
Lookism: No Limits

Born without talent, only to wake up as a talented one.

TheJiujitsuGuy · Komik
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39 Chs

Chapter 10

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____Lohan Pov____

It has been one day since I woke up in a hospital bed. One day since my fight with Logan and my brief encounter with Daniel Park.

A lot happened after I woke up, starting with some policemen coming into the room where I was staying, to ask me what exactly had happened the night before.

And I didn't hide anything. I told him everything that had happened, from Logan almost killing me to the moment I managed to knock him out.

I wouldn't care a bit if that bastard was arrested. In fact, I would be glad if he did.

I could have died if I reacted later, but luckily I managed to avoid any major damage and ended up only fracturing a few ribs and suffering a concussion.

After I gave my statement, I have not heard from the police or Logan Lee again. Honestly, I hope they arrested him for assault or something.

Fortunately, there was one positive point in all this...

Taking a spoonful of soup to my mouth, I swallowed indifferently.

Hospital food is much more nutritious than instant noodles... Even if it tastes horrible.

Putting my plate aside, I grabbed a notebook and a pencil that I got after asking one of the nurses.

Since I woke up, my main hobby has become drawing. It was amazing to see that in just a few hours, I was already able to draw decently, although I still struggle with a little something here and there.

I feel that if I keep practicing for a week, I will be able to draw professionally. This is exactly what I want. Drawing can provide me with a source of income, the faster I can improve, the faster I will make money.

Starting to make a sketch of Luffy, I barely noticed a knock on the door, stopping drawing only when it was opened.

"Oh, hello!"

Putting my attention on the newcomer, I quickly recognized him as Daniel Park in his second body, which was a rather strange sight, after all, I am face to face with a person who until a few days ago was only a fictional character to me.

"Hello." But it is what it is, there's no point in dwelling on it. "Who are you?"

Even though I knew him as a fictional character, I decided to act safe, after all, we have never met before, it would be awkward if I called him by name.

"Ah... My name is Daniel Park, I am here because you helped my friend, so I came to thank you." He looks nervous as he speaks, I wonder why.

"Oh, it's a pleasure, my name is Lohan Park. You must be talking about that short boy." Setting my notebook aside, I crossed my arms and put my full attention on Daniel. "Well, I have to thank him too. If he hadn't distracted that idiot, I might be dead right now."

I frown as I remember Logan's face. Just thinking about his name makes me angry.

"You don't have to worry about Logan Lee. After what happened yesterday, he was sent to Juvenile Prison."

When I heard it, I processed the information for a few seconds, only to let a satisfied sigh escape my lips.

It will change some things, but I don't really care about that. It's still better than it should have been originally.

"I see... That's nice to hear." I spoke as I cracked a small smile. "So, how is that friend of yours?"

"He is at home recovering from his injuries, but he said he would come and thank you personally when he was better."

"That's good. Tell him I'm grateful for his help, too."


After three days in the hospital, I was finally released from the hospital. It turned out to be very quick, quick enough for me to find the situation strange.

And from what I found out, this was because my body was recovering at an abnormal rate. Combining this with my injuries that were not that serious, after a daily examination, my doctor decided that I was well enough to return home, as long as I did not exert myself.

Of course, I was not dissatisfied with it, but I would have liked to at least enjoy the food a little more. It was doing me good, since I felt more energetic than usual.

Walking out the front door of the hospital, I pulled out my cell phone and glanced at the GPS, seeing that I was 2 miles from my apartment.

After this new discovery about this body, I will have something else to think about. Since I woke up in this world, I have thought little about my new body.

Previously, I thought it was just about a drug-addicted teenager who sadly passed away after an overdose. But clearly there is something more to it.

Starting with my newfound memory capacity, how quickly I recover from injuries, and even how well I am gaining weight. None of this is normal, even by Lookism standards.

Is it a body given to me by some kind of deity? Or just someone who was born with a body like Daniel's?

These are possibilities, but since I have nothing to help me with this, then the only thing I can do is focus on surviving.

Not least because paying the rent seems to me something more urgent than looking for secrets about my strange body.

Besides that the medical expenses were not cheap at all. Fortunately, being a student, I was given a deadline to pay them.

For now, money should be my main priority.


Feeling the cell phone in my pocket vibrate, I raised my eyebrow and picked it up to see that I was receiving a call from an unknown number. I didn't think long to answer it.

"Hello, am I speaking with Lohan Park?"

The first thing I heard was a female voice on the other end, which made me raise my eyebrow in confusion. I don't remember giving my number to any girl. Telemarketing charges, perhaps?

"That's right, who is this?" I asked a little wearily. I was used to receiving these kinds of calls in my old life, and I just hadn't hung up because of the chance of it being something different.

"Great! We just wanted to notify you that your hospital expenses have all been paid!"


I was silent for a few seconds, my confusion becoming such that I was sure a question mark would appear on the top of my head at any moment.

All paid? What do you mean they were all paid for? Where the hell did they get this money from?

"Wait... Wait a minute! How the hell did this happen?" I asked with a little concern.

"Ah... Don't you know? Well, a person came to us after you left and paid all your expenses."

A person? Who is this person? Daniel Park?

"May I know the name of this person?" Sighing with relief, I decided to ask the person responsible for easing my pocket.

"Uh, let me see... Her name was... " Probably looking up the name on her computer, the woman took a while to respond. "Jay Hong."

Jay Hong...? The quiet, rich boy who is attracted to Daniel?

"Ah... I see. That's good." To tell you the truth, I don't know how to react to that. Maybe Daniel said that I helped his original body and Jay felt obligated to thank me in some way.

I really don't know. But I won't complain about it, after all, paying these expenses would only be a headache.

"Thank you very much for letting me know."


Finishing the call, I sighed. It is as if the universe is wanting me to get involved with these people. Starting with my disputes with Logan Lee, only to meet with Daniel Park and receive Jay Hong's thanks.

Being honest, I've always found Manhwa's gang fights and brawls amusing, and even now, the idea sounds fun to me. I won't be a hypocrite and say that I'm not the least bit interested in it. Fighting is what has given me a purpose in life, and I love it.

With rules, without rules, with gloves, without gloves. It matters little to me, as long as I can fight. The only thing that has kept me from going further in my life is my weak body and my poor memory capacity.

But in this new chance of mine, I could see that the potential of this body is frightening, and my problems with memory are completely gone. Just thinking about how far I can go makes me excited.

My weakened body is the only reason I have no intention of fully engaging with the plot. I may have experience, and knowledge of numerous styles, but without a strong body to go with my skills, I will definitely take a beating for most of my opponents.

While I was able to beat Logan, our last confrontation was confirmation that he needed to hit me, or grab me a single time to make it all over. Fortunately, Daniel distracted him enough that I could catch at least a little breath.

Even though I would like to test this strange ability to replicate movements, this is not feasible at the moment. For now, strengthening my body and making money should be my main priority.

Well, anyway, I thank Jay for his help. Someday I will return the favor.