
Longevity: Starting from the Destiny Entry

Jiang Yuan has traveled to a mystical world. His father is a big shot in a county, and he originally thought he would lead a life of luxury. Unexpectedly, his father's convoy was ambushed during an escort mission, and everyone was wiped out. Overnight, everyone covetously eyed the vast fortune his father left behind. Fortunately, he had already awakened his Destiny Panel, which allowed him to observe others' innate destinies and upgrade his own destiny talents. From strong and sturdy (white) → extraordinary physique (green) → dragon-tiger body (blue) → ??? (gold) From outstanding comprehension (green) → ??? (gold) ...... [Longevity Unbounded (purple)]: Increases lifespan by tens of thousands of years, eternally youthful! [Ancient Double Pupils (gold)]: Born with double pupils, a sign of the Emperor of Humans, equivalent to the existence of an ancient Human Emperor, with unparalleled talent. [Five-Colored Divine Light (gold)]: Born with divine powers, once activated, nothing can withstand it within the Five Elements, nothing it cannot break! [Not Falling into Reincarnation (red)]: Born with a taboo, never falling into reincarnation, can keep the soul forever and reincarnate with memory. These destiny lines have formed a peerless prodigy! He also discovered that he can continually acquire innate destiny and accumulate upgrades. His talents have become unparalleled in history, gradually setting him on the path to invincibility.

NotImmortal · Fantasi Timur
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45 Chs

Chapter 21: Seeking an Explanation

Wanmin Trading Company

As one of the largest trading groups in Lin'an County.

Almost every aspect of the common people's livelihood in the county is intertwined with their presence.

However, when it comes to earning ability, it still falls short compared to Zhenyuan Escort Bureau.

In this world, hiring strong martial artists to escort goods incurs a high cost.

While Wanmin Trading Company is not inferior to the other three major trading companies in Lin'an County, there is even one that is consistently superior.

Jiang Yuan and his two companions just arrived at the entrance to the trading company's door and were immediately stopped by the gatekeeper warriors.

"Who goes there?"

"Uncle Ma."

"Yes, Young Master!"

Old Ma smiled, and his figure suddenly stepped forward.

His fists instantly fell on their chests.


The two gatekeepers were instantly blown away, heavily falling in the courtyard.

Jiang Yuan immediately stepped over the gate of Wanmin Trading Company.

"Tell Jia Wando, I want to discuss something with him. He must appear in front of me within half an hour. I'm waiting for him in the trading hall. If he doesn't come, he'll have to bear the consequences."

"Are you Jiang Yuan from Zhenyuan Escort Agency?" someone at the corner of the wall asked timidly.

"Yes, that's me!"

After Jiang Yuan finished speaking, he went straight to the merchant hall.

Hearing this, the guards who originally wanted to step forward immediately backed off.

They have heard about the recent tumult in Lin'an City.

Even though Jiang Zhenyuan is dead, the current Zhenyuan Escort Agency still has a few skilled hands.

A Ma Shizhong of the Body Forging Realm Level 6, a Gu Mo of Body Forging Realm Level 7.

Just these two alone are well respected in Lin'an City.

They are just ordinary guards, skilled in dealing with local ruffians and bullies.

Against such powerful opponents?

Sorry! A monthly salary of three taels of silver is not worth their lives.

Such powerhouses can only be dealt with by their revered ones.

As Jiang Yuan and his companions walked into the hall, everyone in the courtyard breathed a sigh of relief.

Subsequently, a middle-aged man with long whiskers said to a lad next to him: "Go quickly and inform Master Jia, and also inform Lin in the trading group that a powerful enemy has come!"

"Yes, Master Zhao!"


In the merchant hall.

A servant girl nervously served tea to Jiang Yuan.

Holding the cup above her head, she said, "Sir, please have some tea."

Jiang Yuan took the tea and took a sip: "Why are you so scared? Do I look terrifying?"

The servant girl secretly looked up at Jiang Yuan.

She said in a soft and sweet voice, "Sir, you look very handsome, not scary at all!"

As she spoke, her legs stopped shaking.

Jiang Yuan smiled, "See, there's no need to be afraid. I won't eat you!"

"You may leave."

"Yes, sir!"

The servant girl curtsied and left the hall with small, delicate steps.

At the same time, elsewhere.

