
Alexander the writer (January-March, 1910).

Russian Empire: Census]

For the beginning of 1910, the results of the second census of the Russian Empire are given, after more than a decade from the previous one.

The Russian Empire stretches from the Baltic in Europe to the Pacific (Alyáska and the Far East), from the Arctic Sea in the north to the Turkestan and the Straits.

The largest country in the world in territory, with more than 100 native ethnic groups and a great variety of geographical, economic, cultural, etc.

The census shows that the Russian Empire had in 1910, some 269 million people, adding the population of all its governorates.

And this number kept increasing. Russia was second only to the British Raj and China in terms of population.

The census not only counted the population, it also gave information about property, social class, work, religion, ethnicity-culture, among other relevant information for the Russian state and its future projects.

Most of the population of the Russian Empire was part of the Triune Nation (East Slavs, Russians / Great Russians, Little Russians / Ukrainians, and White Russians / Belarusians) and therefore followed Russian Orthodoxy.

Followed by these were the Muslim inhabitants of the Russian Empire, located especially in Central Asia and the Caucasus (in addition to other minor regions), divided into various ethno-cultural groups such as Kazakhs, Chechens, Azerbaijanis, etc.

There were a large number of Catholics (mainly Poles and Lithuanians, although there were others) and Jews, followed by Buddhists (Mongols, Koreans and Kalmyks) and other 'native religions' (various ethnic groups that fell within miscellaneous, animistic or shamanic religions ).

If we ignore the differences between congregations-sects, the country is mostly Christian followed by Islam, Judaism, etc.

In terms of work and social class, the Russian Empire is composed mainly of rural and urban workers, of whom a large number (more than the 50%) owned property.

This was the result of decades of agrarian-industrial reform and economic development in the country, which was previously mainly rural (with backward agriculture), without a solid industrial base and dominated by the nobility (who owned most of the land and properties).

The peasantry had improved their quality of life compared to the past, the proletariat-workers and the bourgeoisie-capitalists had also grown enormously.

The nobility remained a small part of the population, whose scope had been greatly reduced in economic, social and political terms.

With the information from the census, the Premier Stolypin government was able to prepare for certain objectives, the agricultural and industrial policies of Premier Stolypin had already yielded certain results, but there was still a little more to do to obtain the best fruits of the work.

Urban planning, growth expectations and other policies, etc. Censuses were certainly useful for many government purposes.

It was announced after this that the next census would arrive in 1920.


[The people's government]

It is in this same time period of early 1910, where the Russian state holds certain celebrations under Premier Pyotr Stolypin and Tsesarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich Romanov (representing Tsar Augustus, Alexander III) celebrating the success of the First Duma and the democratic reforms of the Russian Empire.

Of course, it was not as if Russia was precisely a constitutional monarchy (rather it would be semi-parliamentary) but it had been enormously successful in certain respects.

The government was no longer of an almost totally noble character (around the upper classes), now the bureaucratic apparatus and the monarch were accompanied by a popular type government, elected by the majority of the imperial population.

The high-level government (not just Zemstvos and municipalities) was now composed of the right, center and political left of the Russian Empire, of various social classes and origins.

It wasn't always easy, but at least the First Duma had survived its most difficult period, its early years.

That was already a good sign for Russian democracy, although not everyone had welcomed it.

With this in mind and a new birthday for Tsar Alexander III in mind, the first months of 1910 saw several public celebrations and some holidays.

In several of the racetracks of the Russian Empire, more specifically those of Saint Petersburg, international aviation competitions were held for the first time in the country (participants from Russia and other members of the Russosphere, France, Denmark, etc).

This was quite a popular event at the time, although obviously the biggest festivities were on the monarch's birthday, where various cities were decorated, military marches were held, debts were forgiven, and many other celebrations occurred.

Unfortunately with the exception of a few appearances, the monarch was very absent for health reasons, in the same way the government and the celebrations had to continue.

It was a similar situation to the health problems of the former Prime Minister Witte, but on a larger scale, Tsar Alexander III was practically a symbolic pillar of Russia since 1866.

In these early days, it was Tsar Alexander III who in a sense gave legitimacy to the First Duma, as he was one of its main participants in support of Premier Stolypin.

