
Longevity: Starting from the Destiny Entry

Jiang Yuan has traveled to a mystical world. His father is a big shot in a county, and he originally thought he would lead a life of luxury. Unexpectedly, his father's convoy was ambushed during an escort mission, and everyone was wiped out. Overnight, everyone covetously eyed the vast fortune his father left behind. Fortunately, he had already awakened his Destiny Panel, which allowed him to observe others' innate destinies and upgrade his own destiny talents. From strong and sturdy (white) → extraordinary physique (green) → dragon-tiger body (blue) → ??? (gold) From outstanding comprehension (green) → ??? (gold) ...... [Longevity Unbounded (purple)]: Increases lifespan by tens of thousands of years, eternally youthful! [Ancient Double Pupils (gold)]: Born with double pupils, a sign of the Emperor of Humans, equivalent to the existence of an ancient Human Emperor, with unparalleled talent. [Five-Colored Divine Light (gold)]: Born with divine powers, once activated, nothing can withstand it within the Five Elements, nothing it cannot break! [Not Falling into Reincarnation (red)]: Born with a taboo, never falling into reincarnation, can keep the soul forever and reincarnate with memory. These destiny lines have formed a peerless prodigy! He also discovered that he can continually acquire innate destiny and accumulate upgrades. His talents have become unparalleled in history, gradually setting him on the path to invincibility.

NotImmortal · Fantasi Timur
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45 Chs

Chapter 15: Returning to the City

Gu Mo watched the two people galloping towards him, and a sigh of relief immediately filled his heart.

It's good that nothing happened! Suddenly, his expression stiffened, and he stared blankly at Jiang Yuan's rapidly approaching figure.

As Jiang Yuan got closer, he felt an increasing sense of pressure.

He felt incredible, had the young master broken through again? Advancing again after marrow refining meant entering the seventh level of body forging, the stage of blood transformation.

Such strength, among the young generation in Lin'an County, was not exceeded by more than three people, one of whom was himself.

The young master's talent is horrifying! Or did the young master encounter some special fortune within half an hour that made his strength advance by leaps and bounds? He was somewhat puzzled.

A few moments later.

The figures of the two people appeared in front of the carriage.

"Did any accident happen while I was away?"

Gu Mo shook his head, then nodded.

"There was no major incident, but just now two people tried to follow you. I originally wanted to kill them with a stone, but they dodged it. However, they also retreated."

Old Ma said, "They didn't retreat, they took a detour and found us again."

"You two are okay, right?"

Old Ma waved his hand, laughing: "What can happen, they were just seeking their own death."

The young bodyguard beside him was astonished at this conversation.

"Uncle Ma is really amazing, able to easily kill two with one!"

"Yes! Uncle Ma is as powerful as ever! Truly age brings wisdom!"

"Uncle Ma is indeed an experienced one, effortlessly killing those two people, without a scratch!"


Seeing the young ones boasting beside him, Old Ma was extremely embarrassed.

Just as he was about to explain, Jiang Yuan said, "I was fortunate that Uncle Ma was there, otherwise, I would have been in danger!"

"Uh, young master."

Jiang Yuan smiled and shook his head.

Old Ma immediately understood and said: "That's right, don't think that I've lost my strength just because I'm getting old. I'm not any weaker than before. Those two country bumpkins thought they could pose a threat to me?"

Immediately, Old Ma received wave after wave of flattery.

After the enthusiasm of the crowd died down, Jiang Yuan said: "Let's go, back to the city!"

"Yes, young master!"

Old Ma then shouted, "Let's go, guys, back to the city."

Lin'an City.

"What's going on? Why is everyone running towards the city gate?"

"Big news! Don't you know?"

"What's the big news?"

"Jiang Zhenyuan is dead, and his son is now transporting his body back to Lin'an City, with everyone along the way in mourning."

"You mean the Jiang Zhenyuan, the Wind and Thunder Sword - Jiang Zhenyuan?"

"Who else could it be!"

"How is this possible! Wasn't he one of the top experts in our Lin'an County? How could he suddenly die out there!"

