armen was saying when a lady rushed backstage.

"Am sorry but I heard you need a model urgently well thankfully I have all the time in the world." The lady said.

Garrett harsh face smoothen out at her voice he turn to see who it was.

The lady was backing him as she spoke with the manager.

Garrett walk forward to see if she was suitable for the launching.

"Oh don't worry am in for gigs.." the lady said with her bright smile