
Looking at the future of a Mob in an Otome Game world

Anime & Comics
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What is Looking at the future of a Mob in an Otome Game world

Baca novel Looking at the future of a Mob in an Otome Game world yang ditulis oleh penulis Reader_Madness yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. I have read many fanfics of people reacting to their works. So I wanted to make one with one of the series that I liked the most.I will try to do the best I can.P.S. 1: They are reacting to a combinat...


I have read many fanfics of people reacting to their works. So I wanted to make one with one of the series that I liked the most. I will try to do the best I can. P.S. 1: They are reacting to a combination of the manga and the light novel. P.S. 2: English is not my original language. This novel contains several spoilers so I recommend that you read the light novel to understand it better. Also, the characters, if you are wondering what era the characters are from, because they are found a few hours after León is promoted.

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Age of Pirates | Power of Six

[Peter Parker x OC] There used to be four Starks. Four royal figures, meant to rule the four lands of Midgard, for four more decades. But now it's just her, and has nothing royal on her so to speak. Her Royal Highness Princess Lieve is facing the unbelievable once her father, King of Asterion, dies in indubitable circumstances at just 53 years old. The whole country mourns the loss of the hero who brought food for the needed, stopped wars from happening and assessed his country's requirements. But was the death recorded as natural causes, or was it something more complicated? Something more complex than cannot be rehearsed without drowning deep into the royal affairs. Peter has yet to acknowledge the dangers he and his crew are about to come across. With the ambition and goals he holds, nothing can stop him from facing some sea adventures. With the death of Richard and Mary Parker, the little boy leant to trust no one but himself. He never has been the posh aristocratic type of neighbour, which has numerous amount of titles near his name because of the family history. And in the times of despair, when both come across a common problem; when these two people from total opposite society classes face the reality within; when they both encounter a common enemy that is yet to accomplish his goals; when they both unite to discover the Power of Six, who will end up losing their hope after? It is time that Lieve learns to stop tormenting herself with a person: whose actions she remembers to the smallest detail, whose mocking and piercing eyes are crawling under her skin, and start observing every damned moment with the right person: whose lips are sweeter than thousands of the best desserts in the world, and whose voice she hopes to hear the last when she dies.

daniellebaexx · Sejarah
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

Meu Ex-marido Bilionário Está Tentando Me Reconquistar

``` [Conteúdo Adulto] Arabella Donovan sacrificou sua juventude exclusivamente pelo marido. No entanto, ele a divorciou porque ela não podia gerar filhos para ele, causando-lhe grande dor. Bella decidiu desaparecer da vida dele. Cinco anos depois, ela retornou ao país com seu adorável filho. Sua vida pacífica começou a ser perturbada quando o ex-marido a perseguiu assim que descobriu que ela estava dando à luz ao filho dele. Mas agora, ela não era mais a mesma Bella de antes. Ela é uma pessoa completamente diferente. ***** "Chefe, ela voltou!" "Quem?" Tristan Sinclair perguntou enquanto rabiscava sua assinatura em pilhas de papéis. "Sua esposa—" O assistente hesitou, observando Tristan atentamente. Quando viu as sobrancelhas franzidas de Tristan, ele se corrigiu. "Desculpe, quero dizer sua ex-esposa, a Sra. Donovan. Ela voltou com um garoto..." Tristan suspirou, olhando para o contrato à sua frente. Depois de cinco anos procurando, só para descobrir que ela seguiu em frente, isso dói. Mas ele não podia evitar. Ela merece felicidade com outra pessoa. Ele aceitará essa perda. "Ela merece um novo marido..." Tristan murmurou, dispensando seu assistente. "Chefe, o que eu quis dizer é que o garotinho é fofo. Eu acho que ele tem uns quatro anos—" Tristan estalou. Sua cabeça se erguendo, fixando seu olhar afiado em seu assistente. "Eu preciso que você organize um teste de DNA para o garoto. E me consiga o endereço dela!" Um brilho apareceu em seus olhos enquanto um sorriso se espalhava lentamente por seu rosto. ______ Autora do Romance: 1. DAMN! ME APAIXONEI POR ELE (Concluído) 2. A Noiva do Príncipe Imortal (Concluído) 3. Renascimento: Dançando Em Meu Destino (Concluído) 4. A Esposa Gênio do Bilionário (Concluído) 5. Renascimento Como Esposa do Senhor Vampiro (Concluído) 6. Meu Ex-Marido Bilionário Está Me Perseguindo _____ Como entrar em contato comigo: >> Conta no Instagram: authorpurplelight >> Página no FB: Author_Purplelight >> Participe do meu servidor no Discord: https://bit.ly/purplelightserver _____ Notas: A capa do livro pertence à autora. Por favor, não a reutilize! ```

PurpleLight · perkotaan
318 Chs

Little, Lady

"I can't find Lady anywhere" Storm says panicking. "What do you mean, she's in her room" "She isn't, I've looked everywhere and now I'm worried" Getting up from where I was leaning I swiftly make my way down the hall and up the stairs to my babies bedroom, I know for a fact that she must be hiding in here somewhere. Vigorously throwing her door open I notice that everything is still as neat as it was this afternoon and she is nowhere in sight. "Believe me now?" Storm asks while leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed. "I never said I didn't believe you, I just wanted to double check" "This is all your fault anyway, if you would have treated her better and not been the evil bastard you were, then we would all be having a nice movie night" "Don't put this shit on me" "Why not, it's your fault, she probably took it upon herself to do exactly what you said she should" "I can't even remember what I said, I was upset!" "Of course you don't, you told her that she was a worthless girl and that adopting her was the biggest mistake you've ever made and that you wish she would just leave and never come back" "I said that?" I ask completely shocked and disgusted with myself. Roman and Storm have been married for two years now and even though they have just about everything they could want, somehow they both feel something, or more specifically someone is missing. Lady has always been, shy, sweet and sensitive. Ever since she was left at Miss. Maggie's home for boys and girls when she was two she has always been someone 'special'.

Rose_Leggat · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs


  • Rata-rata Keseluruhan
  • Kualitas penulisan
  • Memperbarui stabilitas
  • Pengembangan Cerita
  • Desain Karakter
  • latar belakang dunia

Honestly, good story. But there's only one chapter and it's taking a long time for there to be a next one, so there's not much I can say about the story.


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No One 17 and Under Admittedmature rating