"There are always people stronger, haven't you heard? For those who travel as escorts, who risk their lives every day, how many can die a natural death?"

At the same time, Jiang Yuan had already crossed the gate of Lin'an County.

The entire Zhenyuan Escort was dressed in mourning, plain and simple.

The buildings on both sides were crowded with people.

Jiang Zhenyuan's sudden death was major news in Lin'an County.

Almost the entire city came to watch.

"My God, the entire Zhenyuan Escort Agency is in mourning, so many coffins, this isn't just about Jiang Zhenyuan!"

"Right! It seems the entire elite of the Zhenyuan Escort Agency has fallen outside."

"It's terrifying, Jiang Zhenyuan was our top expert in Lin'an County, yet he led the entire Zhenyuan Escort Agency to perish outside."

Then someone sighed, "Ah! With Jiang Zhenyuan's death, the entire Zhenyuan Escort Agency is in trouble!"

"Old man, why do you say that?"

"Look!" The old man gestured, indicating him to look at the buildings around.

Rarely seen influential figures now appeared on the buildings on both sides of the road.

Their eyes flickered with unusual light.

"With Jiang Zhenyuan's death, this big Zhenyuan Escort Agency is a fat piece of meat, who wouldn't want to take a bite."

"But he still has a son, Jiang Yuan! I heard he's a genius young man."

"Haha! Genius young man! Not to mention whether he's a genius or not, even if he is, who would give him time to grow?"

The old man continued, "Just watch! It won't be long before you'll find Jiang Yuan dead on the street, either sinking in the river or thrown into the wilderness."

Several people around agreed with the two men's conversation.

"The old man is right! His future can basically be predicted, it's just a pity for such a handsome guy, there will be women who will be heartbroken."

"Speaking of which, his father was not bad in his time, his appearance had all the women of Lin'an County dreaming about him."

At the county magistrate's mansion.

At this time, Li Hong stood at the top of the high tower, with the whole of Lin'an County in his eyes.

"Old Fifth, where do you think this Jiang Yuan gets his confidence from, daring to publicly announce Jiang Zhenyuan's death?"

A man dressed in black next to him shook his head, "I don't know!"

"Do you think it's possible that his strength gave him confidence?"

The man in black shook his head, "Not likely! Even if he had refined the Organ Refining Pill given to him by the master, at most, he just entered the stage of Marrow Training, this kind of strength in Lin'an County is only second-rate."

Li Hong nodded, "Indeed!"

He then turned and went downstairs.

"I'm too lazy to guess, we will know in a few days. If he stirs up trouble entirely depending on my protection, then he deserves to die, at most, I will avenge him afterward, and collect his body to let him leave with dignity."

Zhenyuan Escort Agency.

As soon as Jiang Yuan entered the gate, he saw a group of women and children with red eyes.

He immediately felt a headache and rubbed his temples.

"Uncle Ma, you go and take care of the aftermath for the brothers who died in battle, take out all the remaining money in the Zhenyuan Escort Agency first, and subsidize their family expenses, I will find a way for the subsequent money."

"Yes, young master!" Old Ma said.

Then Jiang Yuan turned to Gu Mo who was standing aside.

"We can't get the Longquan Sword that was being made for you now, we can't afford the final payment, so we'll have to wait a little longer."

"It doesn't matter!"

Gu Mo held the ordinary iron sword in his hand, "I think this ordinary iron sword is quite good, the power lies in the person, not the weapon."

"I once heard that the higher realm of swordsmanship is to have no sword in hand but a sword in heart, and further is that everything in the world can be a sword. Although I can't reach this level, I can still cut through divine weapons with this iron sword."

Jiang Yuan smiled, "There is one more thing for you!"

"Young master, please speak!"

"Take my invitation to all the major powers in the city and ask them to attend my father's memorial ceremony in three days."

Old Ma, who was standing by, immediately came over when he heard this.

"Young master, are you saying that you will hold the memorial ceremony for your father in three days?"

"Correct!" Jiang Yuan nodded.

"Good!" Old Ma excitedly said, "We must let the old master leave with dignity, his life was full of accomplishments and fame, he cannot just quietly return to the underworld."