
Lolz's Omniverse

This is just a place I put all my unfinished or scrapped ideas. Maybe if enough people like something enough I'll turn it into a full-blown fic.

ForThe_Lolzs · Komik
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7 Chs


What greeted Brad as he pushed open the door was a very simple interior.  White walls, a clean polished wooden floor, and grey ceiling. Besides that stood several chairs , some of which were occupied by very bored looking customers, a reception desk where a plain yet somewhat attractive mexican woman stood with an ever fake smile plastered on her face, and a white door to the second floor of the building directly behind the reception desk. 

Walking in with the utmost confidence and a friendly, if a bit intense, smile Brad approached the reciptioness. 

The mexican woman's eyes fixated themselves on him as he reached her. She took a quick glance at him, thoroughly  examining the reincarnator within a quick sweep of her eyes, that fake smile keeping still the entire time. It was clear to Brad that she was trained in such a way to either read the general aura or abilities of a person at a glance.  

To further prove this quick hypothesis of the reincarnated soul was her next action. The reciptionness did not ask for name or identification ( though he had no doubt she knew of this body's identity) before simply moving behind her and opening the door to the next floor. 

"  Dr. Nathaniel Essex will see you now."  The woman said as she pointed toward the stairs with a small bow. 

On the outside Brad steel looked to be the picture perfect form of calm as he gave a nod to the woman and  walked up the stairs with Wesly in tow. His mind however wasn't as calm.

' I didn't think I'd meet someone of his scale of power so soon.' He mused warily as he slowly walked up the steps, putting in actual effort in taking far more time to reach the end so he could gather his thoughts. 

It wasn't as if Brad did not accept the fact that this world was an amalgamation of both marvel,  Dc, and most likely other franchises. This body's memories practically forced that truth down his throat  the moment he got here.

What he didn't think of, however,  was how obvious the change would be. He didn't account for the idea that this world didn't run by the same laws as a comic book, that unlike in comics villains and heroes alike could move more freely as there wasn't a magical thing called plot anchoring them in specific places.

Or perhaps that was the case and he simply was in another continuity birthed in another dimension or fanfiction. 

' Still to think I'd meet someone like mister Sinister on my second day here. Definitely did not expect that.' He thought with some concerne showing itself as a small twitch at the corners of his mouth. 

He wasn't sure how a fight between him and the owner of this establishment would go.  Being labeled as an Alpha-class mutant ( a category that if he was being honest was somewhat vague in power scale despite being one step under omega)  Mister Sinister is considered quite capable. On multiple occasions he has fought and beaten the X-men, a force which consists of several omega level mutants. 

 Brad himself had a power that no doubt surpasses any known mutant to his knowledge, and Sinister despite his power ( one of which being celleror reconstruction) most likely couldn't counter it.  But Brad was not one to dismiss the intelligence of his possible enemy. He knew that if he tried to get close and touch the mutant the gig would be up immediately. 

If he was lucky,  this would be a nerfed or at least a clone of the real mister sinister. Though he doubted it knowing how fate played around with the destiny of people.

' How troublesome this has become.' he thought as he finally reached the door to his(Hopefully) new business partner. 

Opening the door he was greeted to the sight of a fairly organized office room. It held the same theme as the entrance to the building, with the exception of a few pictures hanging up on the walls and Metal cabinets Filled with files lining the side of the room. 

In the middle of the room sat the man he was so worried about at a desk looking through some files. The first thing he noticed upon turning his gaze to Sinister was his aura. While not as potent as someone like the joker it still radiated a innate sense of unease and evil, though unlike the former it also ozzed a decent amount of power. Enough to cower most men to submission.

The second thing noticeable was his skin color. It was white. Not caucastion white mind you , but literal chalk white. That along with his dark red eyes and diamond shaped symbol on his head, made for an eerie if not scary look.

Aura and skin color aside, Sinister is a rather handsome man. With sharp masciline traits that give a rough, almost roguish look he could have been quite popular with women if not for his less than normal traits. 

Currently he donned a simple suit. It is black and colored and lined with red.

Finally taking notice of Brad the nemesis of the X-men motioned for him to sit in the chair station in front of his desk.

"I assume you are here to acquire men for your war against the Don." Spoke Sinister, his voice baritone, cold , and powerful.


Brad was not surprised at Sinister's correct assumption. He most likely had spies, and goons to do his bidding all over the city. Brad even doubted Falcone was out of his reach. 

" You would be correct. I require twenty of the best possible henchmen you can acquire. They need to have been trained in combat, espionage,  and demolitions. " Stated the false Overhaul evenly.

Sinister raised an eyebrow at Brad's request. Understandable as Through Brad's bodies memories he knew henchmen were used for only stalling the batman or other villains. Most wanted a vast amount of cheap disposable henchmen than a few expensive, quality minions. Brad however wanted the opposite. 

Especially when you add the fact that he was going to give them a upgrade even better than Wesley's.

After scrutinizing Brad a moment more Sinister simply nodded before giving him the price of the minions. 

" THe total price of your purchase would end up just shy of seven hundred thousand dollars."  THe white faced man said.

Brad had to hold back a cringe at the price. He could afford it, most certainly. However it would make a sizable dent in his "acquired" savings. 

Even so he relented. Looking toward Wesley Brad motioned to put the required amount on the desk.