
I'll accept my death

Chapter 1: Lost in the Blizzard

The icy wind cuts right through me as I stumble through the endless fields of snow under the ink-black sky. Each breath feels like a knife in my ribs as I clutch at my bleeding side. Even though I can barely stand from the pain, I have to keep putting one foot in front of the other.

With every step, more of my blood soaks into the pure-white ground. The snow just keeps falling heavier than before, piling up past my boots. I don't know how much longer I can stay on my feet, but I have to keep pushing through this blizzard.

I can hardly stumble through the dense forest, my vision blurry from blood loss. The trees stand tall and silent, their branches laden with snow. The only sound is the howling wind that seems to carry whispers of secrets from beyond.

Finally spotting a small tree up ahead, I force myself to walk the last few yards and collapse onto the frozen earth beneath it. Pressing a numb hand to my wound, I'm shocked to find it still pumping out waves of crimson - how much more can I lose?

The shadows in the woods seem alive, swaying and churning as the wind howls like a pack of ghosts. Did something just snap a branch off to my left? I strain my eyes but see nothing through the inky blackness. Fear courses through my veins like a bitter poison.

Shivering uncontrollably now, I hug my knees to my chest with one hand and hold my wound with the other, trying in vain to retain some warmth. As snow piles up around me in a heap, I notice the red staining its pure white crystals. How long before it claims me too?

The tree does little to block out the wind's icy teeth. As consciousness starts to slip, I realize with dread that I am lost in more than just this blizzard. Memories flicker in my mind, fragmented and elusive.

Through the haze of torment, memories flicker - will this blizzard be my reincarnation? Pain and confusion fog my mind as consciousness drifts in and out.

A foul aura stirs me from my daze. Though hundreds of yards off, I know that presence...how could I forget? Yet it feels changed - more unholy than before. "Father", I gasp in horror. But how did the demon track me through this storm?

Answers evade me as that aura draws near. I must move - yet I've lost too much blood. Try as I might, my broken body refuses to obey. Trapped helpless in the woods, fear and regret darken my thoughts. Will the demon claim me first, or will the cold? Either way, this is the end...