
LOL: Einstein's Saga

In a world whereby the Cataclysmic Descent began a thousand years ago. This follows the journey of a young boy by the name Einstein. Various mysteries sermed to surround Einstein. His parents sudden dissapearance 5 years ago, or is it the mysterious trial ground left behind by them. Or the various high level artifacts inherited by him. Yet Einstein wasn't able to make use of anyone of them. Why?? Simple...simply because he's a trash. Unable to awaken his mana spark unlike other Awakeners or mana cultivators. Despite possessing immense wealth, Einstein was destined to stay at the bottom of the food chain. Yet this changed on one fateful day. The day he completed the trial left behind by his parents, everything changed. Not only did he gain the unknown potion, he also fused with the mysterious and enigmatic being of the virtual world. Upon awakening, Einstein found out that not only had he became an awakener or cultivator...but he had become a supreme cultivator. Now empowered with an unknown talent that most could only dream of having, and with the aid of the enigmatic being later reavealed to be the Bio-Nanotech system. Einstein embarks on the path to grow stronger and uncover the hidden secrets behind the sudden dissapearance of his mom and dad.

Dream_Lord14 · Seni bela diri
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52 Chs

Unearthening The Hidden Abilities Of His Physique.

Arriving at his dorm, he exhaled lightly.

"That monster wanted me to fight me, when I am not mad. Just two to three of his sparks are more than enough to put me in a desperate situation..." Einstein muttered while shaking his head.

Was he too afraid... The answer was actually No. If it actually came to battling with Zordon, he wouldn't mind. But what was the essence of fighting a war where you knew you would be out rightly defeated. To him it was just senseless.

First he had to assess Zordon's strength and maybe weakness if possible. He had to be ready for anything, anything could happen at any point in time. Who knew he might just kill Zordon's best friend and have no choice but to fight a life and death battle with him. Not that he would even do that in the first place, only a mad man would do such a thing.

But still, one should be prepared for anything...

*System.* He called out with a wide smile on his face.

'Why else did he have the awesome system.'

[Yes Host.]

*System, what's off with that earlier guy. The one that had six sparks. One mana spark and five elemental spark.*

[Oh... Host is talking about the wielder of the Sacred Five Elemental Body.]

'OH... So that's the name of Zordon's physique.'

*Yes... Yes... That one exactly.*

[And what exactly does the Host want to know about this physique.]

Einstein had a wide smile on his face as he immediately replied.


[Hmm... Anyways the Sacred Five elemental body allows its master or wielder to wield the five basic elements. Lightning , wood, air, fire and water. The wielder is also multi-personal.]

Einstein had his pupils narrowed to points.

*Multi-personal...I don't quite get that.*

[It simply means that the wielder is able to imbue the personality of each of his elements. Like should the wielder makes use of his fire element, he or she would have a fiery determined personality, water element would allow the wielder to be calm and serene, lightning element would add the element of unpredictability, ruthlessness and so on...]

Einstein had his mouth wide open after what the system had said. It literally meant Zordon was actually five person in one.

He could be calm, make rash decisions, be ruthless. Simply, Zordon could be anything that the martial path needed him to be...

"What an overpowered physique." Einstein muttered in shock.

[It would do well for the system to correct the host. Although it's quite powerful, it isn't overpowered. It's just a versatile physique and slightly powerful one should one really say.]

*Hmm... A physique that allows him to possess six sparks, meaning he has about at least four times more energy compared to others of the same cultivation stage, he can imbue their personality, attuning to any personality that the situation requires of him and who knows if they are even other abilities accompanied with the physique. *

[Well the physique is surely powerful, but they are countless more overpowered physique that can singlehandedly dismantle a wielder of a sacred five elemental body. As for the abilities that also accompany the physique. That would be the wielder ability to take on the form of his or her element. Though this will require a precise concentration and attunement with said element.]

Einstein was awed when he heard the system say there were countless overpowered physique that could singlehandedly dismantle such an already overpowered physique. Then how overpowered must these physiques be. Since as much as he could see and tell, his physique certainly wasn't one of them...

