
Lollipop Boy

" Mayuri… Mayuri…

Who's calling me ?

It's me… I brought your favorite candy.

I can't see anything prince..

Stupid girl. how many times did I told you.. that I'm not a prince.

But you looks like the prince in my story book. You're my prince. And I'm your future bride.

Oi.. how old are you..? thinking marriage before everything. You're only little child.

But.. I'm going to marry you my prince..

He hee.. ok you can marry me in future. I agreed to be you're fiancée since the day you came to my house. So.. first eat this my lady..

Aaaaaaaaa... it's my favorite. You're the best prince..

Yeah.. your favorite.


Mayuri.. Will you Remember me..... griiing... griiiiiing…. Mayuri wake up from the sound of alarm.

What time is this ??? oh it's 10.00am. It's doesn't like that I have to do much work. Ah.. I had a dream.. who is the young boy in my dreams.. I can't remember his face correctly. But every dream he give me a Lollipop.. Who the hell is that lollipop boy who appear in my dreams. And it's a warm dream.

Ever since I went to the children's park this dream popup in my mind again and again. It's better don't think about it. If I stop think about it this strange feeling will also disappear one day. Arrrrh…. But I can clearly remember the flavor of the lollipop.. please lollipop boy don't appear in my dream again. If you did I had a feeling that I will fall in love with you. With my illusions.