
After doomsday clock (January-March, 1912).

New Great War: Russia and the Russosphere]

January 1 (1912) was an extremely quiet day for millions of people, and at the same time a terrifying day for millions of others.

The armed forces of various countries were mobilized throughout Asia, the Americas and Africa, the diplomatic services were in charge of making the necessary preparations, and the world economy continued in the Great Depression.

Finally on January 2, early, the Imperial Federation and the German Empire, together with their allies, go to war with the Russian Empire and its allies.

This is motivated by the Persian refusal to accept the British ultimatum, with Russia backing Persia and supporting a war against the London-Berlin axis.

This means that the New Great War, which began in 1911, was once again greatly expanded.

The block of Washington and Buenos Aires now included the Russian Empire, Persia, Albania, Assyria, the Alawite State, Baghdad (Iraq), Bulgaria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Rio Grande do Sul, Thailand/Siam, Aceh, Bali, Lanfang Republic, the Russian colonies, Ethiopia, Druzia, Lebanon, Syria, Kuwait, Macedonia, Ionia, Cilicia, Montenegro, Serbia, Romania, Hungary and Slovakia.

Not all of them could give considerable material support (for example Druzia), but it was still a significant increase in the balance of the war (especially in the Middle East and Europe region).

* [Fronts]


Of course the first area of enormous conflict was Europe, with the huge land border between Sweden, Norway, Greece, Germany and 'allies' (the pseudo-colonies of Germany, Croatia and Slovenia) versus the Russian Empire and its collaborating countries (the most of the Balkans).

We are talking about a conflict that ran from the Balkans to Scandinavia, passing through Poland and the Baltic Sea.

The first conflict zone between Germany and the Russian Empire obviously occurred in the Polish parts of both countries, bordering each other and East Prussia.

Thousands of Poles from the Congress of Poland and Polish-Germans from the German Empire evacuated in the border conflict between the two empires.

The forces of the Russian Empire won notable victories in East Prussia in January, by February the Russian Empire began to threaten the city of Königsberg.

In the Polish territories, the Germans managed to hold the line against the Russian Empire, but it was clear that it was a very weakly defended line.

The possibility of a swift invasion of the Polish Congress disappeared in the first months of the German-Russian front.


Through Austria and Bohemia, German troops would attempt to march on Hungary and Slovakia, facing lines and lines of defense mounted by the national government of both countries and the Russian Empire.

The terrain and said defenses (bunkers, trenches and line after line of military), would delay the attempts of invading advances for months. The liberation of Bohemia was a Russian goal, but first we would have to wait a little longer.

The possibilities of Hungarian collaborators for Germany diminished in the former, mainly due to the lack of an affiliation of the German Empire with the Habsburg dynasty.


In Scandinavia it is obvious that the Swedish-Norwegian border with Russia became the scene of conflict. The problem was the snow and the mountains, with the unpopulated north of Sweden and Finland being where the ground combat would occur.

The rim had already been fortified for years, which helped a brief stalemate.

The land war was going to be complicated and possibly disastrous for anyone, the Swedes could not march on the Grand Duchy of Finland or the Russian Empire with ease (too much cost for very little gain).

While a Russian mobilization to the north would take time.

It is at this time that the militarization of the Baltic was very useful, adding that the Baltic Fleet was fed by the Grand Duchy of Finland, the Russian Baltic, the Baltic Sea-White Sea Canal and the Baltic-Volga Waterway.

The Baltic Fleet was soon strongly threatening southern Sweden, especially Stockholm and other major ports. Northern Germany would suffer similar attacks after the German Imperial Navy was taken by surprise.

The Royal Navy had to go to support Sweden by sea, since Sweden was a major iron supplier for the Berlin-London axis. But the damage had already been done, and it is obvious that Sweden was in a weak position.


Among nearby, forces from Bosnia-Herzegovina and some allies (Hungary, Serbia, etc.) marched in the direction of German Croatia.

The region was obviously defended by Germans and collaborators, who would raise resistance against enemy forces.

Some natives were willing to fight for the American-Russian-Argentine side but not all would receive the Allied movements as positive.

Elsewhere in the Balkans, more Bulgarian, Serbian, Macedonian, Ionian, and Albanian forces focused on kicking Greece out of the war again.

