

At the dawn of a revolution in the era of martial arts, hordes of terrifying monsters start invading the world, defeating humanity’s warriors one after another. One day, Lu Sheng finds himself dreaming about the world ten thousand years into the future, where even basic physical training techniques have been modified and become several thousand times more effective! Breathing techniques, body strengthening remedies, martial arts scriptures, and so on… But with humanity being extinct in the future world, these once great martial arts have no one left to carry on their legacy. No one, except for Lu Sheng

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Logging 10,000 Years into the Future Novel




541. The Third Option: It's Very Simple, Just Kill Everyone.

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"Master Haijidao at level 13 can't come, how can we fight against them?"

Saya looked around, and all he could see were the hideous and terrifying silhouettes of alien beasts and the black smoke that sprayed from their mouths and noses and their bodies, like night haze.

Saya couldn't help trembling slightly.

"He said that if the Haiji knife can't come, it really can't come?"

Lu Sheng spoke suddenly.

Saya was taken aback, and Downton, who was lowering his head beside him, also raised his head.

"How to say?"

Downton uttered angrily.

"According to Sara, the Haiji Knife has been erased from the memories related to the rescue mission.

To be able to erase the memory of a thirteenth-level powerhouse, in any case, it must be possible for a fourteenth-level powerhouse to take action

You feel..."

Lu Sheng looked at the two of them expressionlessly, and said lightly, "Are we a group of people worthy of being attacked by a powerhouse at level fourteen?"

Saya and Downton's eyes lit up, and they suddenly came to their senses.


For a group of stinky fish and rotten shrimp whose highest strength is only at level 12, is it worth a shot by a strong player at level 14?

"Damn, this guy Sarah coaxed us!"

Saya came back to life in an instant, and said excitedly: "It seems that the Baiji knife will still come."


Lu Sheng nodded, and said naturally: "But judging from the current situation.

It's impossible to point at him to save the field, otherwise Sarah wouldn't have the time to play a soliciting game with you..."

02 "Huh?"

When Saya heard this, her face sank again.

"Then what should we do? There's no difference between arriving late and not arriving, and it's not about asking him to collect the corpse for us.

Zaya is forcing us to make a decision immediately..."

"Either join them as a rape, or die, there is no third choice..."

Saya's eyes flickered, his expression struggled, he hesitated and said: "You say, let's pretend to surrender first, and then turn back immediately after the arrival of Mr. Baijidao?"

Just when Saya was struggling, Sarah's voice came down from the sky.

"Well, the opportunity has been given to you."

At this time, almost a small half of all warriors have actively chosen to join Sarah's camp, willing to be traitors.


The rest of the people are still hesitating, or they are swearing to die.

Sara looked down at the remaining people in the field, and said calmly, "Since you want to die, I won't stop you..."


Sarah snapped her fingers crisply.

Immediately afterwards, the countless strange beasts surrounding everyone immediately became agitated.

The encirclement began to shrink rapidly, and the dark and cold aura swept in like a tide.

"let's go!"

Sarah looked at the defecting guys around her, and said, "Joining is not just a matter of lip service.

Kill them, everyone must have at least one person's blood on their hands, and your surrender will be considered valid.

If not..."

A cruel smile appeared on Sarah's face, and she licked her lips lightly with her tongue.

"Then you will end up like them."

When Sara said these words, everyone's expressions changed slightly, and the expressions of a small number of defectors immediately became ugly. The eyes flicker quickly.

Obviously, Saya was not the only one who had the idea of ​​surrendering temporarily and turning back later.


When the first beast pounced on the remaining warriors in the arena, it roared like a horn, completely igniting the madness in the hearts of the defectors.


The eleventh-level warrior who was the first to surrender had red eyes and swooped down with a distorted face.

Then the second, the third...

One by one scrambling, lest they be one step slower.

The speed was even three points faster than when they were scrambling for alien beasts for crystal nuclei.

People are like this, once a certain bottom line in the heart is broken.

