
Loki's Redemption

Loki's in for it now. Odin has had enough and has banished him to Earth to relearn some lessons. Too bad he hadn't paid attention to where Loki ended up. Now Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived, has to deal with memories that aren't his own while he gets his revenge on those who sought to use him as a weapon. Can Harry regain what he lost, or will his past self take control first? This is not mine i found it onlineand like the scrolling function on webnovel so posting it

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Chapter 5

Heimdall approached Odin with concern and confusion. He alone was aware that Loki had been sent to the past as punishment for a crime that had yet to happen. However Loki was having more enjoyment than a punishment rightly warranted, especially for the crime he had committed.

Which was why he had been conflicted on whether or not he should speak up to his King.

"Come Heimdall. What troubles you?" asked Odin.

"My King, I have noticed for years now that Loki had been sent to Midgard as punishment for a crime he has committed in the near future. However from my observation Loki's punishment does not appear to be...well, a punishment at all."

"What crime did he commit?" asked Odin.

"He lead the Chitauri in battle against the humans and Thor, and lost. He also promised the Tesseract in exchange for revenge against Asgard."

"What was his punishment?" asked Odin. It was well known Heimdall saw both present and future.

"Banishment from Asgard and all worlds known until his majority or repentance. However that time has long past and Loki has not returned."

"What is the problem?" asked Odin. He failed to see why Heimdall looked, well, confused.

"Because my lord, Loki is still tormenting the humans...and they're paying him to do it!"


Harry walked into the courtroom. For some reason he noted two additions that hadn't been there yesterday that set him on edge.

One was a giant of a man with dark skin and piercing gaze, the other was tall, but had an old and tired feel. He had an eye-patch over one eye and seemed to be observing the situation.

These two put him on edge more than Dumbledore ever had, even when he was attempting Legilmency. For some reason he had an unusually strong natural resistance to the art, and not even Snape could explain why.

There was also, according to the potion's master, some sort of memory block on him. One he could not break no matter what they tried.

Harry went up to his chair and waited for Judge Henrickson to arrive.

"All rise," intoned the bailiff.

Today he would be calling on Dumbledore.

"Be seated," said Henrickson. He waved at Harry, who stood.

"I would like to call Albus Dumbledore to the stand," said Harry bluntly.

Dumbledore went up to the stand bemusedly, as if this was just a big misunderstanding that would work itself out and they could all go home later.

He had no idea how vicious Harry could be when he was on a roll.

"Albus Dumbledore, according to these reports you are the headmaster of this supposed magic school, correct?" said Harry calmly.

"That is correct."

"You were also the 'Supreme Mugwump' of the magical courts, and a member of the ICW, which is supposedly like the united nations until recently."

"Correct," he said.

"Tell me, Mr. Dumbledore, are you aware of the unemployment rate in Britain?" he asked as smooth as silk.

"I'm not sure how relevant that is," replied Dumbledore.

Harry brought up something on his magical-laptop. It showed unemployment rates for the British Empire going back all the way to the start of the 'Blood Wars' as he had taken to calling Voldemort's temper tantrums.

"Take a good long look at this Dumbledore. Here is the base unemployment rate for Britain since 1960. And here is the graph for the number of first generation 'magicals' in the same amount of time. Now watch what happens when I compare the number of children taken from their homes to be taught your precious gift and sent back because they weren't pure enough to suit your so called Ministry of Magic," said Harry.

The results were staggering.

After Voldemort's attacks stopped, the unemployment rate skyrocketed up by two percent for each year. The number of children removed from normal homes and sent to Hogwarts went up as well.

"As you can see here, shortly after the terrorist attacks of the seventies abruptly ended, unemployment rose by two percent at least each year. The number of children taken by your so called school also rose. It seems to me, Mr. Dumbledore, that your communities are more interested in remaining in the dark rather than trying to keep your numbers up," said Harry bluntly.

Dumbledore looked at the graphs with open shock. Harry wasn't finished with tearing him a new one.

"Now these are only a rough estimate of the people who were taken by your school and spit out back into the cruel world we live in. However they are by no means exaggerated in the least. I have seen at least five different homeless encampments full of what you people would call muggleborns, or first generation magicals, who went to your precious school and were rejected by your society who had no interest in letting them stay in your community because their blood wasn't pure enough for your taste. And the average amount of people in these groups were fifty to seventy-five."

Harry then addressed the people.

"These groups have since been relocated to a more humane environment and the people living in it are being given a basic education so that they might rejoin the workforce properly for free. Just because these...magicals...refuse to allow new blood into your community, doesn't mean that Her Majesty's government is going to let these people suffer."

Harry had arranged for the people living in these communities to live in a declassified base where they could be brought back up to standards education wise in exchange for helping the scientists learn more about magic. They were given basic wage and health coverage. But most of all it was a partnership. Harry would never let his own people be experimented on.

And much like Harry, they found it a delicious twist of irony that the same gold which had been used to keep them out was now being used to give them a better chance at living normally.

It wouldn't surprise Harry in the least that, when told of which god Harry worshiped, most of the people he had saved had been converted to the Olde Ways...specifically that of Loki.

Loki was becoming more and more popular the more he tore down the Magical Communities precious traditions and forced them to wake up and smell the modern day age.

Later, when he regained his memories, the true Loki would find this fact even more amusing than getting his revenge against Dumbledore and the pure bloods through the muggle legal system and having them declared insane.

Harry tore Dumbledore to shreds, showing the country exactly what his 'greater good' had done to the children they had taken from their homes and 'trained'.

When Harry was done with Dumbledore, he looked the tired old man in the eye and said "Your 'Greater Good' needs to meet some common sense."

