

Amy a young adult who has always hoped to fill the space of loneliness, emptiness inside her. She and loneliness have been one for a long time. There was nothing that could pull her out of her trance of loneliness. Not even her own family members. What would happen when she meets a guy who she befriended and then turned her world of dullness into a colourful world??

Daoist7TvEr5 · perkotaan
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13 Chs

Confessing feelings and gaining a new boyfriend?

Christopher's POV

I woke up the next morning and took my phone to check the time and my schedule for the day. I checked the time and it's already 7am and went on to check my schedule. I figured I had class in the afternoon by 2pm and I had to be at the office by 10am to supervise a project that the company is working on and also to meet with representatives from TikTok and billboard. well you could say my company is well known.

I usually go for a run for about thirty minutes everyday and then perform yoga and also read some books before the day properly starts

I finished reading and quickly went into the bathroom to freshen up. I came out and went into my wardrobe. I brought out a black suit to wear and a black tie to match, also brought out the new black shoe I got from Tom Ford which was customized for me.

I dried my body and applied my body lotion then proceeded to go make my breakfast which was a roasted potato and chorizo hash. I finished preparing and cleared the plate. 'it would be nice to have someone taste my food and also cook for me too' I said to myself as I took the plate to the kitchen and headed to the bedroom to get dressed as it was almost time for me to leave. The maids will come in later to clean the whole house

I took the key to one of my favorite car which was a Lamborghini the latest model of 2023, Lamborghini V12 also known as Revulto. The gate opened by itself and I drove out for work


I parked in front of the company and didn't go to the garage cause I was almost late and I hate being late. I entered the company and all the staffs bowed immediately they noticed me. I took the elevator to the third floor where the meeting would hold and already met the representatives sitting waiting for me

"Good morning Mr Christopher" they said synchronizing

"morning, let's get in" I said and we entered the office

We took a seat and the discussion began immediately

"Mr Chris, we know how your company has been in the news these days and how exceptionally well it's doing so we've come to discuss how to make your company still be at the top of the entertainment news infact the whole news"

I listened carefully and told them to continue, I wanted to know what they had in stock for my company before I decide whether to go with them or not

The meeting ended at exactly 12pm. I went back to my office to see the files I needed to attend to. I called my secretary to pack some of these files for me as I will tend to them at home.

I relaxed on my chair and was deep in thought when my mind drifted to Amy. How is she doing after seeing her picture on the school platform that way. I brought out my phone immediately to call her when I remembered that I didn't have her number. I growled in annoyance and opened my laptop to see if I can find her Instagram or Facebook account. after much searching I found her on Instagram and added her immediately without thinking twice. I would chat with her later. I stood up and signaled my secretary and she took the files following me to the garage and keeping the files in my car, with that I drove home to rest and get dressed for class.


I reached home and removed my clothes immediately I entered the bedroom and went on to take a shower. I finished bathing and took out a sleeveless top and short to wear. I laid on the bed and thought about what to do with Amy. Ever since I met her I can't focus properly on whatever I'm doing, her beautiful face always pops up in my head.

After giving it much thought I decided to leave her a message on Instagram whether or not she sees it. "I pray she see it" I said to myself

'hi amy, it's me Christopher from school, we haven't had a chance to talk giving the way you just went that day.whenever you are free let me know please' I typed and sent it to her. I stood up and wore my clothes and headed to school


Class went well and ended with the teacher reminding us about the upcoming project we had to collaborate with creative writing student in the first year. he said we would be grouped in tens and asked to propose at least a topic we can build on relating to the project. 'ah, that means I need to speak with Amy and Courtney so we'd end up in the same group, that way I will be bale to talk to her' I said to myself

" hey man, how you doing?" William said while rushing and putting a hand on my neck

I removed his hand and looked at him. "I'm doing okay, I need you to help me with something" I said to him

"what's that man, you know I've always got your back" he winked and said

'stupid guy' I thought and replied him saying " well I need you to check who posted this picture on the school platform" showing him the picture

"Okay bro, that's cool. I actually have a computer I want to test, so this is perfect" he said. His father owns a computer making company and he heads it. He's just like me

"okay then, I'm heading out" I said and turned to leave when he said "let's hangout tonight so we can catch up and you can tell me the full tea about THAT matter" he laughed and said

"fuck off" I replied him and went out of the class

Christopher's POV ends


Christopher headed to Amy's class and saw that they had also just finished class. He waited outside till they were through packing and came out.

