
Lookism: A New Person

A college student named Min-jun finds himself reincarnated into the world of Lookism, a manhwa that he once knew. But this time, he is blessed with a perfect body, setting the stage for an epic journey of self-discovery and strength.

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6 Chs

Chapter 1: A New Beginning

The bustling streets of Seoul, South Korea, were filled with the vibrant energy of a city that never slept. The neon lights illuminated the night sky, casting a colorful glow on the faces of the passersby. Among the crowd, a young man named Lee Min-jun walked with a sense of purpose, his steps quick and determined.

Min-jun was a college student, average in every sense of the word. He wasn't particularly good-looking, nor was he athletic or popular. His days were spent buried in textbooks, his nights lost in the pages of manhwas. He had a passion for stories, especially those that transported him to other worlds, where he could escape the mundane reality of his own life.

One evening, as he sat alone in his cramped dorm room, Min-jun stumbled upon a mysterious old book. Its cover was tattered, and its pages yellowed with age. Intrigued, he opened it and found himself captivated by its contents. The book contained a collection of his favorite manhwa series, Lookism.

Lookism was a story that revolved around appearance and the societal pressures associated with it. It followed the life of a young man named Daniel Park, who had a dual identity—physically unattractive in his original body but transformed into a handsome and charismatic individual in another.

As Min-jun read through the manhwa, he couldn't help but feel a deep connection to Daniel's struggles. He found solace in the character's journey, sympathizing with the challenges he faced due to his appearance. In that moment, Min-jun yearned for a chance to change his own life, to experience a transformation like Daniel's.

Little did he know, his wish was about to come true.

As Min-jun closed the book, a blinding flash of light enveloped his surroundings. The room seemed to spin, and he felt a strange sensation coursing through his body. When the light finally faded, he found himself standing in a completely different place.

The sights and sounds were unfamiliar, and the air had a distinct scent of unfamiliarity. Min-jun's eyes widened as he looked down at himself. His body, once average and unremarkable, was now sculpted and perfect. His muscles rippled beneath his clothes, and his face exuded an undeniable charm. He had been reborn into the world of Lookism, with a physique that could rival any K-pop idol.

Min-jun's heart raced with a mix of excitement and disbelief. Had he truly reincarnated into the world of Lookism? It seemed too fantastical to be real, but he couldn't deny the evidence before his eyes. This was his chance to experience a life he had only dreamed of—a life of confidence, acceptance, and perhaps even romance.

Determined to make the most of this newfound opportunity, Min-jun set out into the streets of Seoul, eager to explore his new reality. As he walked, he couldn't help but notice the gazes of admiration from both men and women. People turned their heads as he passed by, their eyes filled with a mixture of envy and desire. It was a stark contrast to the indifference he had once faced.

But as he reveled in his newfound attractiveness, Min-jun couldn't help but remember the underlying message of Lookism—the importance of inner beauty and the dangers of shallow judgments. He knew that his physical appearance was only a part of his journey, and that true transformation came from within.

With these thoughts in mind, Min-jun resolved to navigate the world of Lookism with a sense of humility and empathy. He would use his perfect exterior as a platform to promote kindness and acceptance, striving to break down the barriers created by society's obsession with looks.

As the city lights continued to dance around him, Min-jun embraced his new beginning, ready to embark on a journey that would forever change his life. The stage was set, and the world of Lookism awaited his arrival.