
Chapter 33 Qi Cultivation Level 6_1

"Among the seven major families, the original manager of White Stone City, the Song Family, is the strongest, with one in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment, two in the early stage, practicing Yangxin Jue and Burn Destroy Sword Jue..."

"Next is the Lv family, relocated from Yingshuang Market, with one in the middle of Foundation Establishment, one in the early stage, practicing Seven Symbol Treasure Jue and Silver Frost Sword Jue..."


"Ranked fifth is the Luo Family, relocated from Xuanshui City, with one in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment, practicing Lu Ling Jue. They have the ability to summon spirits and invert Yin and Yang."

"The swordsmanship they cultivate is the Qingjiao Sword Jue, born from the Tianhe Main Ancestor's Great Azure Dragon Jue, which is widely circulated in the area of Tianhe Sect. Fully practiced, it can transform Sword Qi into a dragon, possessing the ability to overthrow rivers and overturn seas..."