By this time it was already clear the main competitors of the Second (II) Duma, Pyotr Stolypin (48 years old for November 1910) and Mikhail Skobelev (67 years old for November 1910), representatives of the progressive and conservative factions of the First Duma respectively.

Skoebelv was leading the Pan-Russian National Union and Stolypin leading a coalition of various political identities (progressive, liberal, moderate, some on the right, some on the left, etc).

Other candidates included two members of the Troika (triumvirate) of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party, with Grigory Yevseyevich Zinoviev as a possible Premier and Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili as Deputy Premier. Zinoviev's youth was seen as problematic for some, but his public speaking skills helped a lot.

The increase in democracy brought a problem, now both men and women of the Russian Empire could vote after a certain age had passed, this meant changes in the demographics of each party.

While this reform came about under Stolypin's progressive leadership, it was hard to say whether it would help or hurt him in the long run.

The population of the Russian Empire had always been conservative in certain respects, although there were obviously certain changes over time.



1910 was a period of transformation for the Kingdom of Hungary, led by Parliament and King Nicholas I (Tsesarevich of Russia). The interventions in Romania assumed that territory had been recovered with Hungarians and Romanians, it was a reason for national pride but also for certain problems.

The Romanians were mainly inhabitants of rural surroundings, that surrounded the cities, inhabited by a great number of Hungarians. Causing many other logistics and infrastructure problems.

Besides this, Hungary had to follow Russia's designs for multi-ethnic / cultural peace and stability, give some freedom of movement to Romanians and local administrations.

This transformation came from the hand of the Russian subsidies (for the development of infrastructure and integration) and the needs of the new Hungary, there were mainly two political groups.

The neo-conservatives and the social democrats.

The term neo-conservative in Hungary is because the former Hungarian conservatives came from the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but now Hungary was moving away from the Habsburgs and the Germanic world to seek new policies in Eastern Europe (dominated by Russia).

The Social Democrats on the other hand was a coalition of syndicals, socialists and progressives of various kinds, who proposed the need for reforms for the most disadvantaged in Hungary.

In this period Hungary was going through a great and accelerated economic growth within the Russosphere, dependent on foreign capital and resources (Russian) but still with considerable growth in capacity to refine this into products.

So the new Hungarian politics, guarded by Russia and King Nicholas I, turned towards the need for a new Hungary, a multi-ethnic Hungary and economically prosperous.

The Hungarians differed with respect to social policies (unions, pensions and labor reforms, etc.) and economic (how much the economy should be controlled or how much the state should intervene in it).

The Neo-Conservatives would soon be led by the likes of Count Mihály Ádám György Miklós Károlyi of Nagykároly, who proposed a Hungarian economic beacon, a Hungary dedicated to civil production and financial services. "The Switzerland of Eastern Europe".

The Social Democrats were second in the elections, there was a moderate center and a left, the left would be led by Sándor Garbai and Béla Kun. Offering precisely political reforms of a social and labor nature for this new Hungary.



Assyria was the 'state of the doctors', a landlocked country and highly dependent on the Russian Empire, Assyria had received investments and treaties with Russia (and allies, especially Kurdistan) for its agricultural-industrial modernization and stability.

As in other members of the Russosphere, Assyria received infrastructure, capital and protection constructions, in exchange for giving up resources, sovereign aspects (the country aligned itself with Russia and was dependent on it) and its brain drain (which was re-directed towards Russia).

The name of state of the doctors, comes because basically the government and its parties were made up of people with the title of 'doctor'.

A tradition that continued from 1897 to the 1920s, because doctors were precisely the most educated people in Assyria and therefore they participated very actively in these periods of transformation in the country.

There was a modernization of basic industries, agriculture and commerce, radio telegraphs and the railroad were arriving, roads were being built, modern automobiles were arriving, modern technology, etc.

But the economy is not enough for the new Assyrian state, there was a socio-cultural transformation in the context of the new independent Assyria.

The Assyrians together with foreign aid, would reform their educational system, not only the local Assyrian culture had to be re-vitalized, but also to create an Assyrian citizenship to avoid possible problems with other minorities (who received some autonomy, among these minorities after all there were the Kurds and various Muslims allied with Russia).

