

Staring at my wall in the dark alone. I crave substance but my bed is so warm. The hallway is cold. Shit, I dropped my phone on my face again. I am in despair. I decide to write my thoughts down in a journal. I contemplate if I'm going to buy a lock for it but realize I'm alone….maybe lonely.

If your reading this your probably lonely and too far down the Webnovel rabbit hole aswell…

Haha your alone .

I have run out of topics to talk about so I will continue to write nonsense while sitting in the dark. I bet you really like brain rot you incel. How long winded does this need to be I grow tired of writing. Probably not as tired as the people reading this at 3am because they are lonely and have no life. If you are still reading this something is wrong with you but I'm broke so I continue to be lonely and write.

One of you weebs need to tell me how long these should be on average in the comments. I would greatly appreciate it. I think we should also upvote this to troll the page and make people completely waste their time. Haha can u image how much I've wasted your time already. I think this is the end of me for the chapter I'll write about whatever anyone comments about if this ever see's the light of day. Goodnight -grime.under.your.toes