Which could be very simple, but soon the Imperial Federation also began to send its troops to the Eastern Mediterranean to support the Greek dictatorship.


Speaking of the Eastern Mediterranean, the situation in the marine war became even more thorny, the Russian navy began to mobilize troops towards the Ionian Islands to weaken the Greek and British power in the region.

And not only this, through the Middle East the Russians began to send aid to Arab collaborators and the Second French Empire, with the idea of reinforcing the Suez Canal.

It was a priority to prevent the Imperial Federation from attacking the straits and the Suez Canal.

On the other hand, the British were not going to let the Russians undermine attempts to retake the Suez Canal, and they wanted to protect Cyprus.

So it is not surprising that the Mediterranean became an intense war zone between both sides, the Second French Empire and the Russian Empire against the Imperial Federation.

It is in this that the Republic of Cilicia plays an important role, being a direct dagger against the British efforts and British Cyprus.

Ionia would of course also help against the British navy, but the threat from Cilicia to Cyprus was much more notorious than the threat that Ionia posed to the Royal Navy.

The Republic of Turkey, in civil war, stayed away.

It was a failed state, but men like Mustafa Kemal weren't stupid to get into this war.



It is obvious that Asia also featured a host of fronts, such as the huge Sino-Russian border, Persia and the British Raj, and Southeast Asia (colonies and protectorates of the Russian Empire).

The most important in several ways was the Republic of China and the Russian Empire, for various reasons.

The Russian Empire was the only country close to the Washington-Buenos Aires bloc available to militarily eliminate China, Russia wanted to preserve the territories it annexed from the Qing dynasty, the Republic of China dealt with internal problems that it had to solve, the Imperial Federation and Germany had interests to keep China in the war against Russia, etc.

The Xinjiang Desert and the Turkestan Mountains provided a natural border against China and the British Raj.

So the war between China and Russia was concentrated in other areas of North and Northeast China, more specifically the Chinese border with Inner Manchuria and Outer Mongolia.

Russia relied on its railway system to support the defense of its border regions, while sending troops to guarantee the 'independence' of Inner Mongolia from the Republic of China. With the local Buddhist authorities (the Bogd Lama) cooperating, there were some successes in sowing separatism among the Mongols, although the Han Chinese would present a huge problem.

Troops stayed in Korea and Outer Manchuria to protect the region from possible enemy attacks and as reserves in case previous fronts went awry.


For obvious reasons, the Tibetan plateau does not represent a threat to the Russian Empire, the lack of infrastructure and population, added to a complicated geography, meant that neither the Imperial Federation nor the Russian Empire could mobilize armies in the region.

An invasion of the Imperial Federation into Russian Turkestan would turn out just as badly for similar reasons (geography, population unwilling to cooperate, etc).

Afghanistan was neutral in the conflict so there was not much to say in this case.

So there was an obvious fixation on one front, Persia-India.

Russian forces in the Caspian, Caucasus, and Middle East mobilized into Persia to support the Qajar dynasty against the British Empire. Effectively creating a "safe zone" for the central government.

British troops were sent to the southeast of the Qajar dynasty, having initial successes. But the advance on Persian soil was slow for several reasons.

Another very big threat was how Persia was a huge livelihood for the Indian rebels in the British Raj.

The Imperial Federation tried to stop this, but through the safe zone and Russian Turkestan, Persia would continue to support many rebels in the northern British Raj (especially in the Punjab area and nearby).


Thailand became a target of the British Raj and German Indochina, finding itself between these two and dangerously close to Malaysia.

Currently Thailand would be able to hold off British advances in Burma / Myanmar and Malaysia, thanks in part to armies and modern infrastructure holding the country's borders.

It helped that Russia was spending seriously on defending the country, especially due to the presence of the Thai Canal construction.

The Russians simply did not want Thailand to fall into enemy hands, and all these factors contributed to a good defense.

The interesting thing came with German Indochina, although the border between Laos and Thailand was held by the Germans (although they suffered from some internal rebellions ...), the Cambodia region was slowly falling in front of the Thai forces.


The Indonesian area was a ... troubled place.

The Pacific Fleet had significant victories in various areas of German Indonesia, but moving into the interior of the region was quite problematic and an unnecessary waste of resources to some extent.

We can see something similar in other cases of the war.

