
Looking For Light in the Darkness

Jake had struggled for the last 10 years waiting and growling stronger quietly, waiting for a moment where he can finally be free. But when the time finally comes he finds that the curse that had been with his since birth continues to haunt him, and hinder his plans.

Lightning · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

Chapter 1

As the last of his heavenly energy left him Jake stopped swinging his pickaxe. He collapsed on the floor breathing heavily from exhaustion. As he tried to recover his breath he heard his replacement shuffle past him to start their shift.

That was it, that was his last shift for the day, and if everything goes well his last ever.

He struggled to his feet, still trying to catch his breath. His dirty blond hair was sticky with sweat and his muscles ached from a long day of work. He grabbed what appeared to be a long wooden staff and made his way out of the cave using the footpath on the rough floor as a guide.

He exited the cave along with all the other workers who had also finished their shifts, but while the rest paused for a moment to let their eyes attune to the bright sunlight on the outside of the cave, Jake simply kept walking forward.

As he walked towards a desk near the mouth of the cave, small and frequent tapping sounds could be heard as he hit the ground in front of him quickly and softly with his staff. When his staff finally hit the front of the desk he stopped and greeted the man there.

"Good afternoon Konrad"

"Ahh Jake, always a pleasure to see you, I assume you're done with your shift for today?" Said Konrad looking up from his book.

"Yes, here to log my hours and collect my stipend" Jake nodded.

"Finally done saving are you? How much of it do you want?" Konrad asked.

"All of it," Jake answered with a smile.

Konrad, who was already reaching for the stash of coins hidden behind the desk looked back at Jake with a look of wonder.

"Impossible, have you already reached the realm of expansion? It can't be, did you not turn 15 just recently?" He asked in shock.

"Not yet, but I've reached the end of my strengthening and wish to try and breakthrough" Jake responded

"By the seven lights, you truly are a genius, if only…" Konrad hesitated." Alright, give me a moment to tally how much you have saved up, I'll also put down that you used some of your sick days."

"But," Jake started. The workers only got one sick day a month and he had saved up his over years.

"One needs peace and calm while trying to break through, and I doubt you'll need much of your break days anymore if you succeed," Konrad interrupted with a smile.

Jake hesitated but knew it was true 'Alright, thank you," he replied

Jake waited for Konrad to tally up his savings, while a line of workers grew behind him.

" Here you go, 29 silvers and 30 copper pieces," said Konrad while handing a small bag to Jake.

"Thank you, Konrad, for everything." Said Jake as he took the bag.

"No problem kid, I hope you breakthrough"

Jake nodded and put the bag into the pockets on the inside of his tunic. Maybe if he finally managed to break through and leave the mining camp he would have to be fearful of his newfound wealth, but here in the Zoldyck family's property, there were no worries.

He walked the familiar path to his residence with ease, he doubted he would even need his staff for help after the many times he traveled the path. After he finally reached his shack after what seemed like an eternity to him and his sore legs, but in reality was only 5 minutes away, he collapsed in his bed.

Even though it had just turned one in the afternoon Jake started drifting to sleep with a slight smile on his lips while he thought of his breakthrough tomorrow.