" Hi" he raised his hand and said

"hello" Courtney smiled and replied him. however Amy who he was there for just ignored him and passed by him

He was hurt, but what could he do, he couldn't be running after her, he would wait until she doesn't feel awkward around him anymore. 'but she was the one that asked me to do it with her' he said to himself. he gave up and just went home


Author's POV

Amy and Courtney arrived at Amy's house. Amy was on leave cause she wasn't feeling too well so she did go to work

Amy went into the kitchen to go get water for both herself and courtney. They both drank the water as if they hadn't seen water in days

"Amy, what's wrong?" Courtney asked her

"nothing's wrong" Amy lifted up her face and asked

" you can't tell me that something's definitely not wrong" Courtney said looking all serious

"in what way?, what do you mean?" Amy asked her with a confused expression on her face

"The way you ignored Christopher, you didn't even say hi" she said

"oh that, it's nothing, you shouldn't worry about it" Amy said to her

"there's something and I know you don't want to tell me. it's alright, I just want you to be careful and rational in any step or decision you make. Chris is a good guy, I can feel it " she said looking at me eye to eye

"yes mum, I've heard you" Amy said teasingly

"I'm so tired, I need to go sleep" Amy said

"me too" Courtney said and they both stood up and went into the room


on reaching home, Chris lay on the bed and took his phone out, he had to find a way to talk with her. He called William immediately

"hey man, have you found out about it?" he asked immediately william picked the call

"yes, I have and you wouldn't believe who it is" he replied me

"cut the crap and just tell me who it is already" I said annoyingly

"okay Mr lover boy it's Dan" he said

"Dan?, who is Dan?, don't tell me it's the son of the owner of Go logistics" I said grinding on my teeth harshly

"well it is him, your rival in everything" he said

"okay" I said and cut the call

Dan?, how come Dan has a picture of Amy?, did they know each other ?, were they in a relationship' he had so many thoughts running through his head at the same time. At this point he figured he needed Amy to open up to him so he can properly protect her. He had collected Courtney's phone number from James his other friend who accompanied him to that party that night

He called her immediately, it rang for about three times before she picked. "Hello, who is this?" I heard her say

"hi, Courtney it's me Christopher I got your number from James" he replied her

"oh hi" she said

"could you please help me with Amy's number, it's kinda urgent " he said almost immediately

"oh alright, I'll send it to you now" she said and they both dropped the call. some seconds later a text came in and it was from Courtney

He immediately clicked on the number to call her.

Christopher's POV

'ring, ring, ring' her phone rang before she finally picked up the call

"hello, who is this?" she asked

Her beautiful voice, I get to hear it this close. "it's Christopher, I got your number from Courtney" I said and heard her sigh

"please don't drop the call, I have something important to talk with you about, if that's okay with you" I said hurriedly

" okay, fine" she said

" would you mind if we meet at a bar and discuss this?" I asked her knowing I couldn't invite her to my house if not we might not even discuss anything. I know she likes me or has some sort of feelings for me, I just don't want to push her

"okay fine, there's one not so far from my place, but it'll be better if we can just talk about it at my place. I'll text you the address to my place, we'll meet by 7" she said and dropped the call. ' at least we're progressing I said to myself

I stood up immediately and removed my clothes to go take a shower. I finished bathing and a normal shirt and short. I then took my laptop and opened it so I could finish some of the works I have.


Amy's POV

After the call with Christopher I sat down on the bed and was thinking. "why did he have to ask Courtney for my number?, he could have just asked me" I said to myself. "oh right I ignored him".

" but what important thing does he have to discuss with me that made him ask for my number"

"oh well, he's coming over anyways so we'll talk about it" I said and went to make something to eat


it was almost 7, I cleaned the whole place cause it was bit dusty and I wanted to impress him a little. I went to take a shower and wore a short and a long sleeve tee shirt. I had just washed my hair so I let it down after blow drying it just cause I didn't have the strength to pack it

I was in the room doing something on my laptop when I heard the doorbell.

I took one last look at myself in the mirror before heading out. I opened the door and there he stood, looking handsome as ever. He wore a long black jacket and a black shirt and black pants. I suppressed whatever feeling I was having and let him in.

"good evening" he said to me

"evening" I replied him and showed him where to seat, I also sat beside him

He kept on looking at me as if he hadn't seen me before. our eyes met and he took his eyes off me and looked around. "you have an nice place" he said now looking back at me

"thanks, so now can we discuss the 'important thing' that brought you here" I said also looking at him

he put his hands inside his jacket and brought out his phone and pressed some things and showed me the picture that was posted on the school's platform. I was confused and I think he noticed that and spoke. " I came here because I wanted to ask if there's anyone that's holding a grudge against you in this school?"