Russian allied protectorates such as Aceh, Lanfang, Bali, and the Novaya Gvineya colony were surrounded by enemy colonies or territories.

But the invasion of the interior of these regions was costly and problematic, so the most optimal option was the attacks on ports and the war across the sea.

Australia and German Indonesia were interested in the capture of Novaya Gvineya, but the tribes of the interior of New Guinea posed several problems for the German administration on the island.

On the other hand, some port attacks, such as those on Cape Maclay, had certain 'successes', but were considerably expensive and would not give the expected results (the territory could not be easily occupied).

This especially because of the local guerrilla warfare and the successes of the Russian navy in maintaining certain logistics.

Lanfang was a particular target, because the Republic of Lanfang became a growing industrial-military center, locally feeding Novaya Gvineya, Aceh, Bali and Thailand against the London-Berlin axis.

However attempts to take Lanfang would be unsuccessful.



Africa was a continent of colonies, rather than independent countries. But it would still be vital for a number of reasons, including the Red Sea.

Ethiopia joined the Russian side promptly, giving forces to support the defense of the Russian Colonial Empire and the anti-colonial effort against the British Empire and the German Empire.

The good side of Ethiopia was that they were a modern country, and protected by their land borders (they did not border on any British or German colony).

So as long as things did not turn extremely bad in the Russian colonial empire or the Second French Empire, everything would be fine in Ethiopia.

Obviously from Sagallo and Somaliland, the Russian navy and the Ethiopian reinforcements would attack several ships and British Arabia.

So Ethiopia became an annoying thorn in the English side, an African lion that was not going to be colonized ...


Uganda, the German Congo and Tanzania made up German East Africa, which soon became something of a death trap in several ways.

* British attention focused more on the island of Madagaskar (colony-protectorate of Russia), so marine assistance was little. Occasionally Malagasy ships would bombard various German ports, causing problems.

* The armies of the German Empire focused on the invasion of Katanga (the Russian Congo), a product of the lack of cooperation with London and the fact that Katanga was seen as an 'easy' target for the German high command.

As a result of the Katanga invasion decision, the Keniya-Tanzania and Uganda front began to fall in favor of the Keniya (Russian Empire) forces and Ethiopian reinforcements.

North German East Africa began to be successfully invaded by Russian-African forces, helping Katanga and seriously undermining the German effort on the African fronts.


The British Empire had some successes in invading Namibian territory and attacking Kameroon ports, it was even possible to conquer Katanga with time (although it was difficult with the defensive lines mounted in the colony by the locals and the colonial administration).

The problem was geography and the guerrillas ...

Namibia was very desert, the Congo that surrounded Katanga was very difficult to navigate and Kameroon was also very jungle, which meant difficulties for logistics and mobilization.

Lack of population density and local aggressiveness were also a factor to take into account, much useful infrastructure would 'disappear' before the British could use it.

The British also could not understand native guerrillas, not only because of their stubborn fight against invading forces, but also because of their mobility.

The clearest example is Namibia, the locals would attack quickly and quickly retreat to the desert. Following them or continuing was problematic, because the natives would continue to harass or set traps for the foreigners.

The desert was not a 'desert', it was more like water or an ocean (similar to how the Vikings and various raiders from the sea quickly attacked, looted and left).



It is obvious that after the Russian entry into the New Great War begins, the Washington, Buenos Aires and Moscow-Saint Petersburg bloc initiates diplomatic relations to bring more countries to its side (or maintain neutrality) and mutual cooperation.

Russia in particular made early moves to bring socialist countries to war, and it was relatively easy and straightforward to do so.

The socialist countries had no affection for the Imperial Federation and the German Empire (neither with the Second French Empire, but an exception could be made for the moment ...), and more importantly, a war could achieve certain objectives.

Iberia wanted Gibraltar, the People's Republic of France wanted Alsace-Lorraine, and Italy wanted German-occupied Italian territory, perhaps even more (if they could get it ...).

In addition, the good relations between Italy, France and Russia helped the possibility of this cooperation. Iberia had some doubts, but the pro-war factions in the south were gaining strength.

Finally the Socialists could not resist and accepted the offers in a secret agreement, the Rome-Saint Petersburg Treaty of 1912.

Although the entry would take a while after its ratification.

