
Kolchakovskaya (January-March, 1918).

Kolchakovskaya Organizatsiya]

January 7, 1918, secretly the National Salvation Directorate begins the creation of its volunteer forces, the 'Kolchakovskaya Organizatsiya' (which translates as Kolchak Organization).

The Kolchakovskaya arises from the right-wing militants attracted by the NSD, the economic support provided by capitalists to the group (Yusupov and others) and specific alliances with other groups.

Kolchak's specific alliances with these volunteer-groups arose from the dissolution of the dissolution of the Pan-Russian National Union (Negros Hundreds and other right-wing extremists) and conservative groups, such as parts of the aristocracy and military officials of that time.

One of these allies in the formation of the Kolchakovskaya was Aleksei Maksimovich Kaledin, with strong ties to the aristocracy and the conservative Cossacks.

What was the goal of the Kolchakovskaya?

The formation of an organized and loyal-voluntary military force that could face the imminent anarchy and fight against the problems of the post-Coup period.

Problems such as the groups of the militant left, civil and inter-ethnic conflicts and possibly foreign interventions.

Such a group would help establish the new order promoted by Kolchak's NSD and increase support for the new regime.

Mikhail Vasilyevich Alekseev, Aleksey Maksimovich Kaledin, Admiral Alexander V. Kolchak, Vladimir Mitrofanovich Purishkevich and others came up with the five most important points of the Kolchakovskaya during the pre-attempt and post-coup period.

* Штаб / Shtab (which translates as Headquarter).

* Fundraising.

* Choice of training points.

* Concern for food, weapons, uniforms, equipment.


*'Moral preparation': Morality here does not refer to the morale of the forces themselves, but the values behind the volunteers (ideology).

Of course, a 'massive' expansion of the Kolchakovskaya would draw the attention of the government, so the organization consisted solely of officers who formed a 'regiment', with troops affiliated with militants and other irregular.

It was expected that during or after the coup, soldiers and units would follow the officers or the Kolchakovskaya could be greatly expanded.

The Kolchakovskaya had its main focuses in the south (the Ukraine) and the Don region.

It was difficult to know what would really happen once the coup attempt promoted by Kolchak occurred, so in reality the militancy did not exactly have a proper headquarters, but certain regional branches.

The main branches of the NSD and its militants (all aligned with the Russian political right) were in Central Siberia, the Baltic and southern European Russia.


[Art in Central Asia]

Early in February, the Osh Uzbek State Academic Theater of Music and Drama is founded in the Uzbek-Kyrgyz regions of Russian Central Asia, under the initiative of Rakhmonberdi Madazimov.

You have to understand certain difficulties and developments in Central Asia within the Russian Empire.

We are talking about a highly complicated site due to its geography and diverse ethno-cultural groups, most of which had nomadic customs before being annexed by the Russian Empire.

With the Alexandrian period, important administrative and political reforms had come, which promoted the modernization and industrialization of the economic sectors and local services.

The railroad, the telegraph, radio, electricity, modern medicine, and many other reform-advances had successfully reached the region.

There were sedentary populations of Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Russians, and many other peoples in the region.

Nicholas II built on all of this, and significant social and cultural advancements occurred in the region as well.

It is true that inter-ethnic relations were not always peaceful, but there were advances, and with these advances in the stability of the region, it grew at various levels.

From the Caspian to Xinjiang, the region increased in population and productivity (becoming a major producer of cotton, agricultural products, and other primary resources in the Russian Empire).

With this growing importance, politicians and activists also emerged, increasingly prominent officials.

Not so much in the context of the Russian Empire (because it is a massive empire, bigger than the Mongol Empire) but in its national context.

An example would be the aforementioned associates of Nicholas II (Alibi Togzhanovich Dzhangildin, Mirsaid Sultan-Galiev, Turar Ryskululy Ryskulov, Amangeldy Uderbayuly Imanov and Tokash Bokin) but also others.

Like for example Baltykhodzhi Sultanov, from the Kyrgyz region.

As an activist, politician, and educator, Baltykhodzhi Sultanov was an important political figure, especially in the aforementioned city of Osh.

Sultanov contributed extensively to public education, culture, police and the state (intelligence services) in Central Asia. He contributing to the education and training of several of the most isolated areas of South Central Asia.

With Sultanov, theaters, school systems, education and professional training of officers were created, and politico-religious extremism was fought in various ways.