Various cities in Russia would become the educational center of the first Assyrian military and politicians, although of course it would take years to produce certain results.

One such example would be Doctor Freydon Bet-Abram Atoraya (ܦ̮ܪܝܕܢ ܐܬܘܪܝܐ, Freydon the Assyrian), who was a doctor in the Russian army since 1915, but also an important Assyrian politician.

One of the last great Assyrian doctor-politicians, who along with other colleagues would work with the elected Premier in 1920, bringing interesting reforms to Assyria.




"Hello grandpa." Mikhail exclaims saluting Tsar Alexander III, entering ahead of his older brother (Grand Duke Nicholas) and his father (Tsesarevich Nicholas).

"Hello!". The tsar in his bed hugs the youngest of his grandchildren present, while his son and the oldest of his grandchildren are a bit calmer and quieter.

"How you feel?". Nicholas Nikolaevich asks.

"I've been better before." Tsar Alexander III admits, although it is not very clear whether he is in pain or not.

While the Tsar was talking a bit with his grandchildren, the Tsesarevich Nichoas collected some of the papers that the Tsar had left on his table, divided between 'work' and 'personal projects'.

After a moment, when the grandchildren had gone to play, the Tsesarevich sat next to his father, beginning to correct some errors and give some opinions, serving as adviser for state affairs and editor for personal projects.

From anonymity, in his bed, Tsar Alexander III began to use his time to dedicate himself to the writing of various personal projects, where together with his son, Tsesarevich Nicholas, he used his salary to finance magazines, newspapers, commissions and other projects .

This would not become known until many years later, where Tsar Alexander III ran these projects under pseudonyms, false names, or even anonymity.

Among these are: Путешественник (Puteshestvennik or Traveler), Александр Владимирович Вергунов (Aleksandr Vladimirovich Vergunov) and various female names.

* After the tsar's death, the Tsesarecich Nicholas Alexandrovich would take some false names and create his own.

The projects included certain books-literature, films and animations, some of which would not abandon the sketch-drafts until years or decades after the Alexandrian period for various reasons (limitations in technology and time).

One of these most notable projects was the magazine (and later radio and more), Fantasticheskiye Al'ternativnyye Istorii (Фантастические альтернативные истории, which means, Fantastic Alternate Histories).

The Fantastic Alternate Histories were various collections of material around alternate history (changes in historical events or personalities that lead to different worlds or timelines).

The magazine became quite popular within Russia and some other countries, especially those fans of history and particular details.

In addition, the Fantasticheskiye Al'ternativnyye Istorii magazine adopted a rather imaginative method, through the mail readers could send their own scripts or ideas, which allowed some of these to appear in future issues.


A modern adaptation of the first cover of Fantasticheskiye Al'ternativnyye Istorii, released in 2010 to celebrate 100 years of the magazine.

(OOC: It's a scene from a Paradox Games trailer celebrating the anniversary of Europa Universalis 4).

One of the most well-known and popular series of numbers is The Great War, in a world with several changes, where, for example, the Fashoda War was avoided.

A war occurs between the Entente Cordiale (United Kingdom, the French Third Republic and the Russian Empire plus others) and the Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire, plus some others like Bulgaria).

Ending with the establishment of a socialist Russia and the fall of the main European monarchies, among other changes.



January 1, in the southern United States, the southern railroad companies implement a series of contracts, creating quotas against the additional hiring of African-American workers.

This means that "No larger percentage of Negro workers will be employed on any division or in any yard", of the companies that agreed to the quota agreements or those that join such agreements.

Obviously the Socialist Party of America and the other anti-segregationists oppose such quota agreements, but the federal government does not intervene.

* There were some problems among the right wing of the National Republicans because of this, because they were obviously pro-big business but not necessarily in favor of this type of discrimination.

President William J. Bryan delivers a public address at the United States Executive Mansion, shaking hands and exchanging greetings with more than 5,000 people.