The second country that Russia and the United States wanted to put into the war was the Empire of Japan, difficult counting the instability of the country, but there were other ways.

The United States and Russia offered not only economic incentives (trade agreements, oil, minerals, money, etc.), but they were also able to use assets WITHIN Japan to tilt the government toward the axis of Buenos Aires, Washington, and Moscow-Saint Petersburg.

We are talking in particular about the Imperial Japanese Navy.

There was not as much success as in the socialist countries, but Japan was leaning towards one side in the war, and this was important.

Not long after, the Imperial Federation and Germany would respond by giving some support to Antonio Luna, president-general of the anti-Japanese right-wing Philippine nationalist resistance.


Russia already had several cooperation agreements with her closest allies, the Russosphere members involved in the war (protectorates, 'independents' and obviously colonies) ...

But very few agreements with the rest of the allies.

With Japan neutral for the time being, it was clear that the North Pacific was becoming an area dominated by Russia and the United States. The Imperial Federation suffered major defeats and the United States was able to recover.

Now lines of communication and logistics had to be secured across the ocean to fight the Imperial Federation and its allies.

Russia and the United States were huge countries.

The United States had not produced enough army or navy to fight properly, but they could build them with enough time and resources.

Russia could give resources and it had the military industry to support itself and the Russosphere, and as we mentioned, the United States could build this.

But Argentina and most of the Latin American allies simply could not do this (economic problems, lack of industry or own resources).

So the bloc's priority was to get things going and send aid to the allies less able to sustain the war.

Military-technical cooperation between the United States, Argentina and Russia increased enormously, and with this security on several fronts (especially in the ocean).



January 19, under the gaze of Premier Mikhail Skobelev and the Second Duma of the Russian Empire, football is reorganized in the Russian Empire.

The All-Russian Football Union (VFS, Всероссийский футбольный союз, Vserossiyskiy Futbol'nyy Soyuz) is created.

The governing body of soccer in the Russian Empire, both professional and amatuer soccer.

Including the organization of national soccer (men's), women's soccer, youth soccer, beach soccer, futsal and Paralympic teams.

The VFS sanctions the referees and football tournaments of the Russian Football Premier League and the rest of the football leagues in the Russian Empire.

This is part of the sports reorganization process in the Russian Empire, giving a small reset to the national leagues due to the entry of the Russian Empire into the New Great War, the creation of many new teams and the 'humanization' of sport.

With humanization, we mention as an example, the creation of new security measures for professional boxing or the prohibition of sports that were considered harmful to animals and human beings (including especially fighting of animals such as dogs, roosters or others).



With the continuation of the New Great War, it is obvious that governments invested in propaganda and dominance of the media in their countries.

These events occurred 'normally' in various countries, through the intelligence services, the military and politics. United States, Russia, the People's Republic of France, Argentina and the Imperial Federation, among others.

But a curious event occurred between this, the first great comic boom.

As mentioned, they were partly propaganda, but it was also an evolution of various artistic trends in various parts of the world, such as the Pulp Fiction in America, the Russian Lubok, the Anglo-French-Belgian Comics, etc.

So there were also stories of various indoles that had a commercial, artistic or entertainment purpose, outside the interests of the government (although of course, many 'subversive' or 'inappropriate' things were frowned upon ...).

These new comics were a hit with populations of children, adolescents, and young adults (usually male), and saw the introduction of the first modern Superheroes.

In the case of the Russian Empire, for example, government associates (Tsar Alexander III, Tsesarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich, Mikhail Skobelev's war ministry and others) founded the National Comics or NK (Национальные комиксы, Natsional'nyye Komiksy).

Currently NK is the largest comics company in the Russian Empire, successfully introducing various elements-formulas of the genre, including its natural Russian characteristics (for a Russian company in the Russian society).

An example of this was the Winter Soldier (Зимний солдат, Zimniy Soldat, a name derived from 'General Winter' or the Russian Winter), a figure that symbolizes several of the values and image of the Russian Empire against enemies (in this time, Germany, Imperial Federation and China) and villainy (the supervillains that would later come to the genre ).

(OOC: ITL Winter Soldier would be the Captain America of Russia).

In the United States, a few years later, Timely Publications would be created, actually several corporations that would later give rise to Marvel Comics.

Pioneers in the superhero genre, but in the modules-formulas and with American characteristics.