[Diplomacy: Ha'il and Russia]

Talks between the Emirate of Ha'il and the Russian Empire (plus Ethiopia and various leaders from North Sudan) expanded in the first months of 1918, with the most significant advances occurring between February 19 and March 21 (when they finally diplomatic talks came to an end).

During this time Petain's France (actually simply the territory of Chad) was basically diplomatically isolated. The Imperial Federation was not going to do anything for a French-led country, the United States was reverting to isolationism, and Socialist Europe was simply not going to support Petain's colonial regime.

This essentially gave Russia and Ha'il a free hand to intervene as they pleased in the situation and freely discuss the future of the region among themselves.

Russia insisted on obtaining South Sudan and Eritrea as compensation for the plans of the Emirate of Ha'il in North Sudan (and the crisis produced by this), while Ha'il insisted on a free hand in Egypt (the Kingdom of Egypt was seen as an important piece of the pan-Arabist project de Ha'il, and was a very important economic asset).

Tsar Nicholas II was at first doubtful, because despite having access to the Mediterranean, Russia still needed a 'neutral' or friendly country in Suez for proper possession (for Russia) in the Suez Canal.

In addition, the tsar warned that a takeover of Egypt by Ha'il could prove disastrous in several ways, not only in economic but geo-political effects. As it could promote aggressive British actions or other international conflict.

The Emirate of Ha'il was a young country, with leadership perhaps too ambitious for its own good.

Eventually Tsar Nicholas II decided to accept the offer from the Emirate of Ha'il, led by Emir Saud bin Abdulaziz of the House of Rashid. If the Emirate of Ha'il could make moves in Egypt or take Egypt, Russia would accept it.

Of course, in exchange for the promised exchanges and some favorable deals (Russia forgave PART of the Emirate's debt and won other rights-privileges in the medium-long term).



Blue: 'France' of Philippe Petain.

Red: Part of the Russian Colonial Empire.

*Orange: New Territory of South Sudan.

*Green: Ethiopian Empire.

Yellow: Emirate of Ha'il.

Abyssinia obtained Eritrea de-jure (becoming a new province with its regional autonomy), which in theory finally gave it an outlet to the sea.

While this would have been unfavorable for Sagallo and favorable for Ethiopia in general, in reality Russia controlled Eritrea de-facto. Administering it economically and politically instead of the Ethiopian Empire itself.

In short, Sagallo and Russia came out gaining more than Ethiopia when the country got Eritrea. Which helped to avoid internal tensions to some extent between the natives of Eritrea and Ethiopia.

Russia and Ethiopia were able to proceed to establish troops in South Sudan, occupying what is later one of the most oil-rich areas in the region and strengthening the control of the Russian Colonial Empire and Ethiopia over its borders (including part of the Nile).

On the other hand, the Emirate of Ha'il obtained North Sudan, which at the moment was disconnected from the rest of the Arab empire, but it was still an important progress.

It increased the territory and therefore, the projection of power of the Emirate in Africa and the Red Sea, heading towards the Egyptian ambitions of the state of Ha'il. Now it was only necessary to modernize the region and build the appropriate forces for that projection of power-influence ...

The construction of a commercial and military navy of the Red Sea began, which was a joint project of the Russian Empire and the Emirate of Ha'il.

Ha'il's dependence on oil exports increased, as did the country's debt to Russia during these years (the debts forgiven in the end served a bit, but Russia was still a main partner of the Emirate and the Emirate needed a lot. job...).

In any case, this was the important construction, the Emirate of Jabal-Shammar went in a short time from being a local competitor in Arabia to a regional power (which united the Holy Land and Mecca), expanding from the Arab peninsula in Asia to Africa.


[Brusilov Reforms]


"Сын мой, иди и спаси Родину! /Syn moy, idi i spasi Rodinu!" (My son, go and save the Motherland!)​

February 23, 1918, Minister and General Aleksey Brusilov continues to expand on his May reforms, which establish an important part of Brusilov's legacy and the evolution of the armed forces of the Russian Empire.

On the one hand the creation of the Shock Troops / Udarnyye voyska and on the other the creation of the special operations forces, popularly known as Spetsnaz.

The logistics, training and methods of the armed forces were well-established at that time, what changed most often was of course the standard weaponry with the evolution of weaponry development.

Brusilov simply continued to build practice and theory on top of the Russian war machine, especially targeting the officers (knowing the problems within the Russian Empire at that time).