January 2, problems against the failed regulations continue in the United States, when in Sawtelle, California, USA, 12 people die (Mrs. DG Valdez, Mrs. Valdez, their daughter, five grandchildren, two sons-in-law and three guests of the Valdez family) from a fatal poisoning caused by a contaminated can of pears.

January 3, a merger agreement for $ 500 million is created between JP Morgan's Guaranty Trust Company and the companies it acquires. Morton Trust by Levi Parsons Morton and Fifth Avenue Trust by Thomas Fortune Ryan.

On the same day, Morgan and other industrialists are successful in convincing President Bryan to dilute certain antitrust litigation of the United States government, allowing the operation of monopolies in railroads and other areas.

This in exchange for some support to the Democrats in the industrial states and the wealthy upper class, the Democratic party was becoming the party of business and less the party of the common people. Leading blow after blow to the Republicans in the process.

This meant that the only ones not so aligned with big business were (some, due to the nature of the party) Socialists and the center-left wing of the National Republicans.

January 4, members of the oligarchies of Minas Gerais (including Minister Alberto Santos Dumont) and Sao Paulo transfer their support to Ruy Barbosa, who becomes the main candidate for successor to President Nilo Procópio Peçanha over Hermes Rodrigues da Fonseca.

Captain Fiegenschuh of the Second French Empire launches some massacres against African natives in the Darfur region of French Sudan.

January 6, the Abé people of West Africa, occupied by the Second French Empire, rise up in rebellion attacking various stations of the French railways and other French positions.

1400 soldiers of the Second French Empire violently suppress the rebellion by order of the governor-general Amédée William Merlaud-Ponty.

Merlaud-Ponty 'cared' about the economic and educational development of French Africa ... as long as he will benefit the white man of course, that is why the imperial-monarchical French would make him a statue.

January 7, the final fall of the Republican Party of the United States occurs, from one of the big four to one of the small parties.

The progressives and the conservatives led to a breakdown of the party, affected also by previous loyalties and regional interests. Associated with this there were several scandals in the republican members of the administration during this Democratic presidency (although the Democratic party was not involved in these scandals).

The progressives went to the Democrats, National Republicans (center-left wing), and even the Socialist Party (which is a coalition). Those conservatives who dropped out went to the National Republicans (right-wing).

The Republican ship sank, leaving the previous three as the main political parties of the United States.

January 8, the Treaty of Punakha is signed, which makes the kingdom of Bhutan a British protectorate, although like Tibet, it is not exactly a separate part from the rest of the British Raj.

The Imperial Parliament might have some ideas of annexing the kingdom of the Himalayas, but it was not as worthwhile as a territory integrated into the Raj.

January 9, small riots in Bukhara, a city of the Russian Empire, due to four Sunni Muslim students insulting some Shiite Muslims celebrating Muharram's Mourning.

The police of the Russian Empire managed to keep this under control without much trouble.

January 10, in the Imperial Federation the projects of the Anglo-Saxon colonization of Greenland begin, which involves many British and English-speaking Canadians replacing many of the former Danish settlers (and native inhabitants) of the region.

Above all with the aim of avoiding riots, due to the technology of the Greenland era, it was not of much use economically, but it is still the beginning of an ethno-cultural cleansing.

January 14, a military parade in Iberia is accompanied by the re-organization of the country's armed forces, with a new generation of 80 high-ranking military personnel.

This is simply the continuation of previous processes, the red militias became professional police-military forces of the socialist republics and now it is at the national level (Iberian Union).

January 16, the price of meat continues to rise in the United States, to the point that in the middle of the Great Depression some 150,000 residents of Cleveland, Ohio alone, protest against the high prices.

Unfortunately companies and the government cannot or do not do much to stabilize the situation at this time.

* [Greece in isolationism]

Recently, the Kingdom of Greece became a dictatorship led by Prime Minister Dimitrios Rallis, a product of the socio-economic and political instability that Greece suffered after the Great Depression, bad diplomatic relations and interventions by Russia or other nearby states (Ionia, Bulgaria, etc).

Territories such as Crete, some Ionian islands and Macedonia-Thrace (annexed by Bulgaria) had been lost.

It is in this context that Greece was divided between two axes, the growing socialists and the third way. It was clear that the monarchy was in trouble, conventional nationalism had failed, and support for republic-democracy was very low.

