
Lookism: Pitch Black

This story unfolds with the arrival of a mysterious transfer student, enveloped in an irresistible charm and an air of intrigue. However, can he maintain a tranquil school life amidst the impending events? + Do note that English is not my first language, so watch out for typographical errors. The cover belongs to its rightful owner, and I want to give them credit for it. Please be aware that this story contains sensitive language, including profanity, which may not be suitable for all readers. I welcome both recommendations and criticisms.

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10 Chs

Chapter 8: Aftermath

The conflict between Rain and Gun resulted in a storm of brutality, their actions filled with immense strength and experience. The precise attacks of Rain clashed with Gun's unyielding barrage, with every hit echoing in the dim alley.

During the intense battle, spectators observed with amazement and fear, understanding they were witnessing a clash between men that are forces to be reckoned with. Jake, Jace, and Vasco were frozen in place, trying to process the scenes that are unfolding in front of their very eyes

Rain's confidence and determination and strength never stopped him from fighting with the fierce opponent in front of him, memories flashing inside him has he throws a series of punches and combinations of kicks. Gun's experience and sheer power quickly started to overpower him as he smirked, he was never dissatisfied each time he fought with his disciple, he is no doubt the same Savitar he created with his own very hands, his very own disciple that has the potential to kill and replace him. The White Ghost picked up the pace and started to give it his all, leaving Rain was relentlessly pounded with powerful blows, each one pushing him closer to the edge of losing.

With victory seemingly within reach, Gun pressed on, unleashing a series of attacks in an attempt to penetrate Rain's defenses. With every blow, Rain struggled to stay on his feet, his determination weakening as the continuous attack wore him down.

In a last-ditch effort to change the course of the battle, Rain used all his power and abilities to launch a fierce assault that briefly surprised Gun. However, Gun promptly composed himself, remaining determined as he fought back with increased intensity.

In the heat of the battle's peak, Rain was forced into a defensive stance, his body bruised and battered, his spirit tested to its maximum capacity. Gun dealt a final, powerful hit that caused Rain to collapse to the ground, exhausted and defeated.

Quietness enveloped the alley when Rain, defeated, took ragged breaths and saw blurry images. Gun stood proudly, his win undeniable as he looked down at his defeated apprentice with a blend of contentment and eagerness.

"You never fail to impress, it has been a long time since I have felt like this." Gun acknowledged that his first apprentice still had a lot of progress to make, which resulted in receiving a murderous glare and a middle finger from the apprentice in which he laughed at.

Gun walked away, leaving Rain to contemplate his failure, Jake, Jace, and Vasco watched in stunned silence, realizing that the balance of power in Seoul's underground world had shifted once again.

- TBC.

Hi, author here. I might've taken a long time resting, leaving u guys thinking the story might have been dropped and I am sorry for that. Many things happened recently, I am glad to announce that I have come back.

i might not follow the main lookism story since it might take too long in progressing.

I'll still pay attention to this fanfic even tho i am quite a bit busy myself, thank you for ur support : ).

Updates might be 2-4 chapters a week, stay tuned!

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