* Training continued based on the programs of General Alexander Suvorov, Iosif Romeyko-Gurko and Mikhail Skobelev, of course with more modern study, tactics and equipment.

* Logistics under Denikin continued to be an important task of the General Staff, with the development of alternative supply lines, underground and new projects to support the military forces in future operations.

The exercises and war games put into practice and helped the evolution of Brusilov's ideas about the use of the Udarnyye Voyska and the Spetsnaz (in conjunction with the KGB).

Effectively demonstrating potential when used in the right situation and with the right methods.

Checking the first positive results, Brusilov continued to support Lavr Kornilov and other private officers (both loyal and useful) in the regular army and shock troops, in the evolution of the Russian offensive.

Of course, these advances were more of a modern and mechanized-motorized army, which was happening in the Russian Empire with notable advance by the early 20s.

March 11, the first commanders of the Brusilov Shock Troops stand out in various training and exercises, including Mikhail Nikolayevich Tukhachevsky and Mikhail Gordeevich Drozdovsky.

At that time Georgy Zhukov and Konstantin Rokossovsky were in common troops, but they would also have the opportunity to excel in command later.

Under Brusilov's guidance, we see the first beginnings of the theory of deep battle or deep operation, developed by Tukhachevsky and later the successes of Zhukov and Rokossovsky in the development of long-range military operations.

With the support of the KGB, Brusilov developed the first company-groups for the Russian Spetsnaz, which serve the "Directories" (also called simply Office or Department), dedicated to special operations of different degrees (reconnaissance, assault, kidnapping operations , etc).

* Directory-Office "A" ("Alpha").

* Directory-Office "B" ("Vympel").

* Directory "K" ("Caucasus").

* Office "С" ("Tornado").

* Department "T" ("Tavrida").

A and B were the first and most important boards during this period of Spetsnaz development, serving in assault, reconnaissance, sabotage and control operations abroad (Russosphere and outside the Russosphere).


[Circle of Nicholas II: Baltic]

While within the circle of Nicholas II there were military assets and intelligence services, an important part were the assets of the civil-political service, which helped to form a united front to manage the politics of New Russia.

Jukums Vācietis gave important military assets in the Baltic region of Latvia, but he was a military man and not a politician for the civil administration after the Imperial Crisis.

This is why on February 24, Nicholas II and Stalin recruited Vincas Mickevičius-Kapsukas, from the Lithuanian region, for the circle of trust.

Kapsukas strongly joined the doctrine defended by the group of Nicholas II and Stalin, in addition to being a local literary figure (promoted now by the monarch, which undoubtedly gave him important influence in the region).

While he would not be the most skilled politician, he was able to capitalize on events around him for the success of his local political projects and coalitions in favor of Tsar Nicholas II and his group.

Which was tremendously useful for the group's plans and the possible pacification-normalization of the Baltic, in a region semi-loyal to Moscow politics.

The New Russia dreamed of by Nicholas II and his group (unlike the New Russia dreamed of by the SND) was a huge place, so the group was made up of several people from different socio-cultural, ethnic and economic backgrounds.

The Baltic during the 30s and 50s would be a notable place in certain developments


Riga, Russian Empire, in the early 50s.






What is often not understood from a modern perspective, are certain nuances between Kolchak and the NSD, against the legitimate government of Russia.

While there were and are people who could support the NSD against danger, the intentions of Kolchak and the group were completely despicable.

Both Nicholas II and associates and Kolchak and associates wanted a New Russia.

But Kolchak's New Russia was a Russia simply for the 'good' Russians, that is, the Right, ethnic and Orthodox Russians, as well as those groups that would have aligned with Kolchak.

With the morals run by the Black Hundreds, Jews and ethno-cultural minorities would suffer enormously, from oppression and Russification to genocide.

A throwback to everything that Tsar Alexander III had set out to build and everything that Tsar Nicholas II wanted to build.


[All Russian Conference of Trade Unions]

The situation of the unions in the Russian Empire was 'simple', the unions existed and were allowed by law, but they were heavily guarded by the central power of Moscow and there were certain limitations to their action.

This legislation came from the Alexandrian period, where the labor reforms of the Russian Empire were just beginning.

Of course in Moscow there were not many who defended the independence of the unions from the central power (after all, they were more useful for the government, allowed the centralization of power and eliminated possible subversive elements and espionage), but even so there was an expansion of union activity.

