
Conquest { XXIV }

_Nighttime, Winterseed Village_

After the exit of Rowan and the gallant men of the village, the villagers gathered outside their homes. The streets of the small village were filled with a large crowd of worried villagers. Children, women, and the elderly all crowded the streets, sacrificing their night's rest to worry and pray for the victory of their beloved lord.

The village square was crowded the most, with around 40% of Winterseed's population gathered around that area.

A group of women could be seen kneeling on the ground, facing the moon that hung in the sky as though it was some sort of deity. They shut their eyes, and their mouths moved as they whispered words of prayers.

Even the little children who had grown accustomed to the hardship inflicted by Glenwood wished hopefully that it would end. And that could only be achieved if their Lord won.