
Login in Ben 10 (adaptation, not original)

(english is not my first language) Bryce was reincarnated into the Ben 10 universe and now begins his journey with a login system alongside max, ben and gwen. It is not my original novel, I just use a translator and then try to adapt it to make it more enjoyable for others this is the original link http://ffxs8.com/trxs/16908/1.html

Dagon_vcg · Televisi
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75 Chs

Capitulo 1

Chapter 1 Get omnitrix!

It was night

An old trailer home was trudging through the woods

Inside the mobile home was driving a stocky old man who was wearing a flowered shirt and had white hair, but he still looked youthful.

A little boy with brown hair and another girl seemed to be arguing with each other.

Sitting in front of them was a dark-haired boy out of place, he had a much more mature temperament, he rested his chin on his hand and looked at the forest outside the window, his thoughts flew away

I am a reincarnation

I came into this world by chance, grew up without a father or mother, and was able to grow up without problems with the help of relief funds and occasional financial assistance from a relative.

the family member who helped him was Max Tennyson!

As I have seen "ben10" in my previous life

Bryce was very impressed with the name Max Tennyson

At first, Bryce didn't think he was in the world of "ben10", it wasn't until this summer when Grandpa Max invited him to travel with him, and when I met Ben and Gwen that he was convinced.

This is the world of "ben10"!

This world full of aliens, various modified creatures, it's a dangerous world full of crazy people!

Don't look at the original Ben with all kinds of feats, that's animation!

This is reality, who knows if something unexpected will happen? Unexpected things can happen.

People will die!

What's more, he's still a ten year old, and the only way out is to get the omnitrix, biological modification, mechanical modification are unrealistic


Just as Bryce was thinking about it, a clear message rang in his ear.

"Login to the system to select a host... Confirm selection, start uploading..."

"Load successful!!"

"Congratulations to the host for getting the login system!"

A series of mechanically synthesized sounds stunned Bryce for a moment, and in the next second, his heart swelled with emotion.

Is this the legendary system, has his cheat finally awakened?

"System, what functions do you have? Can you log in every day? Or do you have any missions!" Bryce asked in his mind with excitement.

The sound of the system came to his mind immediately.


"Host, this system can automatically search nearby objects that can be registered! While searching, it will prompt the host to complete the registration and receive a registration reward!"

The quality of the reward is divided into: gold, purple, blue, green, white, from the highest quality to the lowest quality!"

It seems that to confirm the function of him, when bryce looked at Ben


"Login Object Detected: Ben tennyson!"

"Walk towards him!"

in Ben's head, particles of golden light suddenly appeared!

Gold quality?

Bryce immediately walked to Ben's side, raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder.

"Bryce, what's up?"

"Okay, Ben, just now there was a fly on your shoulder. I just brushed it off," Bryce explained with a friendly smile on his face.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully logging in!"

"Get the gold rank reward: the specific coordinates of the Omnitrix and 100% system linked to the receiver!"

"The omnitrix specific coordinates. 100% bonding?"

Bryce was overjoyed as if he had won a billion dollars!

This golden reward is just great!

The most powerful object in the universe, the Omnitrix!

"Open coordinates!"

he couldn't wait to find out the location.

In front of his eyes, there was actually an image from the perspective of the universe. A fireball like a small meteor was about to hit the surface of the earth.

Just like in the original play, he flew into the forest near the camp!

Ben and Gwen naturally couldn't see this picture, only Bryce could see it.

"Then I'll wait, until I get to camp."

Bryce, who was in a good mood, also started chatting with gwen and ben, it was easy to chat with them on the way.

The sky gradually darkened.

The old mobile home also arrived at the camp.

When he stopped, Bryce immediately got up from his seat, trotted to the front, opened the RV door with one hand, and said, "Grandpa, I'm going to explore the woods first, I'll be back soon!"


Max put down the wheel, looked at Bryce, who ran away, and said loudly, "Don't run too far bryce, and don't run too fast, you might fall off."

It is understood! Grandfather!"

Bryce's scream came from a distance, and he had already run far away.

In the forest, with the help of system positioning, bryce nimbly moved through the forest, constantly stepping on branches on the ground.

A trail of light suddenly illuminated the dark forest ahead!

Bryce raised his head and looked straight ahead.

A red fireball like a meteor was falling at high speed towards a place more than 100 meters in front of him!

l at a speed visible to the naked eye!

That's the omnitrix!


Almost the next second after seeing the meteorite, it fell into empty space in the distance. Suddenly, the fire shot up into the sky, lighting up the entire forest!

Bryce raised his hand to cover his face, and as the firelight gradually faded, he hurried quickly to the location of the large crater.

When he approached the great crater

He saw inside the crater something like a meteorite, there was a circular orb!

The omnitrix.

I just want to adapt it for fun, here is the link to the original novel>http://ffxs8.com/trxs/16908/1.html

Dagon_vcgcreators' thoughts