Russia's working class is massive, millions of industrial workers and agricultural workers, experiencing the recovery of the Moscow Economic Miracle and the rise of the RSDLP.

It is not surprising that under these conditions, union activity and formation-participation increased.

Thus, on March 12, the first All Russian Conference of Trade Unions (Всероссийская конференция профсоюзов / Vserossiyskaya konferentsiya profsoyuzov) met in Moscow, the Russian Empire.

The All Russian Conference of Trade Unions set out to monitor the union activities of affiliates within the Russian Empire and to plan future activities.

The gathered trade unions elected Mikhail Pavlovich Tomsky as chairman of the central committee of the All Russian Conference of Trade Unions.

Of course this meeting and attempts to strengthen the unions caused several discussions in the Duma and the central government of Moscow.

On the one hand there were those who saw the possible union threat and wanted the weakening of the unions led by Tomsky, others wanted more independence for the unions and many others wanted the unions to be centralized-and-subordinate to the authorities of the Russian Empire.

Other discussions also took place about the role of trade unions in the militarization of the Russian Empire, the national economy and the life of the worker.

Nicholas II saw the problem of the independence of the trade unions within the imperial system, but neither did he want to anger or weaken the labor activity of the Russian Empire, so he promoted a policy of co-operation.

After all, Tomsky was part of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party and imperial politics, he was to some extent subordinate (and as long as he did not step out of line, nothing bad would happen).

Iosif V. Stalin promoted the expansion of the unions, but that these were subordinate to the central authorities and were mainly dedicated to matters of recreation, health and quality of life of the workers (therefore, not military matters or economic management).

On the other hand, Lev Trotsky of the International Workers Party of Russia proposed that certain government functions pass to the unions and the 'militarization of the labor force' within the imperial machine.

Bukharin and Kerensky only proposed that the unions elect candidates for government bodies dedicated to economic projects of the Empire, related to the activities of said unions.

There were of course various secondary and added positions to all this discussion, but they never got to much during 1918-1920 due to the instability of the Third Duma.

Simply the RSDLP-Trudovik alliance were not very motivated to launch a reform of this type at that time, and therefore many union reform projects ended up being scrapped at this time.

Fortunately Tomsky (born Efremov) did not cause any particular problems, he continued to be the leader of the trade union conglomerations for quite some time, approving the Co-Operation with Nicholas II and the Stalinist wing of the RSDLP.

He was small in stature, thin, with a wrinkled face and SEEMED fragile, but in reality he had a remarkable strength of physical and moral resistance.

He knew the masses and knew how to talk to them, which is why he practically ran the Russian unions and the All Russian Conference of Trade Unions.

* Tomsky allied himself with Stalin to eventually reduce Lev Kamenev into the RSDLP, as Stalin had done with Zinoviev earlier.



January 1, 1918, King-Emperor Edward VIII grants the Order of the British Empire to various British writers and propagandists who served the Imperial Federation during the Second Great War.

Croatia-Slovenia receives British aid to start repairing the country (which is essentially a British puppet) in the post-war period.

The measures include propaganda, which reinforces Croatian-Slovenian unity and animosity against Serbia and Bosnia.

January 8, academic and politician Woodrow Wilson publishes his post-WW2 "Six Points on International Peace", an idealistic document about post-war peace between the great powers and other countries:

1-Open peace pacts, openly concluded. There will be no private international agreements of any kind, and diplomacy will always proceed frankly in the public eye.

2-Absolute freedom of navigation through the seas (outside territorial waters) both in peace and in war.

* Unless the seas can be totally or partially closed by international action, for the fulfillment of international conventions.

3-The elimination, as far as possible, of all economic barriers and the establishment of equal commercial conditions among all nations that consent to peace and associate for its maintenance.

4-Adequate guarantees given and taken that national armaments will be reduced to the lowest point compatible with national security.

5-A free, open-minded and absolutely impartial adjustment of all territorial claims, based on the strict observance of the principle of self-determination of the peoples.

6- A general association of nations must be formed by virtue of specific agreements in order to offer mutual guarantees of political independence and territorial integrity, both to large and small States.

(OOC: Most are Wilson's Fourteen Points).

Needless to say, such ideas would only go far when all the powers were willing to discuss them at the negotiating table.

Which could only come decades after Wilson actually posted his 6 Points, when the Third Great War did indeed take place.

