
Looks Is Better than Stats

Looks Is Better than Stats In the year 2033, humanity achieved an astonishing milestone in the realm of digital technology and interface integration, forever altering what was considered "normal." The Neurochip, a groundbreaking invention by the enigmatic genius "Ilun Mask," swept across the world like a digital tsunami, transforming the very essence of human existence. This transformative technology paved the way for the birth of the world's first Full Dive MMORPG, NEuEarth Online. Amidst the millions of players who ventured into this immersive virtual realm, one particular player stood out. In terms of looks, he is the strongest! but the saying "don't judge the book by its cover" has never been real when it comes to this player. Embark on a journey into this immersive FD- MMORPG, where a grand quest unlike any other awaits.

Ank_Art · Game
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45 Chs


Amidst the chaos, Naida's desperate cries for help pierced the tense air, and my heart pounded with the realization that another one of my companions was in grave danger. Without a second thought, a sudden surge of determination propelled me into action.

In an instant, an Arcane leaped towards Naida, its gaping maw aimed at her throat, a horrifying specter of death. Acting on pure instinct, she covered her face with her staff, her terrified pleas echoing in the forest. Witnessing the impending disaster, I moved with lightning speed.


In a swift, fluid motion, I swung my blade, and blood spurted into the air as the Arcane's lifeless body crumpled to the ground.


"Are you okay?" I gasped, my voice laced with relief and concern as I extended a hand to help Naida to her feet.

1 ARCAN killed


Receive: +300 exp + 40 silver

Item: +1 Arcan hide

[Level up]

You receive 2 status points."

"Yeah, thank you." Naida reply, Her face was pale, but she managed a small, reassuring smile. Maybe she didn't want me to worry too much.

Even so, I was still reeling from the shock. "What just happened? I killed it in one strike."

Blood flowed down the tip of my sword, a haunting reminder of the swift, precise blow. Before the Arcane could reach Naida, I had managed to dart back and unleash a slashing attack, catching the creature mid-air, leaving it no chance to evade. Just like with Woody, it's a critical hit.

I had grown stronger since putting my stat points into my status, but to kill an Arcane in a single strike was still a surprise. I see, maybe critical strikes might be the key to survive in these battles.

"but there's one problem"

Unlike the humanoid-shaped creatures, like Woody, I didn't have any information about the weak spots of these more monstrous Arcanes. It was a game of trial and error, where every move could mean the difference between life and death.


AH, That's right, I had also gained a skill from that fight with woody. My lips curved into a smile as I realized I really was still a newbie, occasionally forgetting the skill at my disposal. As I look around, I notice that on my lower left side I see a really small icon with the name of the skill called [weakness].

"so that's where it is"


"DIEE!" A loud, pained cry echoed from the direction where Trey and Klent were locked in a fierce battle. I wished I could rush to Trey's aid, but I couldn't abandon Naida's side. Still, I couldn't help but feel a rush of gratitude that Trey was still alive.

A small grin formed on my lips, a strange mix of relief and worry. It was painful to think that I worry about someone else's well-being while Naida and I might face death first ourselves.


The forest seemed to come alive with ominous sounds. Another three Arcanes emerged, further intensifying the already perilous situation. The two Arcanes circled Naida and me, and I realized that if we didn't regain the upper hand soon, the odds would tilt irrevocably against us.

This was bad; without Trey's help, we were at a severe disadvantage.

". . . . . . . . . "

Time passed, and I couldn't determine how long it had been. The eyes of these Arcanes were fixed on us, like hungry mosquitoes sizing up their prey. What's more, the sounds of the battle between Trey and Klent had faded into silence. Was their fight already concluded? And if so, who had emerged victorious?

My growing concern deepened as the Arcanes, sensing the opportunity, ceased their idle movements and began to approach us slowly. The impending threat felt as heavy as the oppressive silence that had now enveloped the forest.


Kuonh raised his sword protectively, positioning it slightly in front of the shivering Naida to shield her from the encroaching danger.

"What should we do?" Naida, though trembling with fear, extended her staff, her determination to help were evident.


Yet another sound emanated from the underbrush, but this time, it was accompanied by the sight of a human figure. Kuonh and Naida's faces brightened with a mixture of hope and relief. As they took a few steps closer, the man with a sword came into view.

"That is," Naida muttered, relief coloring her voice.

Kuonh's eyes brightened with hope as he nodded. "Trey, glad to have you back. We have a situation here; we need to regroup and figure out what to do next--"

But Kuonh's words faltered as he saw Trey emerge from the forest. Trey was a sight of devastation. Multiple wounds marred his body, and blood oozed from the gashes. His left hand dangled uselessly, like a limp rope, and his right eye was covered in a bloody mess.


Naida, despite her trembling body, rushed towards Trey with the intent to heal him, but Trey managed to raise his other hand, gesturing for her to stop; her going there would mean death.

"K-Kuonh," Trey gasped, and Kuonh, wanting to run towards him as well, but he knows that doing so would put Naida in grave danger. He waited, tense and anxious, for what Trey was about to say.

"Run, you two," Trey's voice trembled with fear as he continued.

"There's a massive and powerful Arcane out there, and Klent got killed by that monster. You two, take this and escape!" He fumbled for an item he intended to give to Kuonh, but his body had reached its limit. Slowly, he slumped to the ground, his form disintegrating into a million shimmering particles before vanishing into the air.

"TREY!" Kuonh cried out in disbelief and grief.

As the tragic events unfolded before his eyes, Kuonh felt a moment of mental blackout. Thoughts of self-blame and regret swirled in his mind, each repetition a heavy weight on his conscience. "I didn't manage to protect my teammate once more," echoed through his thoughts.

Naida, overwhelmed by despair and watching the spot where Trey had just perished, slumped to the ground. Her face was a canvas of anguish, and it seemed as though the grim fate that had befallen their party was inevitable. With a trembling voice, she uttered, "This is the end."

Kuonh was jolted back to the grim reality by Naida's words. A surge of determination coursed through him as he remembered that there was still one more person to protect. He couldn't afford to be overwhelmed now. He tightened his grip on his sword, his knuckles whitening.