"Master! Master! It's bad news. The people from Zhenyuan Escort Bureau suddenly came to visit, and they seem to mean business."

"Zhenyuan Escort Bureau?" Jia Wan stood up immediately. "Who's leading them?"

"It's Jiang Zhenyuan's son — Jiang Yuan! And he says he wants to discuss something with you. He's given you half an hour to appear before him, or else you'll have to bear the consequences."

Hearing these words, the old man sitting opposite Jia Wan became enraged.

"What a rampant boy, daring to speak so arrogantly! Don't bother with him. With me here, I want to see what he can do to you!"

Jia Wan, however, furrowed his brows, recalling the day he encountered Jiang Yuan.

That endless fear in his heart, as if he was facing death at any moment.

This strange premonition has saved him countless times.

He could not ignore it. If his premonition that day was correct,

he would have surely died on the spot had he hindered Jiang Yuan a moment longer.

And the killing intent was very likely coming from Jiang Yuan.

Thinking of this, he said, "Great Protector, let's go and see. I want to know his intentions."

He added, "Great Protector, have you forgotten last night? Li Hao is now missing, and they are unscathed!"

The old man scoffed, "Given the situation last night, the county must have deployed a strongman to ambush the Zhenyuan Escort Agency."

"Brother Jia, you surely don't think that the Zhenyuan Escort Agency has the power to push Li Hao to this extent, do you?"

"I know Li Hao's strength better than you do, he is at his peak, his vitality has not diminished, much stronger than me. Who in the current Zhenyuan Escort Agency could be his match?"

Jia Wando nodded in agreement.

But thinking of the endless sense of danger that day, he still felt a bit of heaviness in his heart and didn't dare to dismiss Jiang Yuan's words.

He then said, "Regardless, we should go and see the situation. It's better to settle disputes than to let them fester."

"Then you go! I don't have the patience for this. I fear I won't be able to control myself and will slap him to death with one hand. When Li Hong comes knocking, I won't be able to bear his wrath."

Somewhere else.

After a while.

A man with a full face of whiskers walked through the gate.

"Ma Shizhong, what are you doing in my Wanmin Trading's Hall?"

"You'll have to ask my young master that!"

He frowned and looked at Jiang Yuan, "Young Master Jiang, this isn't a place for you to throw your weight around. Do you think this is still the time when your father was around? If you're wise, you'd better go back obediently! I won't hold it against you!"

Jiang Yuan put the teacup on the table.

With a 'clunk'.

Gu Mo instantly made a move, his sword sheath heading straight for the bearded man's chest.

So fast!

The bearded man's pupils contracted, and he tried to withdraw immediately.

However, the next moment, he felt a heavy thump on his chest from Gu Mo's sword sheath.

His body instantly flew up in the air and went flying backwards.

In an instant, he had been thrown out of the hall.


He immediately held his chest and vomited a mouthful of fresh blood.

His face was full of shock, he looked at Gu Mo, "Impossible! We're both at Body Forging Realm Level 7, how can you be so strong!"

Gu Mo replied indifferently, "If you dare to disrespect my young master again, I will kill you!"

The bearded man's face turned red and then pale, feeling both anger and pain.

Deep down he knew that if Gu Mo had wanted to kill him just now, he would have been dead already.

But he couldn't save face. He, a senior member of the martial world,

was scolded by a junior, and he didn't dare to retort at all.

He feared Gu Mo's temperament, and he believed that if he said one more word, Gu Mo would come at him with his sword.

That would be too unfair to him!

At this moment, Jia Wando's voice came, "Sun Gongfu, what happened?"

Jia Wando quickly came over and helped the bearded man up.

"I'm fine. Jia, you take care of things here. I'm going to go back and heal my injuries."

Watching Sun Gongfu hurriedly leave, Jia Wando's heart sank. He slowly raised his foot and stepped through the gate.

At this point, Jiang Yuan was sitting leisurely on a red pearwood flower chair.

The moment Jia Wando stepped through the gate and saw Jiang Yuan, he couldn't help but feel a sense of dread.

Even though he was at Body Forging Realm Level 6, he didn't feel the slightest sense of safety.

He felt waves of cold rising in his heart, and a strong sense of danger enveloped him.

His whole body was signaling him.


The farther, the better!

But he didn't dare!

He knew that if his feelings were right, escaping would be the road to death.