Tsar Alexander III was in bed, visited by two of his grandsons, Nicholas (15 years old) and Mikhail Nikolaevich (13 years old), sons of Tsesarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich Romanov.

"I'm very good at riding, some officers allowed me to carry one of the flags at an army practice." Nicholas Nikolaevich exclaims proudly.

Nicholas and Alexander III were talking, while Mikhail was reading a comic that his grandfather bought him.

"Good to see you having fun." The Emperor of All Russia mentions. "But I want you to understand that the army is not everything, running the empire goes beyond the army."

"What is more important than the army?" Nicholas Nikolaevich asks.

"That is a good question." Alexander III mentions. "What do you think are the most important qualities of a leader and his government?"

Nicholas Nikolaevich didn't give very good answers, but at least his grandfather was trying to give him some lessons.

"And remember, if someone does not create the Batman comics or the Lord of the Rings saga in this universe, you have to create them." Tsar Alexander III insists.

"...". Tsesarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich is silent for a few moments. "Is that really the most important thing you have to say?" The Tsesarevich laughs a little.

"Yes." Alexander III admits. "Other than that, he is bringing my grandchildren back tomorrow." The emperor asks kindly.

"Sure old man." Nicholas accepts.

The emperor did not care so much whether his grandchildren were fit to be rulers or not (not that he lived to see someone of his descendents rule, that's simple logic).



January 1, reforms are proclaimed in the Republic of China, establishing elements such as the republican calendar.

However, certain elements of President Yuan Shikai are already noticeable, especially his authoritarianism and his personal ambitions in this New China.

The separatisms and internal problems do not stop increasing.

The Imperial Federation successfully achieves an amphibious assault on Morocco, where various tribes from Western Morocco, the Atlas Mountains, and the Rif join them against the Second French Empire.

This is just a 'secondary' front, the British attention is more focused on Suez and therefore Egypt-Arabia, but it is always good to have a few more cards against your opponent.

January 2, the Russian Empire and allies join the New Great War on the side of the United States and Argentina, further expanding the reach of the New Great War.

As a result of this, the New Great War spreads even further in range-magnitude, bestiality, and damage. More than tens of thousands of displaced and dead, by the end of the war, we speak of millions.

January 5, Doctor Sun Yat-sen soon becomes opposition in the Republic of China, when he issues the "Manifesto from the Republic of China to All Friendly Nations". In opposition to the official position of Yuan Shikai.

Proposing that China should no longer be closed to the international community and that the New Great War is harmful to China. The Yuan Shikai government on the other hand is pro-war and supports the idea of Chinese involvement for various reasons.

Sun Yat-sen also meets with Lin Zongsu, proposing advances in the women's suffrage movement in China.

* [Mexico: The land where workers become gods]

January 6, the General Elections of 1912 in the Free Republic of Mexico.

Finally they win Francisco 'Pancho' Villa, as presidential candidate, and Felipe Carrillo Puerto, as vice-presidential candidate.

As a result of the victory of Villa and Carrillo Puerto, the Communist Party of Mexico (CPM) is founded, establishing the first socialist government in the Americas.

Influenced by Marxism and democratic socialism, the Villa government, heavily influenced by Felipe Carrillo Puerto, establishes agrarian reform (with relative ease after the death or flight of many landowners) and autonomy for Native Americans.

In addition to labor reform measures (8 hours a week, salary reforms, etc.) and other new legislative initiatives.

However not all is happy and good, Mexicans are now extremely paranoid of American interference in Mexican affairs.

Soon the relations between Mexico, the United Mexican States and the United States, again deteriorate due to the adoption of socialism in Mexico.


January 7, Persian-Russian victory over British forces in central Persia.

The navy of the Republic of Cilicia, supported by 3 Ionian ships, achieved an important victory near British Cyprus.

January 8, King Albert Victor and his companions leave the British Raj 'triumphant', after a month-long visit without dying at the hands of Indian extremists.

For various reasons, the Imperial Federation also manages to return the imperial family safely to London.

The African National Congress (ANC) is founded, a party made up of several African leaders and organizers, who propose the fight against the Imperial Federation and the United Boer States.

That they impose a segregationist state and colonialism on the African tribes.

(OOC: It is the OTL ANC, but more influenced by Indian separatisms).

