
Lord Commander Of the Night Watch

summary: Edgar wakes up to find himself in the north of Westeros, and is captured for stealing food, before being sent to the wall. A translated work of the Chinese novel The king of the desperate Great Wall at 69xinshu.com I do not claim ownership of novel, I’ll only be translating the last volume since I found it terrible the rest I’ll just be posting here. you also don’t have to send points or such thinks, this is completely free, if you can’t find the link let me know.

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34 Chs

chapter 15

Wiping away the water drops on his body, Egger picked up the clothes sent by his servants: an all-black gown characteristic of the night watchman, but the material was velvet, and it was obviously not a uniform - neither in terms of texture nor workmanship. They were all very different from those worn by the Night Watch soldiers. When they were put on his body and rubbed against his skin, the touch was so comfortable that he almost moaned. In Westeros, only the Night's Watch would wear all-black clothes, but judging from the size, it didn't look like they were freshly made for themselves, so it was Benjen Stark's own clothes.

  (Going on a business trip with the leader is indeed much better than staying at the Great Wall.) Ige thought with a wry smile.

  Of course it's not that he hasn't worn better clothes. Before he came to this world, although his family was not rich, at least they had a house and a car. His mother was a tailor and a clothing store owner, so she was a real connoisseur. I dare not say anything else, but if you pick out any item in your wardrobe, it will definitely be affordable and decent... Growing up, wearing "good clothes" has been a natural thing. But that kind of life seems like a lifetime ago. Not long ago, he was still striving for a higher standard of living, but now he has been reduced to the point where he is satisfied with wearing more comfortable clothes. Among the time-travelers, he is probably the worst first-class.

  Winterfell was situated on a hot spring, and hot water was piped between the walls. Even the worst room without a fireplace was at least twenty degrees warmer than outside. After taking a shower, Ige sat down in a chair. He was so comfortable that he almost didn't want to move a finger... But after all, he still had things to do tonight, so he cheered up, packed his clothes, and left the room.


  The Night's Watch is a "welcome guest" in Winterfell. After all, this is just a hearsay. When the king is coming, no one can care about him as a soldier. Following the impatient guidance of the servant, he arrived at the banquet location and found his own seat in the corner. He and a large group of banquet participants who had arrived early began to wait.

  The hall was steaming, filled with the aroma of roasted meats and freshly baked bread. The gray stone walls surrounding the hall are covered with banners of various families. The gray is the ice wolf of the Stark family, the gold is the crowned stag of the Baratheon family, and the crimson is the roaring lion of the Lannister family. A singer was playing the harp and singing a ballad. Egg was not familiar with the language of Westeros, and he was at the end of the long hall, so he couldn't hear the content of the song clearly.

  Jon Snow was at the same table with him. At this king's dinner, no matter whether his father was Rhaegar Targaryen or Eddard Stark, as long as he was not a legally recognized heir, he would have the status of an illegitimate son. Just like a night watchman: "popular" is the lowest-level participant who is eligible to enter the venue. This is the cold hierarchy of the world of ice and fire, but the boy does not seem to be troubled, but seems very comfortable - sometimes feeding the little direwolf hiding under the table, sometimes eagerly asking Egg next to him about the Night Watch. Details, a look of heartless optimism.

  In addition to the bastards and the Night's Watch, there were many young servants at the same table. Some of them served the Stark family, some were loyal to the royal family, and some came from Casterly Rock or Lannisport. There are no old feuds between families or grudges between the older generations among the participants at the bottom of these banquets. Although they come from far and wide, they sit shoulder to shoulder, sip wine from glasses and chat in the same language. Everyone has their own experiences - Jon asked him about the Great Wall with great interest, and he answered them one by one. As he narrated, more and more people put down their knives, forks and wine glasses and joined in the conversation.

  "Do giants really exist?"

  "Do people north of the Great Wall really fuck goats?"

  "I heard that wild men will eat their own children when they are hungry!"

  Egger understood that speaking about the White Walkers would only be considered bragging. Just don't mention it at all, and just pick some interesting topics that can be used as conversation topics.

  He is already in his twenties, and his youthful oriental characteristics allow him to blend into this circle of teenagers. However, his age and experience make him at least the most mature and stable person at this table. Some popular psychology books he read before traveling through time made him know how to cater to others... In the original world, he was not considered slick, but in this world where the theme was generally fighting and killing, he was very good at dealing with several children. . Within a moment, the Night Watch Ranger, dressed in brand new black clothes, became the protagonist of the table. The teenagers gathered around him, toasting him and asking questions. The atmosphere was so lively that even the people at the next table moved their benches. Lean in and listen to Egg's story.

  "However, the Great Wall is not very peaceful this time." The interesting content was almost finished, and Egg began to turn the topic to serious matters, "The weather is getting colder day by day, and one hundred thousand savages began to gather under the leadership of the King Beyond the Wall, preparing to break through The Great Wall came to the south - for them, south of the Great Wall is the south - for the winter, and the rangers began to witness humanoid figures suspected of being White Walkers in the Haunted Forest... Since this year, several brothers have been patrolling north. He disappeared."

  This kind of thing is naturally meaningless to the gang of bastards and young attendants in front of you, but the news will spread. Behind the illegitimate son is the head of the Stark family and the future heir, and the attendants serve They are knights, nobles and other people from all over the Westeros who actually control the resources. Spreading the plight faced by the Night Watchmen through various channels will definitely be beneficial to the Great Wall defenders in the long run.

  The top leaders of the Night's Watch are all upright men, but the environment and atmosphere of the era in which they were born and raised is destined to have limited knowledge of the role of "public opinion"... Egger has a vision and knowledge that far exceeds theirs. After all, he wants to use what he knows to be the best. The legion makes a small contribution - in this cruel world, you have to be prepared with multiple hands for everything. If you don't find a way to escape from the Night Watch legion, you have to rely on your comrades around you to survive. What's good for the legion is what's good for you.

  "One hundred thousand savages?" Some of the listeners didn't believe it at all, while others showed expressions of wonder and nervousness: "Can the night watchmen block the attack?" "

  This is just a rough estimate. There are old and young among the one hundred thousand people, and they have families and families. Driving livestock, 10,000 capable fighting troops are enough to reach the sky." Egg raised his glass and drank it all: "If we attack head-on, a hundred thousand elite soldiers will not be able to climb the Great Wall. The problem the Night Watchmen encounter now is that the Great Wall It's too long and has too few troops. It's impossible to set up defenses everywhere. If the savages pick an undefended area and attack from inside and outside, we will be vulnerable." "

  Then what should we do?"

  Egg smiled bitterly: "That's a good question. , the chief ranger came to Winterfell this time to discuss this issue with the Guardian of the North."

  A bunch of young people wanted to ask again, and the protagonists of the banquet arrived at the scene.