"why?, are you worried?" I asked him

"yes I am. look, I know what happened us was something that shouldn't have happened but I wouldn't have done it if I didn't have your permission and also there's something I should let you know, it's something I've been keeping inside of me and again I need you to tell me who you think would post this picture so I can do something about it" he replied me

I looked at him for a while and responded " okay, thank you for worrying about me but I'm fine, I really don't even care about this picture at all and yeah you can say what lt is you've been keeping inside" I replied nonchalantly

"okay since you don't want to tell me, I already did my findings and I know who posted it, I just want to know the relationship you have with this person"

"and about the thing. Amy I love you and I wouldn't want to see you get hurt by anyone at all because I can't stand it, and it drives me crazy when I see you relate with other guys but me" he said

wow, so he has finally confessed. I smiled and said "I knew you'd come out of your shell at the end"...." I also have feelings for you but I'm not sure it's love yet, and even if it is I'm scared to be in a relationship because I don't want to be heartbroken and treated like trash"

"and since you know who posted the picture, care to enlighten me?" I asked teasingly

He adjusted himself and said "I found out that it's a guy named Dan the son of the founder f Go logistics, did you guys date before"

I rolled my eyes immediately I heard his name" yes, we used to date but I left him because he slut shamed me and called me all sorts of things just cause he saw me and a guy together whereas he has always cheated on me and I talked to him about it but he never stopped"

he stood up and came to hug me" I'm sorry you had to go through that". he held my face as we started into each other's eyes


Christopher's POV

immediately she opened the door, I saw the beautiful face that hadn't left my head for weeks. She looked exceptionally beautiful this evening and all I wanted to do was hold her in my hands.

Hearing what she said about her and Dan now broke my heart and I've never wanted to break someone's bone so bad before in my life. I stood up and went to hug her without even thinking whether she'd push me away or not.

I looked into her beautiful Eyes as all I wanted to do at that moment was kiss her so damn much

I leaned in and allowed my lips to touch hers ' hmm, I've missed these soft lips'. I began to suck on them softly and little by little I slid in my tongue and she also gave me way kissing me back too. The kiss became intense to an extent that we both couldn't breath and had to take a break. she smiled shyly as she removed my jacket.

I held her face and stared at her for some seconds then said " I do not want to have sex with you just cause we've both said how we feel for each other now, I'll wait till you're ready" I said and pulled away and wanted to grab my jacket when she pulled me back and started kissing me roughly. I also kissed her back like my life depended on it

I squeezed her body lightly as we both fell on the chair. she removed my shirt and I removed hers too. " I will never get tired of seeing this" I said to her and unhooked her bra. I kissed her from her lips to her neck to her nipples, I stopped and sucked on her flesh for a while before heading down and removed her short.

At this point I realized the chair would be an obstacle and asked her where the bedroom was and she showed me. I carried her in my hands still kissing her and touching every inch of her body, 'Gosh she was made perfectly'. I dropped her on the bed and removed her panties too. I kissed her and sucked on hard on her nipple till she started making sounds which sounded like music to my ears. I liked the fact that her body is reacting to me and she isn't trying to stop. I looked at her and saw the way she was, her eyes were shut tight and she was moaning so beautifully, gripping on my hair so tight.

I slowly removed her hands and moved downwards to her area. I sucked on it and that made her hatch her back and shift her hips. when I noticed she liked it I went in softly and licked, nibbled and sucked on it for a while. This was making her go crazy and she was already so wet. I went up and kissed her making her moan more.

she stood up from the bed and let me sit and removed my pants and boxers. she was surprised at the size of it but she took it anyway and started rubbing hands up and down on it. she did it in a skillful way which made me groan from time to time. she the proceeded and started to suck on me moving her tongue up and down, it was almost driving me crazy at how good she was

she finished and I dragged her up facing the wall and whispered into her ears " you seem to be so skillfull at this, you must have done so much for that guy...I'll show you how it's done and I'll make you beg and scream my name". saying things, I put my entered into her from the back and kept on going. she was moaning and I was growling at the same time. she kept on saying please and it drove me crazy each time. I moved faster and faster and she said in the most seductive voice I've ever heard "I'm almost there". That voice drove me crazy and made me move more faster than before. "ahhh " she moaned and came, I followed suit.

However I wasn't done, I pushed her on the bed and started kissing her roughly grabbing her breasts that were so soft and squeezing them. I moved downwards and put a finger into it which made her moan out loud. I pushed my finger in and out several times while sucking on her clit and devouring it like it would soon vanish. she came and I moved on top her and kissed her softly and then said "you still haven't called my name yet, you've begged twice but you haven't called my name, I would continue to fuck you till you call my name"

I rammed into her which made her moan loudly, I kept on going in and out hitting her g-spot which made her go crazy. "ahh, uhm, hmm" I heard her beautiful voice in my ears. I sucked on her tits like my life is dependent on it. I kept on moving and went deep into her when I heard "Chris" I smiled and looked at her. " that's it baby girl, keep on calling my name" I hit a couple more strokes with her calling my name repeatedly and we both came and I pulled out of her

I laid beside her and we both smiled with each other, her eyes were closing and I realized she's feeling tired so I hugged her and we both slept