A restructuring was needed.

And obviously Prime Minister / Dictator Rallis couldn't allow a socialist Greece, so he opted for the third way, a 'new' Hellenic idea.

The Εθνική Ελληνιστική Ένωση / Ethnikí Ellinistikí Énosi (National Hellenistic Union), the new government of Greece under Rallis, was founded in the January 17.

The intention was to keep Greece isolated, for the moment, but re-orient the country towards the Imperial Federation once again and implement other far-right policies.

In essence, the Greek Social Aristocracy was founded.


EEE (Ethnikí Ellinistikí Énosi) flag.

(OOC: One of the flags of Golden Dawn of Greece...by the way Dimitrios is the father of Ioannis Rallis, collaborator of Greece with Nazi Germany, so is obvious why I did this).

Some say third is the charm...true is that Greece is unlucky.


January 21, after two days of rain the Seine River floods, causing the water not to recede until January 28. In essence, Paris and some surroundings were flooded, there were also floods in the river Doubs.

The local water supply was contaminated and several power plants lost power, many homes were left behind by the days of the rains and floods.

After this the government of the People's Republic of France began to restore order, with Jules Guesde in front. Napoleon III's Paris began to be rebuilt in a more 'proletarian' style, although certain iconic sites were preserved.

A monopoly is formed on beef in the United States.

January 25, Costa Rica's Poás volcano erupts for the first time since 1885, sending ash 7.9 kilometers high (26,000 feet in the air).

*[Mexican Revolution]

February 2, the Consejo Revolucionario Mexicano (Mexican Revolutionary Council) is created, made up of elected deputies from the guerrilla coalition of Mexico.

The Mexican Revolutionary Council opposes the foreign occupation of Mexico and the monarchy, proposing democratic reforms, agrarian reform, labour reform and the nationalization of many of the Mexican assets (resources such as oil, railways, telegraphs, etc).

There is strong socialist rhetoric in the MRC, although there are porfiristas, liberals and moderates. Nationalism and patriotism is inherent in a people that wants to expel the invaders, but in reality it is a nationalism as a tool of the left, the liberation of the invaders and the national capitalists.

Its members include prominent leaders such as Francisco Villa (better known as Pancho Villa), Felipe Carrillo Puerto, José María Pino Suárez, Emilio Madero and Venustiano Carranza. If we talk about deputies, there are people like Francisco José Múgica, Lázaro Cardenas and Álvaro Obregon, who turn more and more towards the Mexican left.

This is considered the beginning of the Mexican Revolution.


February 3, José Madriz Rodríguez, accompanied by several Nicaraguan soldiers, launches one last attack against the United States and its collaborators, before heading to Mexico to participate in the Mexican revolution.

Madriz and his allies destroy Greytown and other Nicaraguan ports, obviously damaging the collaborators and the US occupation, which did not foresee this attack.

In the process, many interests of US fruit companies are damaged, the reason for the American repression in Nicaragua and the propaganda against Zelaya and Rodríguez during this period.

February 6, Argentina buys its first planes from Europe (Russia and Germany) for the formation of an air force against its enemies, the arms race and wars in Latin America intensify.

February 10, British citizens are arrested in Sagallo, Russian colonial empire.

Prankster Horace de Vere Cole, and the group included Virginia Woolf and her brother, all wearing costumes and painted faces, attempted to pose as Prince Makalin of Abyssinia and five other members of royalty to be welcomed on one of the ships of the Russian navy.

It didn't work, for obvious reasons. Fortunately this does not break out any diplomatic conflict.

February 12, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is 'created' which is actually the name change of the National Negro Committee.

February 13, thousands of workers in Germany rise up in and around Berlin to protest against the Prussian-German voting system, which favored the wealthiest citizens of the Empire against members of the lower-middle class.

The troops are sent by Kaiser Wilhelm III and Chancellor Paul von Hindenburg to deal with this. Led by Erich Ludendorff, 50 citizens die and more than 100 are injured.

Despite this, protests and labor movements continue in force during this period after the government's action, but the parliament under Chancellor von Hindenburg and Emperor Wilhelm III, gives more power to the military to deal with the internal problems of Germany. (the process of turning Germany into a monarchy much more similar to a military dictatorship).