January 10, the Russian aircraft carrier "Russ" have their first hit against several British ships in the Baltic.

It is not against a Super-Drednout or a Drednout, but it is a positive test for the following years of the war ...

January 12, the military dictatorship of Kaiser Wilhelm III and Chancellor Paul von Hindenburg favors the Great National German Reich Party (Große Nationale Deutsche Reichspartei, GNDR) in the government, leading to various problems especially with socialist groups ...

January 16, attempt on the life of the President of China, Yuan Shikai. Terrorists drop three bombs at Yuan Shikai as he returns from an audience at the Imperial Palace in the Forbidden City.

There are three injured bystanders and the attackers manage to escape, but Yuan Shikai survives unhurt.

The problem is, obviously, you can see the cracks in China ...

January 18, Juan Vicente Gomez becomes President of Gran Colombia, replacing the Colombian Rafael Uribe Uribe.

With this several purges against the old Ecuadorian elites occur (and some massacres of civilians that amount to more than 1000 people), but it also happens that Gran Colombia leaves the New Great War with success.

Gran Colombia came out the winner, with a successful industrial revolution and successfully annexing Ecuador.

Of course there are certain problems between Gran Colombia and the United States-Argentina, but President Gomez manages to avoid successfully re-entering the war.

Gran Colombia soon trades with both sides in the war, although receiving certain sanctions from the United States and Argentina.

Mass protests in Brisbane, Australia (Imperial Federation), we speak of 10,000 people, members of the Australian Tramway and Motor Omnibus Employees' Association for problems between them and the administration.

Similar protests occur in the Home Islands.

* [German Revolution]

January 18, 1912, the revolution began in the German Empire when the German socialist Karl Paul August Friedrich Liebknecht, accompanied by Vladimir Lenin and Rosa Luxemburg, declared the "Free Republic of Germany" (Freie Republik Deutschland).

In open opposition to the German Empire of Wilhelm III and Chancellor Paul von Hindenburg.

Normally this would have been disastrous for the socialists in the SPD (Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands), but as a result of years of war, a dysfunctional government, economic crisis, housing crisis and the like, there is great success for the socialists.

The revolution begins in various areas of Germany, including Alsace-Lorraine, Flanders, Bavaria, parts of Asutria, Berlin, and North Rhine-Westphalia.

For Berlin, Bavaria, North Rhine-Westphalia and parts of Austria there is a semi-unified command, but Alsace-Lorraine and Flanders have much more independent revolutions.

With German instability, the army begins to break down. Although von Hindenburg succeeded in eliminating the revolutionaries in Berlin, the revolution was successfully spreading in southern Germany and parts of West Germany.

On the other hand, the Alsace-Lorraine revolution is a perfect excuse, the People's Republic of France gets into the New Great War, to support the German socialist revolution and annex Alsace-Lorraine.

Soon Iberia and Italy are united to fight against the Imperial Federation and Germany.


January 20, the Communist Party of Mexico creates new measures for Mexican unions (methods for strikes and labor democracy on the means of production).

January 22, the break in the republican government of China intensifies after the war with Russia fueling separatism in various areas of northern China.

Sun Yat-sen retreats to southern China, with some successes in a personal clique, while Yuan Shikai remains in the north with his personal army supporting his rule.

January 23, the trade of opium, morphine, cocaine and other drugs prepared or derived from these substances have a boom in various parts of the world.

Especially China, the United States, India, Afghanistan, parts of the Americas, and parts of Europe.

January 24, the Greek troops suffer a major defeat against the Russian-American-Argentine side.

January 25, the German Revolution of 1912 began to forcefully push the imperial government.

January 26, 47 generals of the Republic of China, who months ago were 'loyalists' to the Qing dynasty, begin to switch allegiances once again.

Some join Sun Yat-sen, others Yuan Shikai, others want to create their own cliques and there are even some who want to restore the monarchy (Qing or others).

The socialist government in Iberia initiates projects to declare the Caños de Carmona national heritage. A Roman aqueduct hundreds of years old.

They also initiate plans to restore the Caños de Carmona, after they had been damaged during the civil wars in Iberia.

Edison Studies launches For the Cause of the South, directed by Bannister Merwin and featuring James Gordon as Confederate General Robert E. Lee.