January 9, a conservative Ddemocratic-National Republican alliance in the United States House of Representatives votes against an amendment to the United States Constitution so that women have the right to vote.

In Bear Valley, Arizona (United States) there is a confrontation between the Yaqui tribes and US federal troops.

One of the last encounters of the wars between Native Americans and the United States of America.

Various natural accidents in Japan, such as snow avalanches, leave more than 100 dead in the country.

January 15, artist Mark Sheridan disappears from the theater and is shortly after found dead in Kelvingrove Park.

Sheridan committed suicide after savage criticism of the musical Gay Paree which he himself financed and produced in Glasgow.

Sheridan was one of the first great popular recording artists, with hit songs like "I Do Like to Be Beside the Seaside."

January 17, huge protests in the Republic of China due to the unstable situation in the country, both social, political and economic problems.

This is particularly bad for the new government of Wang Jingwei and Liao Zhongkai, established only in late 1917.

Civil violence is spreading around the north of the republic, in various locations near the Yangtze River.

With this situation, the government begins to seek the formation of a coalition government that can deal more stably with the concerns of the population.

January 18, re-establishment of several chemical industries in the United States of America with the economic improvement in the country.

The Historical Concert for the benefit of the widows and orphans of soldiers is held for the first time in the Konzerthaus, Vienna (Free Republic of Germany).

January 27, Edgar Rice Burroughs' first adaptation of Tarzan, the film 'Tarzan of the Apes', directed by Scott Sidney, opens.

Elmo Lincoln played Tarzan with Enid Markey as Jane.

The film was filmed in the Louisiana swamps to stand in as the African jungle (and surprisingly some hippos from the Mississippi Delta could be filmed in the distance).

The film raises $ 1 million and released later in the same year, the sequel 'The Romance of Tarzan' comes out.

January 28, the Porvenir Massacre occurs, where Texas Rangers and local farmers surround the town of Porvenir in Texas, chasing Mexican criminals who have been attacking the border.

In this Porvenir operation, 15 local Mexican-American inhabitants were separated and taken to the outskirts of Porvenir and shot. Without evidence that these people were currently criminals (later in serious investigations, it was found that in fact, the inhabitants shot were not the criminals wanted).

The Texas Rangers unit involved is disbanded, but no jury finds them 'guilty', only five men are dismissed.

January 30, the Constitutional Reforms of Pedro III are established, which had the intention of modernizing the country to an effective constitutional democracy and solving the years of problems that affected the Brazilian states.

We are talking about serious socio-political and economic problems.

Problems between different ethnic groups and economic classes, ideological and political problems, serious economic problems (such as the loss of value of Brazilian products), etc.

February 5, birth of Gara Abulfaz oghlu Garayev, prominent Russian-Azerbaijani composer.

February 6, the Imperial Parliament votes against the People's Representation Law, which would have granted 30-year-old women the right to vote.

February 9, serious economic problems in Argentina as a result of a violent general rail strike within the country.

The Argentine government needed to deploy federal troops against the strikers and anarchists (the latter trying to destroy railways and large wagons).

Argentina remains a notable Latin American economy, but has severe post-WW2 problems with the recovery of other, even larger economies (which puts the Import Substitution Industrialization model at risk).

February 10, Juan Vicente Gomez wins once again the presidency of Gran Colombia with 54% of the votes.

After these elections, Gomez drinks a lot from the Porfiriato Mexicano (Porfirio Diaz's premiership in the Second Mexican Empire), turning the government into a more dictatorial and closed institution, with him at the head.

The next elections in Gran Colombia (until the death of Juan Vicente Gomez) are considered extremely fraudulent.

Death of the former Ottoman Sultan, Abdul Hamid II.

February 11, ex-employees of Thomas Edison (who worked with him in his early years) create the Edison Pioneers society, on the 71st birthday of the American businessman.

Originally only workers of Edison who worked closely with him before 1885 were allowed to be members of the society, but later expanded to descendants of former members.

The archaeological efforts of the Imperial Federation lead to the discovery of "The bay with the grasslands", an archaeological site dating back to 1000 AD.

Revealing a Norse settlement in the Americas (on the island of Newfoundland, Canada, Imperial Federation), beyond Greenland, before the expeditions of Christopher Columbus.

Today this is accepted as an example of the Norse colonization of North America (known as Vinland, possibly connected to Leif Erikson) prior to contact between Native Americans and Columbus.