February 20, there are some attacks against the French authorities and collaborators in French Egypt.

This is one of the few issues that unites the Egyptian Coptic and Muslim anti-colonial societies.

However, the attacks are not very successful, and of course the Egyptian collaborators and the French authorities deal with this through a brutal and generally successful repression.

Such measures cannot work forever.

February 21, the Mexican Revolution has its first successes fighting against the monarchists and Germans in southern Mexico, obtaining territories that had been dominated by them until now.

However obviously a new war in the south poses certain problems in the north, the North American invaders fail to recover many of the territories liberated by the guerrillas-revolution but they [the Americans] can fortify what they already have.

The operation to take over Monterrey is in trouble.

Tehuantepec is in danger now, and the Kaiser Wilhelm III order the Navy to protect it from the revolutionaries.

March 1, Ruy Barbosa is elected President of the Republic of the United States of Brazil, elected to serve on November 15.

This of course also causes delays in Brazilian affairs, which the Empire of Brazil of Dom Pedro III takes advantage of to continue adding victories against his mother and brother.

The war between the republicans and monarchists are still mostly skirmishes, for the moment, where both sides fortify their borders as best they can (also defended by jungles, rivers and other geographical peculiarities).

Neither has much initiative in large operations, caused by geographic, organizational and civil problems.

Various guerrillas and instabilities begin to form in the republican army because General Hermes Rodrigues da Fonseca was not elected.

March 3, with the destruction of certain fruit interests in Central America and the increase in conflicts in Tehuantepec, Latin America and other problems of the Great Depression that damage international trade, there are once again falls in the London and New York stock markets.

March 7, Kaiser Wilhelm III orders new policies in German Indonesia, leading to the founding of some cities and projects for the German-Dutch colonization of ports with high commercial interest.

To keep looting of course, that's the German commercial interest in Indonesia, but you can still build some nice palaces for German whites.

Among this, the city of "Hollandia" is founded.

March 10, under the Qing dynasty, slavery in China is finally outlawed by the central government, marking a 'liberation' within Chinese society.

The truth is that local landowners continue to treat the peasantry as slaves and there are many problems that the central government has not yet solved for such a reform to be positive for China.

March 11, the Japanese fishing industry begins a unionization process to deal with incidents and economic problems related to the fishing economy, similar to the one suffered by the railroad industry (which started and popularized this whole issue of unions).

This process of union expansion is due to economic problems in the Empire of Japan, caused by internal problems, foreign policy and the Great Depression.

March 13, Indian writer, politician and activist Vinayak Damodar "Veer" Savarkar ('father of Hindu nationalism') is arrested by the Imperial Federation authorities.

The same happened with other leaders of similar anti-colonial movements.

March 15, in the Qing Dynasty Prince Chun, regent of the emperor, issued an edict setting a five-year period to "educate the people."

This to have an educated population before democratic elections, similar to how the Russian Empire did.

Unfortunately, Chinese instability and adequate reforms in the educational system would make all this difficult.

March 16, the German parliament dominated by the conservative-nationalists of the Great National German Reich Party (Große Nationale Deutsche Reichspartei, GNDR), blocks the reform of the suffrage system.

March 18, Greece and the Imperial Federation restore better diplomatic relations after years.

March 19, the Republican resolution to reduce the power of the Speaker of the House and his Rules Committee, fails, maintaining the dynasty of the 'all-powerful Speakers'.

March 20, infrastructure projects in the Federative Socialist Republic of Italy lead to a reform of the public health system (better containment of diseases, measures against epidemics, medical research, etc.) and the construction of more hospitals.

March 24, various Indian independence pamphlets are censored by the Imperial Federation authorities, including communist manifestos from Punjab, Bengal and others.

And the Hind Swaraj of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.

March 30, President William J. Bryan begins a series of treaties that continue the plans of Republican President Elihu Root in Hispaniola and Panama (expansion of industry-economy and American culture to the region).

Marszo 31, the People's Republic of France initiates a pension reform for the elderly, pregnant women and some other members of French socialist society.