February 2, after some troublesome speeches (very long) in the newspapers, Robert M. La Follete Sr. begins to lose some popularity in the National Republican Party.

Although it is nothing too big, it is very important for future events and one of several excuses used in the upcoming November elections.

February 3, the Second French Empire determines that many of the Arabs and Arab descendants in North Africa must serve in the army compulsorily, for a period of three years.

Obviously this for the privileges of the Arab people in the French caste system and to supply the demand for forces in the New Great War.

There are certain successes, but also many problems with this new measure, which could backfire on the government of Charles Maurras.

February 4, instead of focusing on the New Great War altogether, the United States government orders an increase in troops in the United Mexican States. More specifically, on the border with the Free Republic of Mexico.

Frightened by the growth of socialism in the country and the events of the German revolution, which could be repeated in other parts of the Americas.

This is more problematic than beneficial for many reasons.

February 6, begins the Battle of Gibraltar between Iberia and the Imperial Federation.

February 7, the Russian Empire begins to threaten the capital of East Prussia and other territories of the German Empire.

February 8, the Imperial Federation sends support to Greece, leading to the creation of the Greek Air Force against the invasion of Bulgaria, Serbia, Russia, Ionia and other allies.

February 9, the Tunisian National Movement begins, with a simple error from the Kingdom of Italy.

This day an eight-year old Tunisian Arab child was struck and killed by a tram operating by an European (Italian) drunk operator in the city of Tunis.

Leading a two-month boycott against Italians, their industries, and various officials.

February 10, universal male suffrage is established in Argentina.

February 14, King Albert Victor I expresses his mistrust of the people of India due to the revolutions in Bengal, Punjab and the spread of separatism in other parts of northern India.

As a result, the imperial parliament accepts measures to deal more harshly with separatism, targeting even the upper classes of the Indian caste system.

February 16, the Free Republic of Mexico takes steps to rename many cities in the country.

This means that many of the cities founded during the Second Mexican Empire are named after more traditional names.

Both Native American names and names inspired by national 'heroes' of Mexico (poets, artists, scientists, non-monarchical politicians, etc).

February 18, Russian troops and the Bogd Lama successfully form an independent Inner Mongolia during the New Great War, on the Sino-Russian front.

With the establishment of independent Inner Mongolia, Russian troops and their collaborators successfully resist several Chinese counter-offensives.

However, the Han Chinese of Inner Mongolia still pose a problem.

February 20, 20 Americans die in the Hippo Wars.

February 24, Mustafa Kemal takes advantage of international instability to obtain some material support from other socialists.

The socialist revolution in the Republic of Turkey continues to successfully sweep away the opposition.

February 25, the first boy scouts of China are organized.

February 26, Luxembourg is swallowed up by the socialist revolution in Germany and French socialist troops.

February 27, Paraguay successfully annexes the Chaco, despite protests from Bolivia.

After Bolivia changed sides there were discussions, and finally the USA, Argentina and most of the Latin American countries on this side supported Paraguay.

As a result of this there are again, internal problems in Bolivia.

February 28, 35 more Americans die in the Hippo Wars.

February 29 (Thursday), 600,000 coal miners stop working in England, the Imperial Federation, in a strike for the lack of a minimum wage.

By the end of the week, 1 million miners have joined the strike ...

March 1, strikes in England continue to spread to various parts of the UK (Imperial Federation), especially to Ireland.

Several feminist leaders are arrested in England on the same day.

March 2, martial law is declared in various parts of northern China in response to certain instabilities in the republic.

March 3, the military man Pascual Orozco defected from the Free Republic of Mexico to the United Mexican States, after the government denied him a greater position.

This is because Pancho Villa chose Emilio Madero as minister of war, who, like Orozco, had served under Francisco I. Madero. The Orozquistas (followers of Orozco), would create a lot of 'black legend' propaganda against Pancho Villa, the Mexican socialists and the Maderistas (followers of the Madero brothers).

15,000 Italian troops march to support the socialist revolution in southern Germany, successfully capturing several border towns.

March 5, the Thai army succeeds in purging dangerous elements amid the New Great War and begins to make successful breakthroughs in German Cambodia.

March 8, the German imperial marima suffers a major defeat in the New Great War, in German Indonesia.

