

"Checkmate!" Vishal tried not to raise his voice in excitement. It was his third try and he had finally defeated the boy.

"I'm Dev." the boy said with a hint of irritation in his voice. He got up and walked to the window overlooking the huge and stinking drain.

"I live next door with my mom and I like playing chess." Dev said clearly warming up to Vishal.

"Do you like chess?"

"I do. It's the only entertainment I had as a child." Vishal said touching his shades, making sure they were there.

Vishal smiled. It was odd that in the 30 minutes since the child had walked in, he hadn't shown any interest in Vishal's shades. Nor did he show any in the moment. That was alright. That was good. That was what Vishal needed. For no-one to question him.

The door opened itself and a face made visible by the street lights peeked inside. It was a pretty face with big brown eyes and beautifully shaped ears with some glitter on the right cheek.

"I'm sorry for barging in like this, is Dev here?" inquired the pretty face. She looked around the room and after resting her eyes on her child, motioned him to follow her.

"I see you've just moved in. I'm Rasika. We live next door." Rasika smiled and took Dev home.

Vishal sat down. Alone again with the moonlight. The people here seemed great. He could indeed become one of them provided he played his cards right of course.

He took his shades off and let his eyes shine again. No-one would know about his past because he never had one.

Vishal laughed to himself.