
Looks Is Better than Stats

Looks Is Better than Stats In the year 2033, humanity achieved an astonishing milestone in the realm of digital technology and interface integration, forever altering what was considered "normal." The Neurochip, a groundbreaking invention by the enigmatic genius "Ilun Mask," swept across the world like a digital tsunami, transforming the very essence of human existence. This transformative technology paved the way for the birth of the world's first Full Dive MMORPG, NEuEarth Online. Amidst the millions of players who ventured into this immersive virtual realm, one particular player stood out. In terms of looks, he is the strongest! but the saying "don't judge the book by its cover" has never been real when it comes to this player. Embark on a journey into this immersive FD- MMORPG, where a grand quest unlike any other awaits.

Ank_Art · Game
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45 Chs

Restorer's trial

"As you know, restorers are the ones who will travel across the world, braving unknown dangers to reclaim NEuEarth from the invaders. But we don't accept just anyone for this task. We need individuals who not only possess the necessary skills but also have the potential to grow stronger."

As Atnas settled into his chair behind the imposing desk, he leaned forward, his eyes locked onto Kuonh.

"Now, your quest to become a restorer begins with a test. You will be tasked with hunting a specific monster. However, before we send you out into the field, we must assess your capabilities. We can't afford to put someone out there who isn't prepared and capable."

Kuonh nodded, understanding the importance of such assessments. Little did he realize the enigmatic smile that tugged at the corners of the guild master's lips, a smile that hinted at the intriguing challenges and surprises that lay ahead on his path to becoming a restorer.

"So first, you need to choose your temporary class and weapon. Fight a wooden dummy to prove your worth. Are you ready?" The guild master's grin stretched from ear to ear. I could tell this trial was going to be nothing short of insane.

[Yes] [No] A window popped up in front of me.

This was it, my first trial in a MMORPG. A mixture of nerves and excitement coursed through me. I wasn't about to back down now. I couldn't wait to see what NEuEarth had in store for me.

With a deep breath, I tapped 'yes,' and as I did, my entire body began to glow. It felt like I was being pulled through a digital vortex, and then suddenly, I found myself standing in a room filled with an array of weapons. Swords, bows, spears, shields, and more adorned the walls, each with white names in their descriptions.

The room was dimly lit, with the weapons casting eerie shadows on the walls. The air was charged with anticipation, and I could feel the weight of the decision I was about to make.

I glanced around, my eyes darting from one weapon to another. It was a crucial decision. This choice would define my character in this world, at least for now.

Swords gleamed temptingly, their edges sharp and dangerous. Bows seemed elegant and mysterious, promising precision and ranged power. Spears stood tall and commanding, offering both offense and defense. Shields beckoned as protectors, their sturdiness reassuring.

*shhk shhk*

The unmistakable sound of a microphone being tested filled the room, the unexpected noise making me jump in surprise. I glanced around, bewildered, wondering where the source of this mysterious voice could be.

"Ahem, ahem, can you hear me, young man?"

I blinked in astonishment as the voice of the guild master resonated in the room, clear and commanding. It was as if he were right there with me, even though I was alone in this chamber. The guild master's technological prowess must have been exceptional, allowing him to reach out to me from afar.

"Okay, good. Now I want you to first choose your class, then a weapon. After you're ready, you can go out using the door behind you, and it will lead you to the training ground."

Atnas's voice carried a playful tone, leaving me to wonder what kind of trial awaited me beyond those doors. My pulse quickened with anticipation, and I couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and curiosity about the adventures that lay ahead in this new world.

I glanced toward the door, my heart racing. This was it, the moment where my journey in NEuEarth truly began. With newfound resolve, I turned my attention to the task at hand, ready to choose my class and weapon.

"Let's go."

As I uttered those words, the air seemed to crackle with anticipation. A transparent window materialized in front of me, casting a soft, bluish glow in the dim chamber. The choices before me held the promise of adventure, and I couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement.

Choose a basic class:






My gaze darted over the options, each one representing a unique path in this virtual world. The possibilities were endless, and I knew that my decision would shape my journey.

"Basic class? ...."

Without hesitation, my heart resolute, I clicked on 'Swordsman.' A satisfying sound chimed through the room, signaling my successful selection.

[You successfully selected the swordsman class.]

The words seemed to reverberate in my mind as I absorbed the consequences of my choice. A surge of newfound power flowed through my veins, and I felt a connection to the very essence of the swordsman's art.

[+20% damage in every attack using any kind of sword]

[+15 STR]

[+5 AGI]

[Class swordsman level: 1]

The notifications flashed before me, each one a testament to the potential that now resided within me. The weight of a sword, any sword, felt different in my hand, as though it were an extension of my very being.

"I see, so choosing the right class for the right weapon is this significant," I mused aloud, my eyes still fixed on the notifications that hovered before me. The prospect of what lay ahead sent a shiver of excitement down my spine.

[+15 STR] and [+5 AGI], those numbers, seemingly small, held immense significance in this digital world. I could already feel their effects coursing through my body, like a warm surge of power.

With newfound curiosity, I looked down at my arms and flexed them experimentally. It was as if my muscles had awakened from a long slumber. I couldn't help but smile as I jumped up and down, each leap feeling more agile and effortless than before.

The transformation was subtle but undeniable. My footsteps felt lighter, my reflexes sharper, and the strength in my arms more pronounced. It was as if the very essence of the swordsman class had infused me with a newfound vitality.

I continued to test my limits, moving with a grace and precision I hadn't possessed moments ago. It was an exhilarating sensation, knowing that I had chosen the right path and was now equipped with the tools to succeed in this immersive world.

With each jump, each stride, I felt a growing sense of purpose and excitement.