But in its time (1918) it was certainly used as propaganda by the Imperial Federation and its pseudo-scientific archaeological endeavors.

(OOC: This is a kind of tribute to the birth of Anne Stine Ingstad, who with her ex-husband Helge Marcus Ingstad, co-discovered L'Anse aux Meadows in the 60s).

February 13, a 7.2 magnitude earthquake shakes Shantou, Guangdong (also known as Canton), Republic of China. Causing the death of 2000 people and 1000 injured.

February 18, the Marri Punitive Expedition takes place in the British Raj.

With this punitive expedition, British troops carry out actions against the Marri and Khetran tribes in the Balochistan region, due to a Marri uprising.

Furthermore, the British operations in Balochistan would give them a better footing against the rebels in Punjab.

British operations run through April, ending on a neutral note for British targets in the region.

March 1, elections for the parliament of the Empire of Brazil.

The victory of a liberal-conservative pro-monarchy coalition (old imperialists and new politicians from the old republic) generates strong social problems, due to the creation of populist and left-wing movements against capitalism and the monarchy in the weakened Brazil.

The Uruguayan Athletics Federation (later renamed the Uruguayan Athletics Confederation), the official governing body of all sports in Uruguay, is established.

March 2, death of Prince Mirko Dimitri Petrović-Njegoš of Montenegro, son of Nikolai I of Montenegro and brother of Crown Prince Danilo.

March 6, the first unmanned drone is developed, the Hewitt-Sperry Automatic Airplane (designed by engineers Elmer Ambrose Sperry and Peter Cooper Hewitt).

Although the Ford administration and US military contractors invested money in this, in the end the project was a failure because it was unreliable.

March 7, the Argentine magazine for women (and later of general interest) 'Atlántida' is published for the first time, with the production and sale of 45,000 copies.

March 9, George Lincoln Rockwell is born.

March 11, the socialist countries, more specifically the Free Republic of Germany and Switzerland, restore Liechtenstein as the Socialist Republic of Liechtenstein.

The German Empire had in essence turned the country into a puppet during the annexation of Austria and the invasion of Switzerland during Fashoda, leading to instability in the country. Which finally turned out to be occupied during the general chaos in Europe.

Now of course it is just a small socialist country, very similar to Andorra or Luxembourg.

March 13, Japanese businessman and industrialist Kōnosuke Matsushita founds Matsushita Electric Industrial Company, today simply known as Panasonic.

March 14, reform of the parliamentary system in Mustafa Kemal's Socialist Turkey.

With this, some amendments or new laws are introduced to the penal code, and the penalty of forced labor is introduced for political criminals and some other criminals.

Death of Lucretia Garfield, American social leader and First Lady of the United States (wife to U.S. President James A. Garfield).

March 21, talks between the Emirate of Ha'il and the Russian Empire about the Sudanese crisis end.

March 28, protests in Quebec City against compulsory military service imposed by the Imperial Federation turn into riots over Easter weekend.

Fortunately this does not end in a full-scale rebellion or the independence of Quebec, as it did with Southern Ireland or Free Ireland.

March 29, 'The Whispering Chorus', a film directed by Cecil B. DeMille, was spared controversy (controversy stemming from depictions of crime and violence, including an execution scene involving an electric chair).

The Whispering Chorus finishes as one of the 10 highest grossing films in the United States during 1918 (6th place).

March 30, the Imperial National Institute for the Blind is established.

Institute dedicated to assisting British veterans (of the Imperial Federation) who lost their sight due to injuries while serving in the Second Great War.

Thomas Edison expands Edison Studios with the purchase of Lincoln & Parker Film Company and several independent filmmakers.

This led to the creation of the Edison General Film Company, which de-facto has a monopoly on film production on the East Coast of the United States and produced more than 12,000 films from 1918 to 1929.

March 31, official end of the Great Depression (1903-1918).

We can say that in general this was quite positive for some countries and their inhabitants, especially those economically developed.

Not so much for others, for example in Latin America, where the European-North American economic recovery marks the end of a favorable situation.

And there are Latin American products that are still considered 'luxury products', such as coffee or cocoa (chocolate), or whose prices are de-facto under foreign control. Which hurts countries like the Empire of Brazil.

Also for some countries there were political advantages, Henry Ford heavily capitalized himself as the 'savior of the economy' in the United States and increased his popularity.