Feelings of guilt, feelings of guilt... will turn everything into fuel for creating crimes, even if they can do things ten times more crazy than waving butcher knives at their former compatriots.

Many figures mixed into the group of alien beasts, and killed the crowd headed by the two guides below.

Almost in an instant, these people were overwhelmed by countless figures and beasts.

Everyone is in a bitter battle.

Sara and the others folded their arms around their chests, with smiles on their faces, as if they were watching a long-awaited show.

Sarah's order to the defectors is that they must be stained with the blood of at least one compatriot.

It only needs to be the blood of the remaining people in the field, and there is no requirement for strength.

This leads to.

In the eyes of those defectors, the few eleventh levels remaining on the field immediately became hot "sweet pastries"


It is much easier to kill an eleventh level than to kill a twelveth level.


It was just a face-to-face meeting, and there were several shrill screams one after another on the field.

The few eleventh-level fighters who did not choose to betray were all torn apart by several twelve-level Qi Qi. Just as the martial arts spirit emerged from their bodies, they were beaten and wiped out by the second wave of people who rushed over.

Don't die too badly.


Seeing this scene, Saya's face changed wildly, and his mouth was almost out of order.

Their small group stood relatively far away, and they were not besieged immediately.

But it's only a blink of an eye or two before and after.

Then the murderer arrived.

"This is mine!"

A twelfth-level strong man with a height of nearly four meters and a majestic body like granite stared at Saya with eyes like knives, and he just punched him when he came up.

The energy contained in the fist almost made Zaya suffocate.

The gap between the eleventh level and the twelfth level is really too big.

If this punch comes down, he will die!

There is no second possibility.

At this moment, a burly body quietly blocked in front of him, stretched out his arms, and blocked his fists.


Saya was almost unmoved and cried.


It's a pity that before Saya was happy for a few seconds, his body immediately tensed up.

Two more murderous eyes locked on him.

All grade 12!


Saya stepped back in a hurry, and within a few steps, he felt a hand gently pressing against his back.

Turning his head to look, he was facing Lu Sheng's lake-like eyes.

"Lu Sheng!"

Saya's eyes lit up, and she was about to ask Lu Sheng for help, but immediately thought sadly.

Lu Sheng is only a mere eleventh level.

Even if they are stronger than him, there should be a limited number of strong ones, can they still stop the twelfth-level strong?

Even if Lu Sheng is a genius, the 11th level can block the 12th level, but he can't stop a group of 12th level!


Right now, there are twelve levels everywhere around the two of them.

After a hasty scan, there are no less than five or six.

Five or six twelfth grade...

They are both eleventh grade....

Saya 883 felt a sense of powerlessness and despair in his heart.

"It's over."

Saya felt the pair of scarlet eyes around him like a hungry tiger seeing a sheep, and smiled wryly.

"I shouldn't have listened to that old swindler, and come to the different space battlefield.

What is the biggest turning point in my life, this Nima has directly turned me to a dead end.

Although I was bullied and humiliated outside, at least they didn't dare to drive me to death...

Compared with being alive, dignity is nothing! Hey..."

Only when we are close to death can we truly understand the value of life.

That's what Saya is at this moment.

He even felt a little regretful, why didn't he just gritted his teeth and went to Sara's side to be a raper? It's better to be a dog than to die.

In a thousandth of a second, countless messy thoughts flashed through Saya's mind.

Then he slowly closed his eyes, ready to meet his next fate.

It shouldn't be very painful to be killed in an instant..

Saya thought silently.

At this moment, a calm voice sounded in his ear.



Saya opened her eyes abruptly.

He saw Lu Sheng looking at him and spoke slowly.

...Besides rape and death, there is still a third option.

"What choice?"

Saya was taken aback.

"It's very simple."

Lu Sheng's eyes flicked over Saya, and moved to the direction behind him.

"Get rid of Sarah, and all the strange beasts.

In this way, there is no need to be raped or die. "



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