This defeat allows Russia to maintain a logistics line (the New Silk Road route) to continue feeding Thailand and Russian Indonesia with weapons and supplies.

March 9, several strikes of the textile industry in the United States.

March 12, 200,000 German socialists march in the socialist revolution on the cities of Essen, Hamborn, Duisburg, Oberhausen, Bochum and Recklinghausen in the Westphalia region.

With this enormous success, various military units either break up or join the revolution, marking a major turning point in the German situation.

A provisional socialist government is formed leading the revolution after this important victory. It is not the end of the revolution or the end of Imperial Germany, but this is very important.

On the same day for ... mysterious reasons, finally some strike leaders in the UK get some sessions with the government so that workers' complaints are heard.

March 14, attempted assassination by two anarchists on Kaiser Wilhelm III. The attempt is unsuccessful.

March 19, despite Paraguayan success in the New Great War (Latin American fronts) due to internal problems, a civil war began in the country.

Latin America is actually a very conflictive area, but one that is not usually paid much attention for a variety of reasons.

March 21, the rebels led by General Emiliano González Navero take control of Asunción, the capital of Paraguay, changing the government of the country and turning it towards a more liberal policy.

In addition to this, Paraguay seeks to get out of the war peacefully (speaking with Argentina and the USA). Which is achieved in August 1912, when Navero gives the government to Eduardo Schaerer Vera y Aragón.

After this change in Paraguay, the problems in Bolivia intensify, by right-wing parties and the army thinking that the war (and the change of sides) was for nothing.

March 22, the Indian revolution successfully spread to Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra, where various guerrillas and local separatist parties affiliated with the Punjab and Bengal revolutions were formed.

March 24, 600 Mexicans from the United Mexican States invade the Free Republic of Mexico 'by mistake'. This is just an extra-official invasion supported by the government with no official statement.

The UMS troops are defeated by 700 soldiers from the Free Republic of Mexico with success, and although tensions increase, the war between the two countries is not repeated.

For now.

Various internal problems in Greece, the Imperial Federation sends more soldiers to support the Greek government, but the situation can very easily collapse in the country after years of instability.

March 28, in the Imperial Federation, the vote of the Imperial Parliament to allow female suffrage and several social reforms fails (that is, female suffrage or the conditions that several strikes in the country ask for).

Curiously, the same day there is an advance in children's rights, "best interests of the child" became the standard in custody cases in the Imperial Federation.

March 29, Tang Shaoyi becomes Prime Minister of the Republic of China under Yuan Shikai, forming a cabinet.


* Perspective, East Prussia.

"By order of Tsar Alexander III and War Minister Mikhail Skobelev, you are put in charge of the armies in East Prussia. Once the capture is complete, the Tsar wants you to direct most of the operations on the Russian-German border. "The messenger informs General Alexei Brusilov.

Brusilov was silent for a few moments. "I see, I will immediately take office to ensure the capture of Königsberg and the rest of East Prussia. Then we will march on the other eastern territories of Germany."

The messenger understands, leaving promptly.

The war in the first months was slow, mobilizations always cost time and the huge defenses on both sides created a stalemate, but it was purely temporary.

The Germans, at least according to Brusilov, had not learned at all after Fashoda and were tired after years of war.

They wanted a quick war, but they couldn't make one. A war of attrition was an inevitable defeat for Germany, but the Germans would not leave without a fight.

"Time to try some things." Brusilov indicates, preparing for blitzkrieg from him.

General Brusilov was appointed leader of the armies in East Prussia in February, claims that he would take East Prussia, at most, in two months.

After this he would be appointed commander of the western armies of the Russian Empire (the border between the German Empire and the Russian Empire).


* Perspective, South Germany.

Italian troops were marching on another liberated town in southern Austria, some greeted with applause and others greeted in silence.

Among all the Italian soldiers, one stood out as the spokesman for the high command, a rising officer within the military-political hierarchy, without stopping.

"People of Germany! You have achieved freedom and liberation. Now everything is in your hands.

Take a gun! The army of the Federative Socialist Republic of Italy will provide all the conditions for you to achieve the work in which you are going to embark.

You must become the creator of your own happiness, marching. "

Benito Mussolini declares, once again there are some mixed reactions, but the worst reactionaries have been eliminated or have escaped after the Italian victory.

And many South German socialists are joining the march.