
Look north, forget north

The torrents of time have shattered the happiness of many. What can infinite sacrifice truly yield? Where will a inherently good person be swept away by the tides of the era? What hues will a prince, unlike the royal family, bloom in the vortex of chaos? Is the one who returns from hell still the same as before? Or has he become the terminator who burns everything with flames? Can a daughter still aspire to rule the world, her heart free from worldly desires, yet why does she find herself sinking in quicksand? Is everything truly without choice? Or is it because of the infinite growth of desires in human hearts that they forget their vows? Is it only those who stand atop the mountains that can be remembered by others? Is it true that everyone chooses?

Ko_jo · Fantasi Timur
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17 Chs

Awakening of Insects 16: The Liu Siblings Resolve the Conflict, Qi Shou Leaves Reluctantly

The Liu siblings ascended to the sixth floor and bypassed the screen to find a fifty-something elder seated by the terrace, gazing at the river.

"Master Zhuang, Liu Xin and Liu Xu pay their respects. We apologize for the delay. Today marks the one-year period you mentioned. Originally, our father was supposed to accompany us to thank you, but the Seventh Prince arrived in Yang City today, so we must apologize on his behalf. A year ago, you mentioned a test. We wonder if we can still be your students."

"You both meet my standards for talent and character, so you remain my students. However, you know my eccentric nature. If I ever stop visiting the Liu family, you will no longer be my students. I hope I can teach you everything I know and then leave after your gratitude banquet, rather than not wanting to see you anymore. Remember my words."

Hearing that Mr. Zhuang would continue teaching them, the Liu siblings were overjoyed and bowed deeply.

"No need for such formalities. I value humanity over empty rituals. I've seen many smart people, and now I prefer simpler ones. But you two are exceptions. I know the Liu family is not from the North Border, but I hope you consider yourselves North Border people. It's difficult for ordinary folks here to rise, and those who do often sell out the region's interests. I've lost hope in top-down reform. But I see hope in you. This isn't a burden on you, just an old man's ramblings. If you still have the same character at my age, then I wasn't wrong."

As Mr. Zhuang spoke, a commotion arose downstairs, surprising the Liu siblings. How long had it been since such a disturbance occurred in Liu Jin? They couldn't remember.

"Little Shou, let's go. There's no need for an apology."

"Fugui, he bumped into you on purpose. Why shouldn't he apologize? Just because he has guards? Isn't Yang City a place for reason?"

"Young Master Zhong, what brings you here? How have these guests offended you?" The waiter serving Qi Shou hurried over.

Qi Shou and Fugui were about to settle their bill when a group came in. Leading them was a stout, coarse-looking youth with a full beard despite his young age. Out of jealousy for Fugui's clean-shaven face, he purposely bumped into him, causing Fugui to fall while talking to Qi Shou. Annoyed, Qi Shou, though not a bully, demanded an apology, leading to the argument.

Seeing the tension, the waiter pulled Qi Shou aside, unwilling to confront the enraged Young Master Zhong.

"Gentlemen, this is Zhong Yu, the only son of Zhong Tianyi, the commander of Yang City. His great-grandmother was from the Wang family, so few dare to cross him here. Perhaps it's best to let this go to avoid bigger trouble."

"What's happening here?" Liu Xu asked.

"Young Master, Miss, why are you down here? Leave this to me," the shopkeeper of Liu Jin hurried up.

"We were listening to Master Zhuang, but the noise brought us down," Liu Xin replied.

Qi Shou, barely containing his anger, saw the siblings descend. Curious if Yang City had allies worth befriending like in Jin County, he awaited the Liu siblings' reaction. Could a woman married outside the clan protect her descendants through the Wang family? If so, the Wang family's direct line must be incredibly powerful. He decided to write to his brother that night to address these individuals.

"Little brother, what happened?" Liu Xu asked, smiling.

"Could you take your hand off my head?" Apparently, Liu Xu had been playing with Qi Shou's hair. After Qi Shou explained, Liu Xu moved her hand and asked them to wait.

The Liu siblings verified the situation, confirming that Zhong Yu had provoked the incident.

"Zhong Yu, apologize. My brother and I are hosting our master upstairs. You wouldn't want to harm our families' relationship. As a gesture of goodwill, I'll offer you an 80% discount at Liu Jin. If you don't want to apologize, leave now and never return," Liu Xin said firmly.

Zhong Yu wasn't surprised by the Liu siblings' decision; they were known for their reasonableness, even to a fault. Hence, they had no friends, as no one wanted such principled companions. Weighing his options, Zhong Yu pondered his next move. Leaving without ever returning would be a loss of face, but apologizing would be even worse. How to break the impasse?

"Waiter, tell us what happened," Zhong Yu demanded, confident of victory.

"I can protect my own people. Trust me," Liu Xin urged as Zhong Yu called the waiter, knowing it was too late to stop it. When their people couldn't handle their opponents, they manipulated the situation to their advantage.

"Brother Liu Xin, afraid to let your waiter speak? We're all reasonable here. Let's hear from the person involved. Right is right, wrong is wrong. Let's not damage our relationship," Zhong Yu taunted, laughing.

The waiter knelt with a thud, but not to Zhong Yu or the Liu siblings. He knelt to Qi Shou. Qi Shou sighed, knowing his brother Qi Zheng would have killed both men by now. Should he resent the waiter's betrayal or accept it as an apology?

"Thank you both. I was wrong. Sorry to disrupt your evening. I won't come to Liu Jin again," Qi Shou said, bowing to the Liu siblings and ignoring Zhong Yu as he left.

"Little brother, I'm Liu Xu. If you stay in Yang City, come to Liu Jin for free meals. My brother is Liu Xin. We're friends now."