
Logan Queen: DC/CW/AU

Logan morris was on his way home when he dies and reborn into the dc arrowverse world with 3 wishes do you think he can make it (Apart of the Arrowverse CW/DC but I will be making a lot of changes)

FabianMorris · Komik
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3 Chs

Chapter 2. The Yacht

(Author notes: After debating with the viewers I have decided to change "Logan's" 3rd wish I have also made changes to chapter 1 Logan will have a wolverine and Batman template still has to unlock abilities over time. Ps sorry for the inconvenience)

When I awoke I was in a large cabin of a yacht and for a moment I regretted my wish but that soon passed once I calmed down. I stood up from my lavish bed and took a couple steps forward to look at myself in the mirror. I was tall maybe 6ft2inch with long black hair to my shoulders.My body was lean and athletic.It wasn't just my six pack it was my chest, back, shoulders, calf's everything I'd never seen such a perfect body.

But as I was excitedly looking and my new body an extraordinarily painful headache came across me. So painful I thought I was dying again but instead of death I saw life. The life of Logan Queen the body I had taken over. And now it seemed all his memories are now mine from the time he took his first step until he graduated high school.

Logan unlike Oliver was well behaved made excellent grades and very athletic. He even went as far as to graduate top of his class at Hudson University for applied science. He wasn't just smart and athletic he was very sociable and made a lot of connections with the elites in society as one of the heirs to Queen consolidated.

Though it seems I didn't just inherit his memory's but everything about him in truth I have become Logan Queen. The biggest factor leaving me to come to this conclusion is when I think of my new parents Robert and Moria Queen I feel a great love for them.

Right then I remembered that Malcolm Merlyn with the help of my own mother Moria would soon ship wreck us. With that a boiling rage came across me a just then six twelve inch bones started to protruded out of my two hand. This time the pain was so bad I screamed out and just then my father Robert knocked on my door and asked if I was ok. The bone claws immediately retracted leaving blood marks but for a second and healed as if it was never there.

Dad what is it " I just wanted to check and see if your ok there's a category 2 storm going on out side and I heard you scream". I'm all good dad sorry for bothering you go check up on Ollie. "Ok but let me know if anything happens" I will dad don't worry. As I heard his footsteps leave I turned from the the door witch I was now standing in front of and went back to lay down on the bed. I needed to calm down and sort everything out a lot had happened in a short span of time.

First off I died met God and got reborn in one of my favorite universes as the twin brother of one of my favorite characters green arrow. But not powerless for god also gave me a Batman/Wolverine Template. As I thought of that I remembered God said there would be a mental template. Almost as to check I closed my eyes and when I did I could see what looked like a holographic panel.

[ Logan Queen Template]

[Batman- 15 %]

[Wolverine- 10 %]

As I opened my eyes the panel disappeared and I could now finally calm down to a certain extent now that I have at least some ability to protect my self. Just as I was finally able to calm myself down I could feel the weight leave from under me. "boom" "crash" the yacht started to flip then I felt a current against my whole body pulling me out the yacht. "Whoosh"

(Author notes: sorry for not uploading any chapters for a long time I've been busy with work and things have just now settled back down I plan to post a new chapter at least once a week so stay updated) Shout out to Adrian