*So you mean he can take on the elemental form provided there's the aid of an external stimuli. Like a painful stimuli might allow him to temporary take on the fire elemental form.* Einstein analyzed with a raised brow.

As the system's voice suddenly resounded within his head.

[Yes Host. Also the system will correct the host one more time. The Sacred Five Elemental Body is in no way a match nor can it compare with the Host's physique. The only reason this isn't obvious is due to the fact that host rarely makes use of or rely on his physique.]

*OH... Interesting. So you mean the Humanoid - Bio Nanotech physique is far stronger than I could have imagined. Seems that I really have to try and find out.* Einstein muttered with a slight smile.

After all, if what the system said was true, then that meant he had a valuable asset, one which he hadn't been making use of and had quite abandoned...

And he had just the right room for that...

Glancing at the AI Combat room. He slowly made his way inside...

°Human Detected... Cultivation grade has been assessed to be at the Middle stage of Mana Spark Awakening Stage.

Opponent shall now be materialized... °

The artificial intelligence of the Combat room boomed out.

As Einstein slowly prepared himself. This time around, he wasn't going to make use of his other abilities. He would unearthen all the hidden abilities possessed by his physique...

A wild grin spread across his face, as a robot suddenly flared to life.

Its' aura violently pressuring upon Einstein, as a slight smile spread across Einstein's face.

'Same cultivation stage.'

He raised a brow, 'it could only mean that the AI wasn't able to detect his chaos element.'

The robot suddenly moved, its' leg smashing against the crystalline floor.


It pierced through the air at a rapid speed, appearing before Einstein.

*Activate Physique. Activate Nanite Body. Activate Nanite-Body Integration. *

And immediately after he activated all three... Einstein felt an otherworldly strength coursing through his veins, his whole body brimmed continously with apocalyptic power...

He felt as though his entire arm was filled with countless nuclear bombs that could explode at any point in time.

He felt faster, stronger... He felt SUPREME!!!

The robot already appeared before his eyes, as it immediately threw out a blinding fast punch.

Yet to Einstein, the punch was as slow as it could get.

His hand immediately tore through the air, grabbing a hold of the robot's arm.


He immediately broke it into two, before delivering a fast and rapid, ruthless kick to the robot's stomach...


A devastating collision occurred, as the entire body of the robot immediately exploded into countless metallic shards that dispersed into the surroundings.




The metallic shards collided with the crystalline wall and even against Einstein continously. But to his shock, Einstein found out that no bruise or cut was sustained by him.

"Interesting." He muttered.

°Next Stage shall now begin. °

The AI's voice suddenly rang out. As before Einstein's eyes. Three robots all radiating the aura of a middle stage mana spark stage practitioner all appeared in sight.

Einstein immediately moved, appearing right before the three robots. He smashed down with every ounce of strength contained within his body.


His pure physical strength alone, easily sent one of the robot smashing against the crystalline ground, as it dug countless feets into the ground before coming to a stop.

Two terrifying fast kick suddenly approached Einstein from both sides. He immediately raised his hands into the air.



A defeaning collision occurred, as a light smile spread across his face.

Apart from the wide tremors and vibrations that crept along his arm, he felt nothing else.

He had a wide grin on his face, as he grabbed onto the leg of the two robots. Before yelling with all his strength, as he smashed them against each other with intense force.


A defeating collision occurred, as the two robots immediately exploded. Various and countless shards flying straight against Einstein's body.

He had a light smile on his face.




Various metallic shards collided against his body, yet no scratch surfaced upon his skin.

The last robot finally stood up from amidst the rubble as it immediately moved to attack Einstein only to see Einstein appear right before it.

And to Einstein's shock... He tried to punch just a few seconds before his punch should have landed against the face of the robot, when to his shocked gaze...

His arm suddenly elongated forward, almost as though it was nothing more than a plastic rubble but the same couldn't be said after the punch zoomed right into the face of the robot.


The robot was sent flying into the air, smashing right against the crystalline roof, before landing onto the ground with a loud


As it also just like its' fellow comrades exploded... But this time around, with no remains whatsoever...

Einstein glanced at his arm, as a shocked look slowly surfaced upon his face.

*System, what exactly was that, just now..