Harry cricked his neck. It had been a week, and more muggleborns had come out of the woodwork eager to speak out against the people who had taken them in and cast them out for no reason other than their blood wasn't pure enough. Finding out that Harry Potter, the wizard's savior, had decided to turn against the people who had tried to use him as a weapon had been the thing they needed to believe that maybe they could get on with their lives.

Harry wasn't getting any more gold by having the pure bloods declared insane, but he was giving them a reality check.

He was about to go get pizza when he was hit by something from behind...and his head about split in pain.

He knew what this was...whatever memory block was in place had been removed and replaced with something else. Whoever had done this had known exactly how to cast that spell, and knew that it had to be applied fast before he went after them.

He was breathing heavily as he sat on the floor trying to remember his own name.

When he was finally able to sit up, he felt different. Something about himself had changed and he had no idea what.

Heading to the bathroom, he looked in the mirror.

There wasn't any noticeable difference...but looking at himself he knew there was a change. It took a moment for him to realize his hair, which had always been untamed by brush (he wore it long and in a ponytail to keep it out of the way) seemed...flatter than he remembered. His eyes had also changed shape, but that was only because he was looking for something.

Where his eyes had shown a calm, if confident power, there was now a touch of anger and betrayal. Like he had been lied to one too many times and had been punished for something he didn't remember. It was on the edge of his mind, like a snake that stalked an unsuspecting mouse.

Giving up on pizza for the night, Harry ordered in. He had a bezoar in his mouth as a precaution and cast a spell to detect poisons just in case.

As he ate his steak, he noticed something strange about the knife. It took him a moment to realize that in his anger over what just happened, he had somehow bent the metal. Looking at the knife in shock he decided to try an experiment.

He bent the steel with ease. He snapped his fingers and repaired it.

He didn't know what was happening to his body, but he had the feeling this was how it was supposed to be. Like he had been restricted by something, and now his real ability was coming back to him.

Any other man might have used this knowledge to try and subjugate everyone else. They might have used their wandless magic to really make the magical communities fear them.

But not Harry. He didn't know why this was happening now of all times, but he knew one thing.

He had several choices. He could go back to being Harry Potter, the champion lawyer of the more-than-human groups. He could return to being an ordinary magical who was known for being the savior. Or he could try to rule them.

But that wasn't his way. Harry knew what it was like to be an outcast in a society that was supposed to welcome you with open arms. This world didn't need a king...it needed champions. People like him who took adversity and the powers given to them and chose to do good with it.

But first...he needed to finish his case.

Over the course of the case against the magical communities, several had come forward...some had been arrested.

Some, like Minister Fudge and Undersecretary Umbridge, were thrown into special jails made just for them. Others, like Madam Bones, had shown up and were released back into the general public.

What had started as declaring a vendetta against those who had tried to turn him into a weapon had quickly spiraled into a mass undertaking when people began to realize just how deep it actually went.

The Ministry of Magic had been shut down, rather violently at that, by the Prime Minister. Pure bloods had been startled to realize that the 'muggles' had learned of their existence and were dragging them kicking and screaming into the modern age.

Aurors, people who had spent years hunting down those who broke the statute of secrecy, found themselves being reeducated and put back to work with new purpose. Healers, those who acted as doctors, found that their previous education wasn't enough and were made to go through normal medical school in order to learn new tricks.

But the worst hit was Hogwarts.

The school, which had survived thousands of years as the best for magical education in Europe, was now considered so out of date that it wasn't even amusing. The teachers were allowed to stay, but only if they were willing to at least update their curriculum.

Filch, the cantankerous caretaker, was allowed to retire and given a house to live with his familiar Mrs. Norris. Hagrid was allowed to stay and was even given a new wand so he could finish his education.

And as for Voldemort and his terror troops?

Well, there was a reason why you don't mess with the military. Snape gave them all the locations of his bases in exchange for a plea deal and the Dark Mark removed. He returned to his home in Spinner's End and never had to teach again.

Voldemort and his men were no match for battle-hardened and well trained snipers and enough explosives to blow up a city block.

Finally, the 'case' ended and Harry was able to leave Britain in the hands of Mrs. Tonks.

"Hey short stuff. Heard you made big waves in England," said Darcy.

Harry's first thought was to return back to New Mexico and help Jane out. He might be considered a big time lawyer, but he didn't want to waste his all his time in the courts.

He left his number online for people to find and a newly created website. If an outcast needed him, he was just a call away.

Harry smirked.

"I got my revenge and best of all I was paid for it. Payback is a bitch," said Harry.

"Hey Harry," said Jane, glaring.


"She found most of your traps while you were gone," said Darcy smugly.

"Long time no see," said Selvig.

"You had no idea how happy I am to be out of England. I would honestly rather deal with Jane's revenge than be there another day," snorted Harry.

"How come? You're a big-shot lawyer now," said Darcy.

"Yeah, but do you have any idea how pissed the magicals are now that they've been dragged out into the twentieth century? If I stayed any longer I would be dealing with assassination threats by now. Andromeda is a known pure blood and a good lawyer. She doesn't need to hide. I had to get out before they found out that I used to attend that backwards school and my reputation was shot to hell," said Harry in a bit of a whine.

"Wait, you're a wizard too?" said Darcy.

"Used to be. I left before I completed the 'education' they claimed to give and got a real one here. Best money I spent, getting out of Europe."

"So why did you come back here?" asked Darcy, "Shouldn't you be, I don't know, touring the world or something?"

"Nah. I would rather come back to base, in a manner of speaking, and figure out what to do next."